Chapter 11 - Recovering Sylverant

    *Outside of the fire temple...everyone went into the Tardis and transported to the next temple....they return to Asgard to prepare for the next temple of wind aka, the Baracroff Mosuleum. Everyone disembarked but with Decus, Magnar, and Hawk in the cells of the Tardis and hooked on medical units, ..... John decided that leaving them in Triet would put them and the town in danger. Alice looked arround the town lookin back to her memories....John on the other hand looked a bit down and sad.*

    (Music playing - Town of wind and ruins/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    John= .....*sighs*.....Kvar....

    Lloyd= John, I have a question to ask of you.

    *John turned arround and faced Lloyd with silence.*

    Raine= Lloyd.... not now.

    Lloyd= Who were these survivors that Magnar spoke of? Besides Rodyle...

    Presea= ...Rodyle....

    Regal= .....Rodyle? You don't mean he got resurected too!?

    Collet= Rodyle,... who kidnapped me 2 years ago?

    Lloyd= John.... any other fallen Desians who got resurected?

    John= Kvar.....Forcystus....and Magnius.

    Lloyd= ....ughh.....those bastards.

    John= I know these Desians may have done bad things in the past but I can get them to try to amend and...

    Lloyd= John, Listen to me for what im about to tell you. These people are responsible for the death of my mother. Kvar..... he.......

    *Lloyd showed John his exphere.*

    Lloyd= See this exphere! This is what my mother had. She was an experiment for this.,....and it costed her life. Magnius.... he threatened Palmacosta and had an old woman taken to Forcystus's ranch. Marble.... was a victim of this too..... we had to face her as she became a monster. She died protecing us from Forcystus. Would you want to ever waste your kindness on these bastards!?

    Collet= Lloyd. Please.

    Marta= Lloyd, it's not fair to blame John for trying to reason with these desians if he's trying to get them to amend...

    Lloyd= You dont get it do you? Collet....remember what the desians did to you? They hurt you! Even with the renegades were trying to kill you. And Alice.... and those former Vangards in the Tardis..... they killed Emill's parrents....fraimed me.....and tried to revive the Sylverant dynasty.

    Raine= Lloyd.... try not to get angry with John about trying to reason with these people. They too were used by the Daleks as well. John knows the Daleks Lloyd.

    Lloyd= ......I don't want John to end up ruined more than he already is! Look at him. He bears something of the Cruxis that he cant even remove from his body. That Cruxis crystal and that key crest...... he can't remove his like we can! If his get's removed... he will die! Do you want these people who we are fighting to get ahold of this power!?

    Flonne= What's a cruxis crystal? Mr. Lloyd....

    Genis= Flonne.... Lloyd had a journey he took and he seen what these can do to people. How they came to be....

    Lloyd= There evolved expheres made by sufferning humans tortued in human ranches. This was these 4 people John spoke of who were resurected by the Daleks. Now their allive again. Im not gonna let them have an oppurtunity to do it again! .....everyone....im sorry.....I want to be allone for awhile...... just get what we need ok?

    *Later that day..... John was standing in a corner.... staring at a space looking down.*

    Kratos= John.... what is wrong? You looked troubled.

    John= .......I was here some time ago......in this very spot. Kvar was here with me..... he guided me here to this place.....and got me to help him take Ventus.

    Kratos= .....Kvar.....

    *Kratos tightened his fist thinking of Kvar and what he did in the past...*

    John= Kratos....what's wrong?

    Kratos= John....listen to me now. Kvar may had acted like a friend to you. That's because you were under their control. He took something important away from me. A person I loved. If Kvar see's you as the new world chosen, he will see you as a traitor....like he did with me. I know you want to reason with Kvar and talk him into amending for what he did. His fate will still be uncertain. I want you to be prepaired for that judgement. Lloyd may not agree with you. I hope your not frightened of his concerns that you would spare Kvar and not us. That's why I decided to let Ricter go with you to the Baracroff Mosuleum together allone. I think you want to amend with him for what you did, even if it is not your fault.

    *Suddenly...Ricter appeared beside Kratos.*

    (Music changes to - Avenger Ricter/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    Ricter= You wanted to see me Kratos?

    Kratos= I decided that he wants to amend for his actions against you durring his control over him. He wants to repay you for what happened.

    John= Ricter....I......

    Ricter= Very well. I'll take him to the temple, Through the Dais. John is able to open the passage without the aid of the maiden dance and a centurion. I used Kaolla's computers in that Tardis to analize his abilities. Even he can use our artes and even form unison moves. I like to see him in action.

    Kratos= Then it's agreed. I already sent Zelos and Regal to escort Gordon to get his ship back. You 2 should go now.

    Ricter= Please don't tell Emill and Marta.

    Kratos= You have my word.

    John= ...... Ricter.... I....im sorry.

    Ricter= You don't need to apologise. I already had to deal with someone like that long ago. You couldnt help it.

    *Later....John opened the Dais enterance and entered the dais ruins allong with Ricter.....as for Ricter.... he thought of the time he had Emill to accompany him to the Baracroff Mosuleum. .....*

    (Music changed to - Search a seal/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    John= This is where me and Kvar were last. Except we ventured deep into this place.

    Ricter= John be carefull! This place is rigged with traps!

    John= You mean that loose brick in that corner over there?

    Ricter= Loose brick....wait. Your telling me you can see the trap devices with your eyes allone?

    John= I think so. ....well.....at least since I got this crest.

    Ricter= I knew it. It's the Jenova crest. No wonder you were able to perform our artes. How good can you cast a spell? Look out...monsters!

    *John looked behind him and there was a monster that tried to attack them and John casted a simple (Photon) and dispatched the enemy.*

    John= That was close.

    Ricter= So you can use light magic. And you can cast magic like a hair trigger too. Not even the best half elves can cast that fast.

    John= I can also use artes like Prisim sword and Radiant roar.

    Ricter= Those were Marta's artes. Can you use any darkness based?

    John= I never tried those. I dont think I can anyway. I can use just about everything. Even weapons. I can use moves like Cresent moon and king of lions.

    Ricter= You can use King of lions? I never heard of that arte before.

    John= It's from the netherworld. I'll have to show you arround once we take the fight to the daleks.

    Ricter= Just what is these Daleks? I like to know.

    John= It's a long story.

    Ricter= Im pretty used to long stories.

    *John and Ricter talked allong the way from the teleporter to the Baracroff Mosuleum and then they seen the barrier covering the entire temple and as John was talking to Ricter, John walked into a ruined wall and tripped from behind and fell on the ground, and when he slipped, Ricter found a key card of some sort where John hit the wall.*

    John= Owwwe.

    Ricter= You need to pay attention to your surroundings.....wait a minnute. Can you pick up specal abilities? The Sylverant chosen Collet,....she trips and falls into things too causing good fortune. Is it possible you copied that as well?

    John= I dont know....ouch....ehhh......

    Ricter= Maybe you can't control it. Now, it's time to crack the barrier.

    John= Just like the one in Triet. Raine told me to use the salvation ring.

    Ricter= May I look at that before you break the barrier?

    John= Sure.

    Ricter= You have to hold it for me. I can't touch it. Only you can use it and touch it. Not even these chosens can use it.

    *John held the ring for Ricter as he drew some sketches of the markings and took notes with complicated calculations and lengths like it was nothing.*

    John= Amazing. You didnt even use a calculator or a ruler and you figured them all out?

    Ricter= I have done this many times. Almost all my life. Ok, break the barrier.

    John= Will do!

    *John swung the ring on the yellow barrier and then the barrier faded away.*

    Ricter= We enter.

    *John and Ricter entered and traveled the Mossuleum all the way to the altar and John with looks of pitty on his face looked at the sylphs petrified and the mana sphere intact.*

    John= Oh man... what have I been doing? These poor sylphs.

    *John touched all 3 of them and the sylphs were revived back to normal*

    Sylph 1= Hey.....were back to normal.

    Sylph 2= Look....it's that human from before.

    Sylph 3= Hey guy. You feeling better?

    John= AHHH!.... you...your not mad at me after what I did!?

    Sylph 1= Your a nice human. Efret told us about you. After you saved him from your own petrification.

    Sylph 2= Don't be shy. You couldnt help it.

    Sylph 3= Were sorry about what we said to you earlier.

    John= No. I should apologise. .....that other summon spirit....the fox looking one...did he tell you too?

    Sylph 1= That's Verius.

    Ricter= That's right. You met verius.

    John= ...im ...... sorry for everything.

    Sylhp 2= Your fine kiddo.

    Sylph 3= It's alright, no need to apologise, now can you get rid of this thing on our altar please? It's draining our mana.

    *John tapped the salvation ring on the sphere and it shrunk back into pocket size.*

    John= There you go. The mana should build back up in a few hours.

    Sylph 3= it also got rid of those other wierd monsters too.

    Ricter= There not of Ratatosk's?

    Sylph 2= His monsters are far prettier than those.

    Sylph 1= Ick. I didnt like them.

    John= The netherworld monsters. Oh Ricter. Wanna hang on to me? I'll take you down the temple by gliding.

    Ricter= Well....I suppose.

    *Ricter grabbed ahold of John and John glidded down the temple till he reached the ground.*

    John= That was fun. I thought I wouldnt be able to do that again.

    Ricter= *chuckles a bit* You are strange indeed. Even taking on those awfully powerful monsters by yourself. I hate to admitt but your quite the companion. Let's get back to the group.

    (Music dies down)

    *Later, John and Ricter returned to Asgard safely. John was expecting Kratos to meet them but was met by Etna instead.*

    Etna= How did it go Ricter? How is my new vassal doing restoring the temple?

    Ricter= We did it. No problems. I also managed to do some research on him too. I need to speak to Raine and share what I came across.

    Etna= She's at the Tardis.

    Ricter= Thanks Etna.

    Etna= Don't forget your my vassal too.

    Ricter= Etna, please don't let this vassal thing get to you. You cant be a demon overlord anymore since your an angel now.

    *Ricter heads towards the Tardis to find Raine who was still researching the Tardis. Etna wanted to talk to John and try to get to know him better.*

    (Music playing - Angel smile/ Disgaea)Download

    John= How are you doing Etna?

    Etna= Oh, nothin much. I feel a bit bored here. So, what did you and Ricter do besides free the temple?

    John= I just did some demonstrations and showed him the markings of this salvation ring.

    Etna= You know, saving those temples would be simpler and easier if we just split up but since your the only oone who can open them up and do it. *sigh*

    Flonne= Miss Etna.... what about the neterworld? We need to save our world from the control of those Daleks.

    Etna= I know Flonne. We can't do anything about it right now. We need to cut off the mana flow from this world to ours.

    Flonne= So that's Triet and now Asgard down, right?

    Etna= That's only 2 down. We got 2 left in this continent, and 3 more in the other one.

    John= I know. But im still worried about Rodyle and the others. Please dont tell Lloyd and his companions this ok?

    Etna= But why are you so worried about them for? They used you, just like what that Kratos guy said.

    John= They have answers. I need to talk to them.

    Flonne= Please let John try to reason with them. Im sure John can save them like we did for you. Now it's time to help John in return.

    Etna= We need to get rid of those mana speres first. Now let's get back with Lloyd and see which one were going for next.

    *Later on, Etna met up with Lloyd.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Lloyd= You wish to see me Etna?

    Etna= Yeah. We need to see which temple were raiding next.

    Lloyd= Not raid, restore. We need to get those mana spehre's out of the temples before the new world tree get's exausted. The tree cant take much more of this. I don't know how long Kaolla's mana generators can hold untill we can get the temples secured.

    Etna= I see. So this new world tree means much to you huh?

    Lloyd= It's the key to this worlds survival. I say the glaiger where the water temple is. That should be the next place. Get John and the others so we can head there right away.

    Etna= Ok.

    *Etna gathers all of the members so they could go to the resort island and restore the water temple. Kaolla set the Tardis to transport to the island. Once at the temple's enterance....*

    (Music playing - Search a seal/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    Raine= Ok. Were here. John, if you may do the honors.

    John= Ok.

    *John took one swing of the salvation ring and the barrier shattered.*

    Genis= The ninja clan of Sheena's need our attention and we should hep them.

    Marta= I agree with Genis.

    Raine= It's settled. We'll all go to the village while Etna and Flonne accompany John to collect the mana sphere and restore Udine to normal.

    John= Sure thing.

    *Raine, Genis, Marta and the others head to the village while Etna and Flonne go with John inside the water temple*

    Etna= So that Raine sounds really worked up about these villagers.

    Flonne= I see. Raine sounds like she really cares for these ninja people.

    *Suddenly, the centurion Aqua appeared*

    Aqua= Oh... it's you guys. I hope you don't mind if I tag allong. I just havent been back here for awhile. So that's John restored to normal. He sure acts better than that corrupted verson of himself.

    John= Look,....im sorry for what I did to you and Tenebree.

    Aqua= No need to apologise. I like you just the way you truely are. You sound a whole lot better than that self centered "new age chosen" of yourself. Now look at yourself, your the "new world chosen". It's got a nice ring to it.

    Etna= Well, sure.

    *So everyone went with John to the altar of Udine and once there, John found Udine petrified, John took the salvation ring and touched her with it and it restored her to normal.*

    John= There. All cured.

    Udine= So.....John. I heard from the other summon spirits....you regained your senses. Im glad you did.

    John= Udine....im sorry.

    Udine= No need to apologise young one. And you angels are from the netherworld correct?

    Etna= I was a demon once. Im Etna. And this is Flonne. She's a natural angel who once turned into a demon herself, and now back an angel again.

    Flonne= Nice to meet you Miss Udine. Im Flonne. An angel from Celestria.

    Udine= It's nice to have new company. Oh, Aqua, I havent seen you in a long time.

    Aqua= Oh, yes. Udine. It's been awhile. Im here to check up on my altar. I havent been back but for so long.

    John= I almost forgot. I better get this thing off your altar Miss Udine.

    *John strikes the mana sphere with the salvation ring and it shrunk to normal. John picked it up and put it in his pocket.*

    Flonne= So that's the salvation ring's power. It looks pretty. Mind if I hold it?

    Aqua= I think it's better you not Flonne. Only John can wield that kind of power. But your free to look at it. John's the only one who can touch it. Oh, we better go to my altar. Sorry to keep you ....

    Udine= It's alright. Here, Ill open the way to your altar.

    *Udine opens the passage to Aqua's altar. They all take the way to the lower sections of the water temple and they traveled through water ways and underwater looking passages to Aqua's altar.*

    John= It's so nice down here. Nice and cool too. I just love the water, it's so relaxing and exciting at the same time.

    Flonne= We need to bring our bathing suits and play here sometime.

    Aqua= Im glad you all like it. Look, there it is. My altar. Let's check it out.

    *Aqua examined her altar and looked around it. She finds a piece of a medalion.*

    Etna= What's that?

    Aqua= It's a piece to a medalion. I had it for centuries.

    John= Kaolla may be able to examine it. With a little help from Ricter and Raine.

    Flonne= Sounds like a good idea.

    John= Let's go back. I can warp us out of here. Get close to me. Hold on tight.

    *John casts the spell (Exit) and himself, Flonne, Etna, and Aqua were teleported back outside of the temple.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Flonne= That was fun.

    Etna= I see. So that's white magic.

    John= Oh Etna, since your an angel now, you should be able to use some. I can help you when you have time on your hands.

    *Suddenly, Raine appeared.*

    Raine= Your back. The village elder of New Mizuho wishes to see John. He's currious about him and hearing about him after his change.

    Etna= Ok.

    Flonne= A ninja village. This sounds exciting.

    Raine= This way. Follow me.

    *So everyone entered the hidden village of New Mizuho.*

    (Music playing - Shinobi life/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    John= So this is New Mizuho eh.

    Etna= Not bad guys.

    Raine= Follow me everyone and no wondering off.

    Ninja 1= Oh Raine. It's you.

    Ninja 2= You brought that new chosen as well.

    Raine= The village elder wishes to have an audiance with him.

    Ninja 1= Right this way everyone.

    Ninja 2= Follow us.

    *Later, everyone was lined up sitting on the matts in the new elder house and the elder was right there with them sitting at the high platform.*

    Elder= So this is the new world chosen.

    Sheena= And he was used by the enemey, the black circle. All of the attacks on this land wasn't his fault.

    Elder= I know Sheena. Now, bring him before me.

    Sheena= Yes sir. John .... over here.

    *Sheena takes John by his arm and sits him next to the elder.*

    Elder= John, son. It's an honor to meet you sir.

    John= About the incident with Forcystus....Im so sorry.

    Elder= No need for apologies. You were under there control. Now show the tribe the salvation ring.

    *John holds up the salvation ring for the whole tribe to see. The people began to talk and create gossip all over and the elder called for silence.*

    Elder= As Miss Sage informed us, these Black Circle people are the cause of the trouble in this world and in another world. These visitors from another world who are using these Black Circle organization are a creature called a Dalek correct? John, the new world chosen knows about them. Please explain John.

    John= Ok.... as you see...... these Daleks.......they......

    *After a long speech,.....*

    Elder= I see. So this is another invasion of teror. First the Desians, the Vangard, the Black Circle, and now the Daleks.

    John= While they had me under their control, they made me plant these in the temples.

    *John shows the elder the mana sphere.*

    Lloyd= I see. John was ordered to put these in the temples and petrify the summon spirits as well as collect the centurion cores for there needs.

    Sheena= I also felt Udine's power returning to me. I too seen what these Daleks can do. They killed a half elf named Kate who risked her life to save me from the pilgramage back in the netherworld.

    Elder= Then if you need to restore the temples and save our world, I will not hold you back. Everyone else is dismissed. John and Sheena shall remain with me for the meantime.

    *Everyone but John and Sheena left the building.*

    John= Sir, may I ask....

    Elder= If your going to help save our world and the netherworld, then you will need to learn a specal secret.

    Sheena= Elder, John is going to learn summoning too?

    Elder= It is nessasary. One summoner may not be enough for this quest. John can learn even the most farfetched magic since he has the jenova crest.

    Sheena= But I have the pacts with these summon spirits. It's impossible for John to ...

    Elder= There is a specal way he can form pacts with them and at the same time you as well. John....I sense that you too are in a way evolving into a summon spirit yourself.

    John= No way!? Me....a summon spirit?

    Elder= I heard from Kratos and I know.... he knew this better than anyone. You have unique powers. And I learned that expheres can evolve into cruxis crystals. This one is unique, which allows wearers to evolve. Sheena, I wish you and John to form a pact with each other.

    John= ....,!

    Sheena= What!? This has never been done before.

    Elder= Trust me child. John is uniuqe. Now repeat after me John.....

    *Later outside........*

    Etna= Raine, what do you make of this? Aqua found it in her altar.

    Raine= Looks valuable. Looks like a broken piece of a medalion.

    Ricter= Without a doubt it sure is.

    Gordon= Reminds me when we found a medalion....well a form of a necklace...

    Flonne= ....,

    Gordon= Oh.... right. Sorry Flonne.

    Etna= So, when do we get to go to the Tower of Mana? You know? The one John rebuilt with his new age chosen powers.

    Ricter= Soon, but we have some buisiness to take care of first. The Black Circle attack caused this place allot of damage and John is going to hekp rebuild the ruined buildings.

    Flonne= You mean like that magic that he used to rebuild the mana tower?


    *John and Sheena appeared.*

    John= Ok, im goung to repair the village now.

    *John concentrates allot of power and with a stream of magical energy flowing all over the village like loose water, the damaged buildings and pagota's were fully restored and broken barriers were fully repaired.*

    Sheena= WOW! That's amazing.

    Ricter= Aparently these Daleks wanted that power as well.

    John= It's too bad cause there not getting it!

    Sheena= Oh and guess what?

    Raine= What is it Sheena? You and John were left behind.

    Sheena= I formed a new pact just awhile ago.

    Raine= That's good. With whom?

    Sheena= John.

    Raine= WHAT!?

    John= It's true. I can summon now.

    Ricter= Impossible.

    John= I heard I got the same qualities as a summon spirit.

    Genis= You...a summon spirit!?

    John= I couldnt believe it myself either.

    Kaolla= John. We need to get going.

    John= Kaolla.

    Kaolla= I will lend you my tama-speeder.

    John= The tama-speeder?

    Raine= John. You will be going with Marta an Emill on the next temple this time.

    Sheena= I know as well. I also will remain here. If I need you, I will summon you.

    John= Sweet. I havent ridden in this for a good while.

    Tenebree= Me too! I'll come with you Mr. New world chosen.

    John= Bree br...I mean Tenebree.... you can call me John.

    Marta= Are you sure this thing is safe?

    Emill= Were going back to Luin?

    Raine= Listen well John. After you finish in the tower of mana,... go to Luin with them and stay untill you hear further instructions from us. We have towns and villages to secure.

    Kaolla= Take good care of it ok?

    *John, jumped in the pilot seat of the tama-speeder, a large turtle shapped mecha carrier with a 3 eyed pattern, which can fly in the air and submerge in the water and travel on land, technology salvaged from Dr. Robotnic's eggomatic hovercrafts. Marta, Emill, and Tenebree enter the turtle shapped vessel.*

    Genis= Raine, can I go with them?

    Raine= Not this time. We will have a chance to see John in action. We need to remain here and keep the place secure. John, you know what you need to do?

    John= Sure do. Well, thanks Kaolla. Be sure to tell everyone I said hi ok?

    Kaolla= Sure thing Johnny!

    (Music changes to - Aviators, rhea-bird/ Tales of Symphonia)Download

    *John started the tama-speeder and it began to levitate and fly towards Luin. Past Luin was the tower of mana, where John met Marta, Emill, Lloyd and Etna in a rather hostile fashon when he was under the Black Cirlce's control.*

    John= The magic barrier will effect the tama-speeder. I better land here. So much for taking the quick and easy way.

    Tenebree= You can't expect to take everything the quick and easy way all the time.

    Emill= It's been awhile since we seen this place too.

    Marta= Yep. It's been a few weeks.

    John= And I rebuilt this tower? I remember magic like this but I cant remember what magic it was.

    Emill= That's not important now. Go on and break the barrier.

    (Music changes to - Search a seal/ Tales of Symphonia 2)Download

    *John took out the salvation ring and hit the barrier and the barrier that covered the entire tower, collapsed.*

    John= Right, let's go.

    Marta= See Emill, does he sound better than the old verson of him?

    Emill= Yeah. Sure reminds me when I had to deal with Lloyd.

    *John, Marta, Emill, and Tenebree entered the tower. As they ventured the tower, they seen monsters from the netherworld reading books and some werent even hositle.*

    Tenebree= If I may say, some of these demons here don't act like any demon I ever seen before.

    John= That's because there not from here. There from the netherworld. Their allot different than the ones of Neflhiem.

    Emill= Netherworld is populated by demons?

    John= Yep. But they have their own angel realm as well.

    Marta= Angels and demons ....... hummmmm......living together?

    John= Mart-m....uh...Marta? What are you thinking about? You got something on your mind.

    Marta= Just thinking. That's all.

    *The continued to venture the tower and after a few battles and puzzles later, they arrive at the top of the tower. John saw the sumoon spirit Luna and her 2 headed bird compainion, Aska. John took out the salvation ring and touched them with it and they turned back to normal. Then John went for the mana sphere and deactivated it and placed it in his pocket.*

    Luna= So, John.... you regeined your senses. Thank you for what you have done for us. Udine told me.

    John= Yeah....Im sorry for what I did earlier.

    Luna= May I ask you, have you seen Lumen by any chance?

    John= Lumen.....that's right. She's contained. She joined the Black Circle because of the incident of her son.

    Aska= Lumen..... She stil holds that grudge for over 4000 years ago.

    *After the explanation...*

    Luna= I see. You should head to Luin now. Take this tunnel, this should lead you to Lumen's altar.

    Marta= Wait....isnt the area flooded?

    Emill= That's right.

    Luna= Worry not children. I secured the lake. It's perfectly safe. And take this with you. I found it in Lumen's altar some time ago.

    Marta= It's another piece to some medalion. Just like what Aqua found in her altar. Like what Etna and Flonne said in Mizuho.

    Aska= Perhaps you can find all the parts. Im sure they will help you one day.

    *Later......John, Marta, Emill, and Tenebree took the warp and ended up in Luin town. They all settled down and took a nice rest. But what will happen now since Sylverant has been restored. Will the Daleks find out about the mana shortage? Find out next chapter.*

    (Music changes to - A dark race becomes magnificent/ Disgaea)Download

    *Etna Epilouge*

    Etna= Next episode on Tales of Disgaea, John, formally the new age chosen and now the new world chosen now has freed Sylverant from the mana spheres channeling the mana to my world.

    Gordon= Will the daleks find out?

    Kay= Apparently they will. And might do something about it so we need to be prepaired.

    Etna= But first, we need to celebrate with some nice well earned treats like all this food....uh....who cooked this?

    *Etna takes a bite out of the strange food and gags.*

    Genis= No wait that's......

    Etna= BLEH! Who made this icky crap!?

    Genis= That would be Raine.

    Etna= And what about this dish?

    *Etna try's out the next dish....and spits it back out*

    Etna= HACK! EWWWWWW!! This stuff's gross!

    Genis= That would be Ricter.

    Etna= Who are these guys? They know their anchent runes and research of ruins and artifacts but their cooking sucks!

    Genis= Hey Etna, not so loud.

    Etna= Well there you have it, the battle for the worst cooks. Tune in next time on Tales of Disgaea episode 12, battle of the worst cooks.

    Prinny= Im not looking forward to that dood.

    To be continued........