In the world of normal people, I was anything but. My headphones blasted heavy metal music threw my ears on max volume as I walked threw the snow drifts in high tops and a mini skirt. My name? Lacey. You don't need to know my last name, today would be my last day standing anyways. I smirked at the thought of that.
My legs were practically blue when I got to the 711 on the corner of Almond Ave. I took out my headphones, turning off the music and shoving it in the pocket of my plaid, fur hooded jacket. I lodged my foot into a crack in the fence, holding onto the top with my hands and pulling up. I heard the whispers of children on the other side of the fence as they watched me hop over.
I landed in the slush, splashing it everywhere and making my shoes wetter then before.
Rebecca Hothorn turned and looked at me, smirking, "Ready to get your a** kicked you goddamn slut?"
I should probably explain to you why this is happening. Rebecca threatened to beat me up Friday, but, the teacher broke it up and we had to meet here, on MY Saturday break behind a disgusting 711 food, drink and gas station. I sniffed, flipping my auburn hair out of my emerald green eyes, "How am I slut exactly?" I questioned, taking off my jacket and throwing it in a snow drift.
Rebecca put a hand on her hip, "Anna told Mary, who told Jillian who told Hannah who told Yazman who told ME, that you made out with MIKE. MY.. ex boyfriend.."
My eyes widened and I snorted, "EX. So.. you broke up?" I honestly had no idea what she was talking about.
"Yeah! Because he cheated on me with.. you.." She shuddered.
I put my hair up in a pony tail and smirked, "Whatever.. bring it on b***h.. I have ALL ******** day.."
Rebecca scowled and charged at me. I blocked her with my fist, grabbing her left arm and twisting it the wrong way. She let out a screech and glared at me, slapping me across the face with her free hand. I starred, "Was that supposed to hurt?"
I quickly flipped her over onto the ground, she hit the pavement with a sickening snap of her rib. She screamed out loudly before I stepped on her throat and looked down at her. I didn't put any pressure on it, but, I did however threaten too numerous times.
"Now. You wanted to fight right? Well.. lets begin.." I smirked, stomping on her face. Her eyes were the most ugliest colour of ocean blue I'd ever seen. Her hair was black and died platinum blond. She had epic roots lemme tell'ya.
She punched me across the face, huffing as she did. I touched my cheek, it was burning hot from the frost bite and the friction of her knuckles against my skin. I spit blood, turning the snow beneath me pink. She smirked, and returned the favor. Though this time, right in the middle of her face, breaking her nose probably BEFORE I even made contact, thats how weak this b***h was.
Blood poured down her face, her eye already swollen. She let out a cry and glared at me, tears streaming down her face.
"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Shouted the crowd.
A fight? Hn. This was nothing but slapping and hitting, if they wanted a fight, they'd have to come see me and my brother wrestle it out for the last pancake on Sunday morning.
Rebecca quickly punched me in the face aswell. It was weak, and didn't even scratch, but, it hurt like hell. I kicked her in the gut, sending her flying to the ground below. I straddled her and continuously punched her. One hit to the left, one to the right. Again, and again. Her face looked shittier then usual. She kept crying out stop, stop. But, something inside me made me continue. The crowd around us got louder, some reached for their cellphones, taking pictures. It's be better if one called 911. Jeez. I never noticed how ******** stupid my classmates were. I punched her once in the jaw, knocking out three teeth. One had a filling. She cried and cried and cried. One of her friends finally pulled me off of her and threw me away. I was caught in the crowd as they fiddled to pick her up off the slushy, rose coloured snow.
I pulled my arms away fro mthe crowd and picked up my coat, carefully dialing 911 on my cell. I told them the emergency and could hear the sirens before I even hung up. I hoped the fence and ran down the street heading into the nearest Tim Hortens. They'd never catch me. The security cameras in the back of 711 had been covered with trashbags the other day in preparation of a HUGE new years party going on back there, and they were never taken off. Unless Rebecca rated me out (Which I highly doubted), I was getting off Scott-free.
I grabbed my make-up mirror and wipped off the blood on my face. I checked for a black eye, but, there was none. Though, there was a huge purple hand shaped bruise on my cheek.
I calmed it down with some cover up and fixed my eyeliner, stepping into the building. I ordered a coffee; black, and Boston Cream donut. I simply sat in a window seat, watching them load the b***h into the ambulance. Her friends hysterical as they watched. I laughed to myself. The funny thing about this was, I never even knew she HAD a boyfriend. What a dumbass, Ha Ha.

- Title: No Weird Without Normal
- Artist: xosands
Normal cannot exist without Weird. Thats exactly what Lacey Keneth is. In the winter, she wears high tops and mini skirts. In the summer, she wears hoodies and jeans. She doesn't care. But, when something goes to far with school bully, Rebecca Hothorn. Lacey takes action. To bad whatever their fighting about, honestly does not 'ring a bell' with Lacey.
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Just something random. If you guys like it, I might actually write a story. But.. whatever. Enjoy! ^_^ - Date: 01/04/2010
- Tags: boyfriend stealer fight bully hate
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