I walked out of the house and put my sunglasses on and put the rest in the car. We all got in the car and headed to the new place…
Ben was up front with me changing the radio stations, never landing on a song.
“BEN! Please just pick a station! Oooh go back!”
“No, I want a good song.”
“But you wont find one if you keep looking and never stop!”
“Shut up, you make me feel like Im fighting with a sibling.”
“No, I will not shut up.”
I cut Ben off, “You both shut up! Stop switching, you both are making feel like your mother. Don’t make me ground you both.” I pressed a button landing on a random station they both groaned, “See what happens when you fight, I win.”
I looked in my review mirror to see Emma crossing her arms and sticking out her tongue. Of course Ben flips down his mirror and sees this and immediately turns around and swats are her, “Stop! Its already you’re fault that I cant listen to a station I want.”
“NO ITS NOT! You want it all to be your way never mine!”
They started pinching each other and I pulled to the side of the road. I sighed and went and opened their doors. They abruptly stopped, “Switch, now. If I pull over one more time you are walking.”
They silently switched and I felt horrible, like a mom punishing her little kids. I got back in and drove on. They mumble things and after a mile or so we reached the complex, “Whoa.” They both whispered. I laughed, “Come on lets get to the building.”
I hoped out and grabbed suitcases and Ben and Emma followed. They looked around as they followed. I found Carter in front of the stairs. He leaned against it and I icily spoke, “Carter. Emma. Emma. Carter. Carter. Ben. Ben. Carter.”
Carter smiled, “Hi. Follow me.”
As he commanded we all followed, Ben wanted to lead so Emma trial after and I after Emma. Carter walked until he reached a door that read PH-1.
“Why don’t we get a regular number?” Emma wondered aloud.
“Oh, you get the Pent House one.” Emma placed her key excited in the door. She walked in and dropped the things she was carrying and ran around the pent house. Ben followed after her. I went to walk in when Carter reached out, “Jayne, is something wrong?”
“No, everything is peachy.” To be honest everything wasn’t, I thought moving would be the thing to get me to be a little happier. But it only helped for a moment. I removed my hand when he spoke, “Well, if you want to talk…im here.”
I nodded and walked inside he stood there and smiled, “Oh…erm can you come in without me giving permission?”
He laughed, “Im crossbread so all of the rules apply. I can walk in the main rooms but not the person’s bedroom.” I laughed and walked down the hall to see Emma and Ben looking at the two rooms. I saw one was slightly bigger, “I call this one!” I laughed and ran into it. I looked at the closet, it was almost a walk in but not really. There was a bathroom. I scored, “Haha, my bedroom has a bathroom!” Emma barged in, “What?! But…I have to walk across to get to mine.” I busted up and Emma looked at my room, “Whatever.” She walked out but she didn’t seemed that phased. I looked at around to see white walls and white carpet. This was just waiting for a make over. I walked out, “Im going furniture shopping. Anyone coming?” Everyone was at the door and Carter offered to drive but Emma said no she knew were a fantastic furniture store was. So Ben climbed up front and Carter and I in the back. I stared out the window for the longest time until I felt eyes have been on me. I quickly turned my head to see Carter staring, “What?”
“Huh? Oh I kind of dazed off.”
“Erm, okay.” The car’s engine cut and Emma hopped out. I followed her into this store that had actually cool stuff. When we walked out we ended up spending a lot, but we had gotten furniture for every room. We had them delivered that day and even did some grocery shopping. We got home and Carter for some reason followed us. When Emma and Ben walked inside I stopped Carter, “Alright, whats going on?”
“What do you mean?”
I raised an eyebrow, “Whatever.” He looked sort of sad but I didn’t press it. I walked inside and helped Emma and Ben unpack the groceries, Carter was helping out very little when the door rang, he walked over and answered, “Jayne, the furniture people are here.”
“Uh, alright let them in.” About ten men came in with different pieces. Carter directed them were almost everything went. Emma took over while we all sat down. I walked over to a bag were my blanket was. I wrapped myself up and sat down next to Ben. I was so unbelievably tired I leaned against him and watched as the movers brought in piece after piece. I looked at Carter and smiled and fell asleep. In my dream I saw Damon. He just stared at me when it went from his face I could see myself laying on the floor crying. Violent sobs from my chest. When I stood up I walked to Damon and I woke up. I was on the floor being picked up, by nonetheless then Ben. I hit him, “Im up dork.” He laughed and helped me up. I dozily walked into my room and found my bed to be set up and same with my dresser and desk I laid down on my bed. I wondered about the dream. What I would of done. I found myself wanting to know why I was thinking about him. I thought of him for about ten minutes and I fell asleep. I had the same dream but I slapped Damon and said I don’t need to have him in my life and I was moving on. I woke up after watching him walk away. I woke up with a sense of freedom, I guess I never really let him go but now I knew I could be free. I got up and unpacked my clothes and pillows and blankets. I hung my towels up and my toiletries were put in the bathroom. I got changed into sweatpants and a tank. I heard a knock and I went to open the door. I found Carter at the door, “Uh…um, what can I do for you?”
He handed me a key, “Sorry I forgot to give this to you.” I smiled and grabbed it and waved and shut the door. He seriously wasn’t going to leave us alone. I put the key down and started to think of Carter. He has been alive for so long and he has probably withdrawn himself from talking to humans unless necessary. I feel like such a jerk, I never should of acted rudely towards him. I sat down at the table and after a minute of feeling like a complete jerk I finally got up and walked to the main office. A lady named Linda greeted me, “Hello how may I help you?”
“Um hi, I need Mr. Carter’s room number.”
“Oh yes, yes please hold.” She shuffled through papers and cheerfully spoke, “You know, Mr.Carter never has visitors. This will be a delightful surprise!” She laughed and continued to shuffle until she found a little map print out she took a highlighter and lighted the directions and handed me the paper, “There you go. Have a good day.” She smiled brightly and I just waved and mumbled, “Thanks.” I walked out and headed the way the directions were. His room was far. When I was outside his room I felt my adrenile burn off. I suddenly was washed over with nervousness. I didn’t know why I was here, well I knew but it was a stupid reason. I started pacing and kept glancing at the door.
Carter’s Pov.
I had closed myself off from people for a long time, and when I met Jayne and her friends I became addicted. I had closed myself off for so long that just a twinge of some sort of happiness I opened up. When I dropped off the key as an excuse I saw in her eyes she didn’t want me there. That she hadn’t understood why I came to her apartment just to see her and her friends. I heard pacing, I heard someone step close to the door and then back away. The person kept doing this until they let out an exasperated sigh. I could smell it was Jayne. I smiled to myself knowing she was probably trying to deiced to knock on my door. I heard her sit down and start talking to herself, “Geeze, I act like a jerk but I don’t have the destine to apologize to him.” I opened my door to find her on the floor looking up at me, “Oh, I forgot. Well, yeah im sorry for acting jerkish.”
“No, you weren’t, that’s not a word.” I opened the door wider and she walked in and smiled.
Jayne’s Pov.
I walked inside and his apartment was so plain. I looked around and he sat down in a chair, “Your house thing is so…depressing.”
He laughed a little, “Yeah, I don’t have the urge to decorate. Look Im sorry if I was to attached.”
I waved it off, “No no, you aren’t I completely understand. I mean I cant imagine being alone for so long and then all of a sudden making friends with-”
“Huh, oh,” I completely forgot I didn’t know we were friends, “Yeah, aren’t we?”
A smiled started on his lips and a full blown smile was upon his features, “I don’t think ive had friends in well lets say a long time.” He stood up and hugged me, I was surprised, “Thanks, Jayne.”
“Your welcome.” I hugged him back and then he let go, “Okay do you have paint?”
“Huh? Yes some where. Why?”
“Im redoing your home.” His eyes popped open, “Now get dark colors of paint with some light.”
“I don’t think-” He was cut off with me dancing around pleading, “Alright.”
I smiled and hugged him and danced off to find paint. He followed me and cleared his throat and pointed to the closet. I opened it and brought out paint, “I say either we paint pictures or we paint the walls solid colors.”
“I don’t know.”
“Pictures. It would be more fun.”
His face creased and I took out a small paint brush and painted a smilely face, “See. Easy.” He grabbed a paint brush and started paint. An hour later his living room was bright with different pictures. I smiled, “Im bored. That means we are done.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” I sat down on his chair upside down, “I say Jayne, you are very…abnormal.”
“Eh, really? I think everyone thinks that.”
He chuckled and sat on his coach and watched television. I looked at his books and saw he actually had “Twilight” I laughed and grabbed it and went back to my position. I had got to the part where Bella told Edward he was beautiful when he sparkled, “Why don’t you sparkle?”
“I live in the real world. And Im part werewolf, so I guess I got the lucky trait of not burning into a pile of ashes in the sun.”
“Oh.” I sat the book down and walked over to his side and looked at him, “Lets do something!” He laughed and stared at me, “Staring contest?”
He nodded and I stared back. We were frozen until I heard a commercial I loved, “You win.” I turned around and watched the commercial.
“You are very… active.” I smiled and nodded and turned back to the commercial. It ended and I looked back, “What now?”
He shrugged, “Find something to do.” I rolled my eyes and looked around for games, I started cracking up when I found the game Twister!, “YOU OWN TWISTER! LETS PLAY!” He came in and shrugged, “Come on, lets go to my place.” He smiled and picked me off and before I knew it we were in front of my room, “Uh, your fast.”
“Im inpatient.” We walked in to find Ben and Emma watching television, “We brought twister!” Emma hopped up and grabbed the bored, “Come on, Ben your spinner first.”
“What! No way, that’s not fair.”
“Its okay, I’ll be spinner first.” I looked at Carter and smiled, “okay.”
We got the game set up and eventually Ben crashed us to the floor. We all cracked up, “Ben your spinner.” We gasped between giggles.
Carter handed him the board and stood at a corner while Emma and I stood at ours.
“Right foot green.” We placed it there, “Left foot yellow.”
Soon Emma crashed but amazingly Carter and I still stood. I looked at him and he smiled, “Your going down Jay.”
”Psh. Psh. No you are.” Emma went to the bathroom and Ben kept going, “Make you a bet.”
“Alright, I win you have to sing I like your hair.” I laughed I couldn’t believe Carter said that.
“If I win you have to…run and doorbell ditch my neighbor. But at human speed.”
Of course I lost so I stood up and sang, “Hey there, I like your hair. Who does your hair? I wanna go there.” I stopped not wanting to continue Ben went to the bathroom and Emma fell asleep on the coach. I looked at Carter, I mean really looked. He was cute, I liked him but I mean I don’t know if I could date after Damon. I know it wasn’t a huge deal but to be it was. I sighed and Cater looked at me, “Whats wrong?”
“Nothing, Im fine.” I smiled.
“Seriously you can tell me.”
My eyes widen, “W-what did you say?”
He smiled, “You can tell me.” I looked at him. The words I wanted to hear came from him. I didn’t know what to do. I just looked at him and then looked down. He stood up, “Don’t worry you don’t have to tell me if you don’t. I have to get going though.”
He stood in front of the door opening it. I was behind him and made an impulse decision and kissed him. I backed up and shut the door, “SORRY!” I ran into my room and flopped on my bed. I cant believe I just did that. I just kissed my friend for saying I could talk to him. I sighed and started to fall asleep.
Carter’s Pov.
Did she just kiss me? Yes, yes she did. I heard her say sorry, I just stared at the door. I thought of about it and walked back to my house. I didn’t know how I felt. This was insane, falling in love with a human? I don’t even think I like her that way. She is fun to be around and a great friend. Actually the only person I really speak to. I unlocked my door and looked at my walls. I looked at how she had me actually paint my walls with different random things. I sighed and walked to my bedroom. To much to deal with. I fell asleep and had a dream of Jayne. I woke up and walked past my living room and made coffee and slowly drank it as I looked at her paintings. I guess I was falling for her. I just never realized it. I put my coffee down and got ready quickly. I had an excuse to get my twister game didn’t I? Well I am going to use that to my advantage. I walked calmly to her room. I knocked on her door. I heard only her. My heart that was half alive beat faster until her hand was on the door knob.
Jayne’s Pov.
I heard a knock and figured Emma forgot her key. I opened the door and saw Carter I just waved. He leaned in and grabbed my waste, “Carter?”
“You didn’t have to apologize.” Then his lips crashed to mine. It felt better then when Damon kissed me. I felt like I could stand here for hours and feel completely at peace. I felt as if I never wanted Carter to leave. After a minute I pulled away, “What does this mean?”
“Your mine and Im yours and I would like my twister game.”
I smiled and let him in. I guess I could have a boyfriend after Damon. I looked at Carter and hugged him and whispered, “Thank you.”
He put his head on my head and just said, “Anytime?”
I smiled and looked at him and brought his face to mine and before we met I just breathed, “I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful disaster.”
He smiled, “ I know what you mean.” And with that we met once more. I pulled apart from him and smiled, “Is it just me or do you feel like this is-”
“Weird? But in a good way.” I just nodded. We sat on the couch and I looked at him, “Carter… what does the crossbread have as traits…if you know what I mean.”
“Well on the vampire side I posses speed, stealth, and I can live off blood.” I wrinkled my nose, “I do have the full moon sense to howl, anger issues to. I don’t really know how to explain what else.” I just nodded, “So ms. Jayne what are you?”
“What do you mean?”
“What are you.”
“Oh gee Carson that helps. Um, I keep the immortal secret, that’s about it.”
“Can I ask what happen with you and your ex?”
“What do you want to know?”
“Why did you break up?”
I looked at the wall and spoke, “Well, he told Ben that when he saw me he was going to make me love him. I blew up and walked over to his room and he was like you told her! And I said yes he did and well he started apologizing saying stuff like she was there and all that. I freaked and he told me he was upset and started making out with one of my enemies, well sort of enemies. I guess I blew it out of proportion. But to me honesty and loyalty is important, if he was drunk and told me I would have maybe forgiven him. I don’t know.” I looked back at him and he just stared at me.
I looked down and started to play with fingers, “I don’t think you over reacted.” I smiled and just nodded. Then I heard the key in the door. Emma and Ben walked in holding bags of donuts and coffee, “Ah, told you Carter would be here.”
I stood up, “Emma bring me a donut and coffee to my room, I need to talk to you.” I stood up and bolted to my room. I minute later Emma was in my room, “What’s up?”
She shut the door and sat on my bed, “Carter and I kissed, three times!”
“WHAT?! Oh my gosh dish!”
I smiled, “We talked and now I guess we are you know… boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Ah! This is so amazing! I dare you to kiss him when you get out there.”
“Haha maybe.” I ate my donut and Emma did to when we were done we walked out of my room and I saw Carter. I winked at Emma but when I turned around Carter was right there but he was smirking. He kissed me and I pulled back, “Uh, could you hear us?”
“Yes.” I saw Ben’s face. It looked hurt, “Ben…” He just stood up and walked outside. I walked pass Carter and found Ben sitting on the ground, “Ben? Look Im sorry.”
He shook his head, “Jayne Im fine, I just… worried about you. Just thinking of what he did to you and I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“That’s sweet.” I sat down next to him, “Jayne make me a deal? If you are hurt by him you will give me a try.”
“Ben, if he hurts me I wont do that because if I hurt you we would never have the same relationship we have now. The kind we can always trust each other and never have to doubt our friendship.” His head hung and after a moment he brought it back up, “Okay… I guess that makes some kind of sense.” He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. We sat there in silence for a moment. It was a peaceful one…
- by Dancin In Heaven |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/16/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Secret Love
- Artist: Dancin In Heaven
- Description: Okay sequel to the unexpected pain, the moment not to cry, and Jayne's Memories. Tell me what you think. Let Carter...Let Jayne...Let Emma...Let Ben live in peace with a beautiful disaster blooming.
- Date: 10/16/2009
- Tags: unexpected pain
- Report Post
Comments (3 Comments)
- Stony Angel - 01/13/2012
- Wonderful -waterworks-
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- etcetera123omg - 12/28/2009
that *sob sob* was... SO BEATIFUL! hahaha lol 5/5
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- Sylve - 10/16/2009
- I think it was good. What did you want me lookin for?
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