tab “Get out of the way!” Reyn warns the pursuers.
tab Their stolen horse took to small steps backwards then went back down on all fours and started running. She turned right towards the people and just galloped by them. They screamed and got out of the way just in time. A man, determined to stop them from escaping, held his ground. Trisa and Reyn were sure that he was going to get crushed under hooves, and the man was starting to think the same thing, but then the horse exhales heavily through her nose and leaps high through the air. Reyn and Trisa screams—the man too. He shielded his head with his arms; for fear that hooves would penetrate to his brain. But it didn’t. Instead, she pushed her front legs against his back and propelled herself forward. The man yelped as he was flunged to the ground.
tab “This horse is crazy I say, crazy!” Reyn screamed into Trisa’s ear.
tab “Don’t speak to Ania that way!” Trisa screamed back. The horse made its way out of the door and into the crowded streets. People scattered away like rats once they saw them.
tab “Ania?” he was confused and angry. “Is that what you named this horse? We stole it, Trisa! This is not our horse and Ania is not its name”
tab Trisa didn’t reply back. With all the commotions they’ve caused, it’s hard to even hear each other. The towns’ people shouted out threats, almost trampled. The horse—Ania, jumped over a cabbage cart, making it to the other side without breaking a thing. The large arch that holed into the town’s stone wall was in view.
tab We’re almost there, Trisa thought. And it’s all thanks to me. What Reyn said to her a moment ago remained in her mind. She doesn’t even know why she had called the horse Ania. It was just that she knew its name, like she felt something. Just like the connection they had before Trisa hopped onto the horse. It was strange, like there was a deeper meaning—like the horse wasn’t even a horse, but more. What the heck am I thinking?
tab “Look out!” Reyn warns, pointing at a man on a roof who was holding something similar to a crossbow. But Trisa didn’t hear him over the shouts of others.
tab The man pulled the string back, and the tip of the bolt filled with yellow liquid. The sharp point gleamed before he pulled the trigger, aimed for Trisa. Everything happened in slow motion. Ania leaped high, Mill’s entrance guard gasped at the sight of a loose horse, Trisa smiled broadly with determination, and then the bolt came spiraling down and…
tab “Urgh!” Reyn clenched his teeth as the bolt punctured his arm. He flung it out in time before it hit Trisa. The yellow liquid gurgled into his flesh, but it was too deep inside that he didn’t notice.
tab Ania landed right under the stoned arch, surprising the guard to fall back, then broke into a run through the dirt road. Travelers came walking on the road too so Ania turned onto the grassy field.
tab “My plans are always awesome!” Trisa said happily. Then she felt a heavy weight fall onto her back, pushing her forward a bit. “Hey, Reyn, GET OFFA ME!” she threw back her right shoulder in attempt to knock him away but he just slumped over her even more. His chin first rested on her shoulder then dropped forward, and finally his whole body collapsed onto the ground. Ania stopped immediately and Trisa got off and went to him. "Hang on, why dont'cha? You're a man for peeps sake!" she slapped him across his face. She did this everythime he messed up, but this time he didn't have a reaction. "Reyn?" she asked, worried now. He wasn’t the type to do this. Then she noticed the bolt jutting out of his arm—no blood. “What in the world…” she gripped tightly on the wood and pulled it out with a grunt. Now blood flowed freely like water when you break a dam.
tab But the worst was yet to come. Trisa had thought that they escaped the town of Mills, till shouts came; muffled and distant, but it was there, and it was coming from the entrance of Mills itself. Horses of all color ran out from under the arch, men rode on them holding bows, ropes, and even swords.
tab They’re after me. Trisa thinks to herself, because I stole a horse. Right after she thought that, everything got confusing. Why would fighters come to capture her when all she did was stealing a mere horse? Then her head spun once the fighters rode past her, not even taking notice of the stolen horse and bleeding Reyn. If they aren’t after me, then who?
tab Ania grunted to catch Trisa’s attention then gently nudged Reyn with her snout. Trisa turned back to Reyn and drooped his left arm over her shoulders. It doesn’t matter who they’re after. I have to get Reyn out of here.
Eternal Bond
Part 6. Reyn and Trisa attempt to escape the town of Mills. After they steal a horse, they run amock the street, towards the exit. but then an unexpected event occurs, causing Reyn to fall. an easy catch
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