The Enemy Territory
Emily just dashed behind the wall, so she would not be seen by the man. She had been tracking him for the last three years and she finally succeeded in finding him. The man’s name was Tovar; he is the most dangerous man alive. Emily is the only person who has ever succeeded in this task, and she wasn’t going to blow it now.
Emily then tried to recall her previous training, but she couldn’t remember any of it. It was as if she never had any training at all.
In the back of her mind she knew she would fail without her training, but she didn’t want to believe it. Emily also knew that Tovar was more powerful than her, but she is witty. She thinks she is able to outsmart him.
Suddenly Emily was pulled away from her thoughts as a voice rang in her head. It was coming from her earpiece. The voice was that of her partner’s, Caitlyn.
Caitlyn was becoming impatient, and she didn’t understand why she had to wait while Emily got all the action. Caitlyn then grunted and went back to watching the cameras.
Emily heard Caitlyn grunt, and went back to studying Tovar. Emily thought that Tovar was the most hideous creature she had ever seen. No wonder he was evil!
Emily shook off her thoughts with quiver.
Emily heard Caitlyn mumble something, and wondered if it was about the mission this time. She thought about asking her, but she thought better of it. It was better to make no noise.
Emily peeked from the edge of the wall, and she saw no one. She was stricken with shock. Just then Caitlyn yelled, “Behind you!” Emily spun around with a kick at that moment, and she was surprised when Tovar’s hand caught her foot.
Emily was frightened, and cam around with another kick. Tovar caught that as well. Emily tried to get free from him. She started to flail, randomly punching. Nothing she was doing was working though.
Then all of the sudden, something from her training popped into her head. ‘Always keep a calm head while confronting the enemy.’ Emily soon regained a level head, and started thinking rationally.
She jabbed out, and she got a good hit to Tovar’s face. What Emily did only angered Tovar though.
Caitlyn was afraid for Emily, but she didn’t know what to do! So she decided help by telling her where Tovar was coming from. “Hey Emily! To the left! No your other left!” “Watch out in front of you!” but it was too late… Tovar hit Emily square in the forehead and she blacked out.
Caitlyn feared what they my do to her partner. At that moment she didn’t care what anyone said. She was going to save Emily!
Caitlyn soon found the entrance into the main building. She cautiously walked through the door. She had a gun in her hand, and she was prepared to use it. Caitlyn knew that if she was seen she could be overcome. She then left and went back to the camera room. She thought for a moment before deciding what to do. Caitlyn pulled out her cell and dialed the boss’s number.
After one ring the phone was answered. “Hello? I need to speak with Czarina.”
The voice didn’t seem surprised as she said, “One moment.” Right then a female voice said, “Yes? What do you need?”
Caitlyn spoke calmly and slowly as she explained what had happened.
Czarina was appalled by this news, so she told Caitlyn, “Wait for me. I’ll be there as soon as humanly possible.” The line went dead.
Caitlyn wasn’t happy about this, but she had to wait anyway. She thought about disobeying, but she thought better of it.
Within three minutes Czarina was in a Z07 Corvette going 160 mph. She wanted to kill Tovar for what he did to her.
Tovar had murdered Czarina’s parents when she was but a child. That was about 15 years ago.
Czarina had wanted to kill him ever since, and she has finally got her chance to do so. With Caitlyn’s help she can definitely string him alive.
Emily finally awoke, but she was not where she remembered being. Suddenly the events that occurred rushed back into her mind. Tovar had taken her. She was in danger. At the moment Emily was inside a small room. The walls were all painted gray, and Emily had barely any room to move within it.
Just then there was a movement right outside the door. Emily was prepared for anything that could possibly happen. The door slowly slid open, and, to Emily’s surprise, Tovar himself was the one coming into the room. Emily knew the only chance she had to get out of his grasp, was to surprise him. She had to make sure Tovar didn’t know she was going to attack him. She MUST get out of there and get back to Caitlyn.
As Tovar stepped into the room he couldn’t help but think about how Emily looked. He looked once, but that time it was just a glance. Then he quickly looked back and his look held. Tovar just realized that Emily was the most magnificent human he had ever laid eyes on. Tovar tried to drive his thoughts away, but he couldn’t.
Just then Emily cried out and groaned with pain. Tovar, having this new feeling within him, rushed to her side with concern.
As suddenly as Emily started hurting she stopped and kicked at Tovar. She had hit her mark that time. Her kick had hit Tovar square in the nose.
Tovar cried out with pain and surprise. Never before in his life had he been tricked. Was is because of the new feeling he had within him that Emily had been able to trick him? His thoughts baffled him. Nothing else had confused him like this before. He tried to regain his level head, but he was unable before Emily kicked again.
Emily knew she had succeeded in her attempts to distract and hurt Tovar. She kicked him one last time, except this time she aimed lower. She hit her mark yet again, so she made her run for it. Emily sprinted out of the room and down the hall, but she did not know her way around this part of the building. Emily took random paths down the halls, and, apparently, she had made the right choices. She ended up in a place she recognized. Emily went toward the exit and straight to the camera room.
Tovar wasn’t held up for long, because soon he was trailing right behind Emily. He was catching up at a pace that should have been impossible. A few more steps and he was in reaching distance of Emily. He lunged out for he, but he missed by a few inches.
Suddenly a Z07 Corvette was in front of Emily forcing her to come to a halt. Emily recognized it immediately and dived into the passenger seat. Emily said, “We have to get Caitlyn before we go anywhere.” Czarina nodded and sped off toward the camera room. We only halted for a moment before Caitlyn noticed and ran out to us. We scrunched together and zoomed back to headquarters.
For one second Emily looked back before they went out of the base. She saw the look on Tovar’s face, and she was confused by it. His expression was of agony, hatred, and foolishness. It was as if he regretted something. Emily turned back around and thought about what had happened.
As Emily tried to think, she realized how truly tired she was after this experience, and Emily soon fell asleep.
By the time Emily woke up, she was in her office. She didn’t remember how she got there, but she guessed that Czarina put her there to rest. Emily stood up, but she soon fell back down. Her legs wouldn’t hold her. She slid to the ground, and she began stretching her legs out, hoping that that would help.
When she tried to stand up and walk, this time she succeeded. She walked out of her office, and she headed straight toward Czarina’s office. She knocked once and went in. Czarina was sitting at her desk, and she didn’t look startled when Emily came in.
“Boss, what am I to do about Tovar now?”
“Nothing, Emily. I’ve taken you off the job”
“What? Why?”
“Emily… It’s not you… It’s what Tovar will do to you next time he sees you… Didn’t you see it in his eyes? He wants you… I don’t want my best agent to continue tracking a person like that…”
“But, Boss! I know how to care for myself! I’ve been tracking and getting him for years! You can’t make all that I’ve done useless!”
“I haven’t… I put someone else on the job.”
“What! Who?”
“Emily, I have put Caitlyn on it.”
“No. She will not do it.”
“That is not for you to decide, Emily.”
“Then I quit. I’ll do this by myself. Don’t try to stop me. You’ll get hurt if you do.”
“So be it.”
“Bye, Czarina.”
With that Emily walked straight out of that room, then the building. She didn’t look back. If she regretted her choice later, that was later. All she had to do now was kill Tovar. Nothing could stop Emily any longer, and nothing would.
Czarina sighed. She just costed herself the best agent the agency ever had. Czarina pressed the red button that was on her desk. It buzzed for a moment before a voice was heard.
“Yes, Miss Czarina?”
“Bother with the titles, Margaret. Send Caitlyn in please.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Thank you.”
Czarina only had to wait a moment before she heard a slight knock on her door. “Come in Caitlyn. Thank you for coming.”
“It wasn’t a problem, ma’am.” Caitlyn knew what Czarina was about to say, but she didn’t say anything.
“Emily quit, and she has gone to go get Tovar on her own.”
Okay, Caitlyn thought, maybe I was a little bit off. “Why?”
“Because I took her off the Tovar case and put you on it.”
Caitlyn was baffled. She didn’t expect anything like that to happen. “Ma’am, what do you want me to do?”
“Go get Tovar before he gets Emily. She is thinking irrationally.”
“Yes ma’am.” With that, Caitlyn turned and left the room. She headed straight to the weapons department to grab a rifle. Emily was like a sister to her and she had to protect her.
By the time Emily got back to the base, it seemed deserted. Somehow Emily just knew it wasn’t. She walked up to the door and quietly opened it. She had a feeling she was being watched. She didn’t like that.
She slipped inside and went to where she was before, right behind that wall.
Just then she heard a sound behind her. She recognized that sound, and she didn’t make the same mistake she did before. This time Emily turned around but didn’t attack.
Tovar looked surprised that Emily didn’t attack, but he didn’t show it. He kept his eye carefully on Emily, but he didn’t even attempt to move.
Emily stood there as if she was a rat trapped in a maze.

- Title: The Enemy Territory
- Artist: Seliora
It isn't done but this is as far as I've gotten in THIS story... last time i posted it, it didnt show paragraphs... if it doesnt this time then... I HOPE YOU SEE WHERE THEY ARE! :p
sorta long but.. TAKE THE TIME TO READ!!! - Date: 11/09/2009
- Tags: enemy territory
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Comments (4 Comments)
- Faryata - 07/29/2010
- Absolutely loved it 10/5 :3 Good job!!! I hope I can read more of this soon.
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- I N A C T I V 3 - 06/17/2010
- It's got a good basis but needs more detail. Better that it's long and full detailed than short and just okay. Imagery and more background info on the characters would help. Still it's got my attention and I want to read more smile Please continue with this story.
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- Evil Percy - 03/08/2010
- Bad a** and long. 6/5
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