• I looked into his mud brown eyes. "Hello." He said smiling. My breath i couldnt seem to catch. My heart stopped beating. "Hey!" I said giving him a hug. Hes touch was outstanding. He smelled soooooooo good! "Im going to miss you when your gone." he said. I was so stupid! Why was I going to move? I'm so retarded. "Yah I'm going to miss you to. But you know can't control what my mom wants." I said close to tears. "Well your not going to forget me are you?" he asked. He is so smooth. "No! I will never forget you!" I said. "Good! Now sit next to me so we can watch the finishing of the movie." he said. I smiled and followed him to his seat. All of my friends gave me hugs and talked to me. I didnt even get to talk to Connor. The bell rang. 'Have a good winter break and hope you enjoy your presents!!!" Ms.Stahle said. I walked through the door and Connor grabbed my arm and kissed my cheek. "Bye." he said.