Once upon a time there was a man named David, He was a muscular and irrational man. David would ramble on and on about how big his house was and how awesome he was. The people in the village were very skeptical about his actions so they tried to enlighten him.
The people of the village thought it would be in their village’s best interest that David went see someone that could assist him with his problem. The man who called the meeting, Mr. Smith the pastor of the local church was doubtful about this and thought it wasn’t going to work and that David was wasting his time. The meeting was a psychology meeting to help David fix his problems. So Mr. Smith would prattle to David, and David would stare at him thinking
“What am I, an idiot?”
But he never said anything. He knew he was chock-full of himself but he didn’t want to change no matter what anyone said.
David was asked to perform a skit about his problems, because Mr. Smith thought it would help him understand himself better. So he did it and he finally realized how much of a mean person he was so he wanted to change himself.
When he handed his written skit in it was indecipherable. So David finally confessed to Mr. Smith, the teacher of the class, his problem and he wanted to change. Mr. Smith didn’t believe him and David has to reassure him.
David wanted to know how to become a better man; the skit helped him understand he wasn’t a very good person. He asked Mr. Smith how to change.
So days went by and the villagers noticed David was acting a bit strange. David would help people out even though they didn’t ask him. He was polite and courteous to everyone he saw. The people of the village wanted to thank Mr. Smith for changing him so they held a dinner in is honor.
A few weeks went by and David was becoming annoying with his good deeds. He would constantly help clean people’s yards and take in their groceries. The villagers wouldn’t say anything but they knew they had to resolve this issue. The villagers met at the church and explained what they were experiencing; Mr. Smith was being irked by David also. The villagers were furious at Mr. Smith and they demanded he fix this problem and until then he would not be able to leave the church and go home.
Mr. Smith sighed and said “Well this ought to be fun.”
One of the residents of the village called David to the church and with a wide smile David said
“Yes Mr. Smith?” and Mr. Smith huffed and said
“David, were so excited about how you have changed but people also need to express other emotions also like sadness or anger.”
“But Mr. Smith I’m always so happy now, you’ve opened new doors for me” said David.
“But David just please leave the villagers alone, for the sake of the villagers, and for the sake my health” Mr. Smith mumbled.
So David stopped being too happy and went on with life as being a normal villager, also Mr. Smith went home and had a nice dinner because he was stuck in the church all day truing to help David. Then one nice spring evening David came in sobbing one day. Mr. Smith was very concerned and asked David
“What’s wrong David? You’re usually happy and cheerful.”
“Well I was walking in the park down the street because it was such a beautiful day and all the flowers were in full bloom. But this squirrel was sitting on a bench and he looked very sad and so I gave him a nut, and he threw it at my stomach see!” David said as he lifted up his shirt.
“Ouch” Mr. Smith said, “I ain’t no doctor but you should go put some ice on that and we can talk about what happened with you and the squirrel.”
So they talked together over a nice cup of tea and turns out David just gave the squirrel a rock. Now David felt better about himself and still having in his mind went back to the park to apologize to the squirrel, he said “Sorry Mr. Squirrel, I didn’t mean to give you a rock I just wanted to know what was wrong.” The squirrel explained to him and it turns out the squirrel was having a bad day.
So when David told Mr. Smith this he had a odd look on his face and told David to get into the car; David being the “nice” guy he his obeyed and they drove the city about an hour away.
“Mr. Smith, why are we in the city? I was just here the other day and I really don’t like city, it’s too claustrophobic for my liking.”
“Just shut it and walk David, please" Mr. Smith said in his most pleasant voice.
tab So they climbed a huge skyscraper and climbed the floors, after floors, after floors until the elevator dinged and restless David ran down the hallway letting all his energy out and then casually walking back to Mr. Smith like nothing ever happened. Mr. Smith thought to himself “This guy has some major issues, maybe the psychologist can help; the one in this building was supposed to be the best in the city, and the most expensive.” At the moment Mr. Smith thought this he swore he heard his wallet moan.
David and Mr. Smith walked into the prim office, “So much white, it burns my eyes” David moaned. Mr. Smith walked over to the check in desk and David sat down and started reading the magazines upside down.
“I have an appointment with Dr. Ying, it was at 5:30 sorry were a little late, we had some technical issues earlier” as he glared at David. He felt the glare pierce his skin and David flinched and resumed his nonsense. Mr. Smith went to wait in the waiting room and sat across the room from David. David skipped over to Mr. Smith and sat down next to him. “David?” said a voice coming from the doctor’s office and Mr. Smith grabbed David and dragged him into the doctor’s room.
The doctor did a bunch of tests Mr. Smith didn’t know what they were. David seemed to be getting madder and madder and then he looked furious. The doctor came to check his ears and David ripped the instrument out, and then proceeded to start beating the doctor. Mr. Smith restrained him and the doctor called the police. “What is your problem sir” said the dispatcher, “I was checking a man’s ears and he took the instrument and started beating me with it, he’s a psychopath!” said the doctor panicking. “Okay we will send help immediately.”
David was sent to a mental hospital in Alaska, far away from anybody that was to touch him or even converse with him. As for Mr. Smith and the village life went smoothly, but was David really enlightened though? The doctor had some internal bleeding from David going crazy on him, everything was going to be fine, or was it? wahmbulance

- Title: A Village Man
- Artist: Snooth
- Description: Just something I came up with, it's not great but I had fun writing it :)
- Date: 10/28/2010
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