• Ivy

    I sat by the register, it was a slow day. I sat sketching in my notebook thinking about the Fall Ball, which Tammy was forcing me to go to. I looked up at all the Halloween decorations that were still in boxes scattered around the floor of the store. It’s only the 19th of October but Anne always insists on putting them up as soon as possible, but they always sit around until the 25th. “Ivy” Tammy said coming over to me.

    “Yes” I said not looking up from my notebook. She tapped her foot a few times on the rubber mat in front of the register for a few seconds until I finally looked up. “What?” I asked.

    “Anne’s gone. I was thinking we could put up the Halloween decorations before she gets back. To surprise her, everyone else has them up and-”

    “Whoa Tammy you don’t have to go on and on. We can put them up Ok?” Tammy nodded and smiled. Then we got to work.


    Mason sat in his car in the driveway of his house. He heard his parents arguing inside the house, always fighting he thought shaking his head. Well I might as well go and get my tie from Galore that I ordered well my dad ordered. Mason pulled out of his driveway again. His parents didn’t notice the headlights as they drifted back down the drive and into the street. As he drove to Galore his thoughts turned to Ivy, wondering what she was doing and if she already had a date to the Fall Ball. He still couldn’t believe that he chickened out of asking her! After a few minutes of thinking the same thing over and over again in his mind his cell phone rang, he picked it up out of the cup holder. It was his dad; he opened the phone debating if he would press the talk button. Finally he pressed the glowing green button.
    “Hello” Mason said into the phone, regretting his decision to answer already.

    “Mason just thought I would let you know that no one is going to be home when you get here. Mom has to go to work and I will. . . well I just won’t be here.”

    “Ok” He said. “I have to go I’m driving” With that he hung up the phone before his father could say anymore. Mason knew his father would be at a bar, wasting away. That’s his decision Mason thought to himself and turned into the parking lot of Galore. Mason stopped the engine and got out of his car, the cool breeze took away all of his negative thoughts. He opened the store’s door and took a look around. The walls were covered in spider webs with small spiders attached to them, the store had been transformed into Halloween mode now. He made his way over to the register where a girl sat looking down at her notebook. When he got closer he knew who she was.


    The store looked great, like something out of a horror film. Spiders hung from the ceiling, webs with smaller spiders covered the walls, and of course the lights were dimmer with a cauldron in the center that apparently had a “potion” in it and was giving off smoke with a witch stirring it. Tammy was in the back doing inventory and I was back at the register.
    “Ivy” someone said, I felt a shock of pleasure as my name was said. I looked up and saw Mason standing in front of me. “Hello again” He said with a small smile.

    “Hey yourself” I said closing my notebook, I smiled and asked “What can I do for you?”

    “My dad ordered a tie” Mason said rolling his eyes slightly. I smiled at him, ask me to the Ball I thought.

    “One just came in” I said, kneeling down to reach the shelves in the desk. I pulled out a small blue box. “For Ryan Moore” I said holding the box out to him, he reached out to take it and our fingers brushed each others. My cheeks blushed a deep red and pulled my hand away after a few minutes of staying like that. I could feel Tammy’s eyes on us from the back, but pretended I didn’t feel it. “It’s already paid for” I said with a small nod.

    “Thanks” Mason said. He didn’t move from his spot in front of me. Just then Anne walked in.

    “Oh my goodness! The store looks amazing! Oh girls thank you so much.” She popped out from behind a clothes rack as Tammy came out smiling. Suddenly Anne noticed the boy in front of me, instantly knowing who he was thanks to Tammy who told her. “Tammy can I talk to you for a second I just found another box of stuff back here” Tammy nodded and walked with Anne to the back of the store.


    Ivy just looked at him, her soft brown eyes connecting with his. “Sorry about that” she said gesturing to Tammy and the older woman who must have been their boss.

    “For what?” Mason asked. Ivy laughed, it sounded like a small peal of bells Mason found himself wanting to hear more of her laughter.

    "Nothing" she said "Nothing at all." Ask her now Mason thought.

    "Ummm Ivy?"

    "Yes" she said meeting his eyes again.

    "Would you like to go to the Fall Ball with. . . me?"

    "I would . . ."