• "Whats wrong?!"
    Teddy ran over to Alyss' side. The Cheshire Cat followed. But Matt beat them all.
    "What?!" Teddy said fiercely.
    Matt sighed.
    "Well... shes asleep."
    Everyone had a look that said, Huh? Whaaat?
    "Alyss used a lot of magic. It was just little magic, but she hasn't used magic for a long while, right? And that power comes from her energy. The more she practices, the stronger magic she'll cast. But for now, we pushed her to a far extent."
    A wondrous smell lingered in the air. It was so powerful, Alyss regained her conscious.
    "Smells.. Mmm.." Alyss licked her lips.
    "It smells like pumpkin pie.. with extra cinnamon.."
    "Pumpkin pie?"
    Alyss smacked her face.
    "Right. Pumpkins are this big, round, orange vegetable. Its turned into pie with a little ice cream on top if pleased. Oh yum..!" Alyss had a dreamy look on her face, as though imagining something that made her on top of the world. "I'm going to be a dog, and follow that scent."
    Alyss ran off towards the scent, and everyone nodded at each other in agreement to follow.
    The smell is stronger. But something is wrong.... Alyss thought firmly.
    "Ah!" she screamed. Her voice rang through the forest she was now in. She felt lost, and a trees blocked her path. Until she spun around to hear a voice.
    "Ow! It may not seem like it, but we got ears yenno!"
    "Whos there?!" Alyss asked frightened.
    "It's me! The tree! I'm the Wisdom Tree! Remember me?!"
    "Of course!"
    Alyss looked at the tree closely. Yes, she could see the resemblance now. The bark made out a face, and out of it words came out.
    "Why are you here? See, no one comes here unless they need me! Unless you need me too?! Do you?!"
    Alyss shook her head. "No, I was following the scent of pumpkin pie."
    "Then you HAVE come to see me!"
    "You see, I can get anything I want, as long as its in my system! Riika told me about pumpkins and how things turn into pies. I've longed for this one that she sent to me! I just didn't know what it was called! But this aroma, this scent! It's marvelous!"
    Alyss was still lost.
    "What do you mean? Pumpkin pie is great! It's not just the scent! You know what ice cream is? Its wonderful on top of pumpkin pie!"
    "No, Your Highness, but perhaps you could supply my system. I need to taste it, or you tell me with great detail."
    Magic! she cried in her head. He might know I need to train! But.. either way, how would I stop it from melting? Its so warm..
    "Don't say a word, Your Highness. You must train, correct?"
    With a twinkle of her fingers, and image of ice cream appeared. Details and all.
    "Ooohoo! This is ice cream?! It looks like a Creamsole in the Sugar Mountains area!"
    "Yes! Creamsoles live in the Sugar Mountains, happily along the Gingerbread men. Together they loook deliciouuusss! Oh yes, but no one dare eat them! They have quite a temper if you are on their bad side! They also are horrid tasting according to a critic.. The thing you want to eat is the cream that the Creamsoles produce, and the ginger, bread, and gingerbread from the Gingerbread men most typically. The ginger is the best around. The bread is the warmest, crispest, or however you want it to be! Its delicious. The cream is the best in the world, including the human world! Sweet, but not too sweet, and is very delectable."
    "But, you were the one making the pie right?"
    "Yes but now I'm putting ice cream on it too! Are you sure its not cream? Or perhaps their special cream?"
    "Whipped cream? That's good too. How about some of the one I ate in the human world?"
    "Oh yes!" The tree seemed very excited. For a tree anyways.
    Concentrating, Alyss produced ice cream and whipped cream. The ball slowly landed on a pie that appeared on the trees branch. The aroma grew stronger as it made contact.
    "Thank you, Alys- Your Highness!"
    "Call me Alyss."
    "Then call me Wisdom."
    "Wisdom, could you perhaps give a slice to my friends and I?"
    "Of course, Alyss! Anything for you."
    The edge of his branch had no leaves on it. He sliced the pie with it, and lifted it carefully onto plates that suddenly appeared.
    "Mmm! Gotta run, Wisdom! I'm going to practice alone now."
    "Okay, Alyss. Good luck!"
    Alyss ran off on a happy note. Until Riika screeched.
    "Argh! This dumb trees!"
    Wisdom's voice rang through the forest.
    "Excuse me, Riika? I'm the Wisdom Tree. WIS. DOM!" he cried angrily.
    "Sorry.." she mumbled.
    Alyss, giggling, ran faster so they couldn't catch her.
    So they/ couldn't catch her.
    So they.......
    A horrified shriek then ran out of the air. Marching feet was loudly heard.
    "All right men! Find that stupid girl! That stupid idiot who killed her mother!" A laugh that seemed to break Alyss' eardrums filled the air.
    Aria! Alyss thought.
    "Hide me now
    I can't face her
    The face who killed my mother
    Its too much!
    Even though it didn't rhyme, it still worked. Alyss became transparent and watched as Aria and her troops walked through the forest, looking for her.
    "She is here! I know it!" Aria screeched.
    Alyss ducked, afraid that her aunt would find her.
    The red headed lady with a long black dress and a red crown came right beside Alyss. Alyss slowly crawled away, not making a noise.
    "We will find those traitors too! If you have to.." Aria laughed evily. "No, if you want to, kill someone to get what we want!"
    Aria Chan had angry red eyes, that looked nothing like Alyss'. Her long hair was the only thing that Alyss could find.
    "Kill her! Destroy her! Find her, now!" Aria's voice boomed. Alyss was surrounded.
    There was no way she could escape.