• heart emo
    Ryde walked through the gate of multipurpose courts alone and almost turned around, but he knew there was no point they had seen him. The jocks hated Ryde none of his other friends just him. Just walk past and act like you haven’t seen them see you. Jonathan Parker was the football captain- everyone knew him as parker. He was the leader, and then there was his best friend Andrew who dated Maggie. O Maggie she was the most beautiful person Ryde had ever seen, but she had to go date Andrew of all people. Thankfully Maggie didn’t like the bash ups, and would refuse to let Andrew join in too. So he would stand with Maggie and her friends like Laura as a look out. Ryde kept walking with his head down, pretending to be looking for something in his bag, but it was no use- he knew that. Andrew and parker advanced on Ryde as he kept walking

    “HEY RYDE!” Parker’s voice thrilled out across the 10m between them
    “Yeah Ryde, HEY! Don’t walk away from us when we talk to you”
    Andrew’s voice came in after

    When he was “pretending” to look for something in his bag before he was grabbing a silver chain and wrapping it around his left fist, Ryde braced himself for the first blow; Ryde let parker swing and the fist hit made contact with jaw, parker swung for the second blow, but Ryde ducked and in the same motion punched out his right knee cap. Parker stumbled backwards and clutched at his knee, Ralph then stepped in and went to throw Ryde on the ground Ryde crouched and threw out his leg when Ralph stepped forward Ralph went down to.


    Ryde was in for it, the principal had caught him and she had only seen Ryde land blows she hadn’t seen the beginning of the fight. Ryde was dragged up to the office and suspended for the rest of the day.

    Late the next afternoon Michael- a close friend caught Ryde hanging around the park
    “Hey Ryde, how’s the jaw?” Michael approached Ryde sulking on the swings
    Ryde looked up “mike? You saw, Oh man you didn’t tell mom did you? You did, didn’t you?”
    “Na man, I wouldn’t do that”
    “Ha-ha, yeah? Just like last time?!”
    “Hey your mom is a Fricken mind reader okay? That was not my fault”
    “What-ever.” Ryde went back to sulking
    a huge grin spread across Michael‘s face “Hey dude… guess what?!”
    Ryde pretended to ignore him
    “There’s this huge party out at Laura’s house, open invitation, everyone’s goanna be there some welcoming party or something for her cousins”
    Ryde looked straight up at the sound of Maggie’s name “Maggie? I can’t go. She already thinks I'm a loser.”
    Michael’s smile faltered, he thought that this would make him come for sure “come one dude, there will be other girls, get over Maggie and come to the party”
    “Fine ill come, but I'm not promising my feelings” Ryde got up and walked home

    Later that night the boys met up at Laura’s jumped the fence to sneak in to the party. The music was loud, drinks were being passed, and there were people everywhere. No one would notice them. Ryde and mike slipt up and went there own ways. Ryde found himself sitting behind the speakers watching Maggie with her friends, he knew he would never get with her, but it was nice to dream. Laura walked over with her cousins to introduce them to Maggie. And that was when Ryde’s whole world flipped. She was the most extravagant girl he had ever seen! And everyone around her just stood there like they couldn’t see her, Ryde felt like the earth had stopped spinning every feeling he had ever had forgotten, was nothing compared to what he felt now.

    Ryde had to know her name, but how, if the guys saw him he was dead, he needed a distraction. Mike, mike would help for sure he had to track down mike, so Ryde left his position and went looking for Michael, once he found mike he explained the situation, mike knew the guys would bash him and went to go distract him. Ryde snuck back to where he last saw the beautiful girl, she was still there. She glanced over and noticed Ryde watching her, went red then turned away. This made him get up and walk straight over to her.

    “Hi, I'm Ryde, who are you” Ryde said softly, he spoke without thinking
    “Umm hello Ryde, my name is Jasmina, but everyone just calls me Mina, I'm Laura’s cousin. I'm here with my brother Tyler; we’re both new to town. Laura insisted on the party. I hate parties!” the new girl seemed very animate and friendly
    “Well I hope you enjoy it here, if you ever get fed up of hanging with them” Ryde gestured over his shoulder towards the popular group, “ill be happy to take you in”
    “Thanks, you seem like the only person to actually give me a choice you know?”
    Ryde glanced off embarrassed, he saw that Michael’s distraction wasn’t holding up and new he should get out of there, but he wanted to keep talking to Mina
    “Hey look I should go, I'm not meant to be here but…” Ryde grabbed a pen and mina’s hand he wrote his number on her hand “text me any time” he kissed her hand and walked away, not wanting to see her reaction.

    Once Ryde and Michael were both out safe they split and went home. Ryde stayed up all night texting Mina after her text him about ½ an hour after he left. The more they spoke to each other the more in love he felt, for once he couldn’t wait to go to school the next day. School finally came, Ryde got there early so he could hang out behind the volley wall, and he could see the gate from there and see when people arrived. He new he didn’t have to worry about the guys because they had football practice in the mornings. Mina seemed to be waiting to see him too cause she managed to track him down, they managed to hang out all morning as the girls had cheerleading practice. Ryde and Mina spent all morning together and planned for mina to get away from her cousin and brother so they could be together at lunch. This compared hard and Mina just straight out told Maggie and Laura that she was going to hang with Ryde, it was obvious to everyone that they liked each other.

    And eventually this got back to the guys. Once they heard the were really angry, so they planned to get Ryde expelled they would set him up. Make him fight Tyler and get the principal so he would be expelled for sure, and hopefully they could get Jasmina to catch him fighting her brother and maybe dislike him for that. And so the next day when Ryde was walking out to meet Mina they caught him and had Tyler start fighting with him. Of course though Ryde had his chain and was fighting back. Both Tyler and Ryde packed a good punch and it was a fairly even fight until Andrew ran off and grabbed the principal.

    Ryde never saw Mina that day he was dragged into the office and his mum was called, and sure enough Ryde was expelled for fighting. Ryde highly doubted that Mina was still at school during this time however, as Tyler ended up being taken to the hospital to get his wrist put in a cast, it seemed like he threw a punch hard enough to break his own wrist. Bystanders explained how they guys jumped Ryde from behind and Tyler was the one to start the fight, however only Andrew and Tyler got in trouble, Tyler got 3 days suspension and Andrew got pulled off the team and got a days suspension.

    Ryde’s mum was furious and grounded Ryde as they had to move house to be close enough to the next school. Ryde sat in his room that night, he was sure that Mina wouldn’t speak to him again. So he text her apology and a goodbye. However Mina heard the whole story and felt sorry for Ryde, Mina text him a reply back explaining every thing that he had missed and what was going to happen. Her parents couldn’t believe that Tyler had gotten suspended on his 3rd day and there was discussion of moving schools again before any one settles down.

    Ryde was enrolled in a school about 100km away from Mina’s school, he was moving to a completely new town. And while Ryde was stuck at home packing, Mina was going to school and having to put up with her brother, Andrew Laura and Maggie. And this was proving to be hard as Parker had feelings for her and made it clear, Tyler and Jasmina were still not talking after what happened with Ryde, and Laura and Maggie kept trying to get everyone together so they can go out on group dates. Jasmina was becoming more and more miserable, then when she would just get to a point when she think she could bare it, the girls would start pushing her to go out with Parker. But Mina could not do that to Ryde, she needed a way to get her brother in trouble again so she could convince her parents to move schools, so there was hope that she could be with Ryde.

    Jasmina tried telling her family that she wanted to move and that they should move but the longer they stayed the more her parents pushed the idea that moving schools would be good out of their heads. By now it had been a whole week since the whole fight, and Ryde had moved out of town for good. Mina and Ryde stayed in contact via text but, it was proving to be costly. Mina hated her new life and would yell and scream at her parents, then spend hours on end up in her room crying. Then she came up with an idea, her parents would always try to keep her protected and if she were to threaten to runaway then they might just be able to convince them to move, and if not then she could continue through with the threat and runaway. She could move to where Ryde was.

    Ryde was also going through similar processes being miserable and fighting, do anything he could to get back to where mina was. The two continued to text each other everyday, about a week after being apart mina decided to tell Ryde her plan to runway, she was half way through explaining her plans when she ran out of credit. Ryde never got a reply and started to get worried. Mina had gotten so upset that she broke her phone and it died. Ryde tried phoning her but he couldn’t get through and decided to go back and check that everything was okay, just so he could see her. Meanwhile Jasmina had thought that she could just runaway now and go straight down to see Ryde. She called a cab and went down to Ryde’s new town the next day. And Ryde had caught the bus up to see mina but of course neither of them would find each other, Ryde was going to try the school but she wasn’t there, he was going to try to go to her house but he ran into Tyler, and as far as Tyler new Mina had just runaway. He didn’t want someone like Ryde with his sister so he told him that she runaway and said that If Ryde came looking for her tell him to go home and leave her alone. So being told this Ryde went to his favourite sulking spot the park he could just not believe it, and when he tried to, it so bad internally he thought he would lose it there had to be an output, a way to stop it from hurting, he remembered feeling this way once before and he remembered what he did to stop it to. It was a local park, so of coarse there were smashed bottles on the ground here and there. He picked up a sharp small piece of glass and made tiny neat little cuts on his forearms, it was an immediate release, things started to make sense just a little, but it still hurt like crazy, and this physical pain was noting on a scale compared to his mental pain. He made more cuts slightly deeper this time. It all came to him now of course she didn’t want him, no one wanted him, that as just his life. That was when things began to get a bit fuzzy, Ryde felt a bit light headed so he went to the playground and laid down for a bit.

    Jasmina went to Ryde’s new address, his mum was there but she said she couldn’t find Ryde, and that she thought he had run back to his old town to see her, but now she wasn’t sure. So mina went back hoping she would find Ryde. But when she got back into town, everything thing seemed really quiet, she went home past the park to find that there was police tape up around the whole park and the police were investigating something, this town was not known for crime and Jasmina felt a little scared so she went to her house to find out what had happened and if Ryde had come to her home at all. She found out no one was home, however a note was left in case she came home saying how Tyler was at school with the rest of there grade and her mum and dad were looking for her and to call text them.

    Mina grabbed the land line and phoned her dads phone leaving a message, then left to go to the school, which was odd because it was 4.30 in the afternoon. When she arrived she found everyone was all crowded around and no one was really talking. When people saw her they gave her weird looks but did not talk to her. Jasmina found Tyler and Laura, they were standing with a tear streaked Michael quietly talking with the principal and a police officer, when they saw mina they pulled her aside and explained everything that had happened. Michael walked home through the park every after noon, and this afternoon he found his best friend who was meant to be out of town, dead on the slide with slits to his wrists. No one knew what had happened and everyone was trying to piece together stories.

    Jasmina and Tyler moved state, no one would forget Ryde but they knew they had to move on.