"Ichigo, wake up! You're going to be late for school," Yells my mom from the doorway.
"No, five more minutes," I mumbled, snuggling back into my pillow.
"Get up right now, or else I'll get the water!"
"Yeah, sure, what ever. 10 more minutes," I said back
She puffs then walks away hurriedly.
Well I guess I have to get up now, no need to waste water.
I slipped out of bed and threw on my uniform. I quickly did my hair, putting a bow on the left side of my ear to hold my hair up. I'm not exactly Bobby pin savvy, so I do the best I can with clip on bows.
I hobbled down the stairs and headed to our, well my kitchen.
My mom is the lazy type. She never took the time to learn to cook, neither did my father. She only learned what was necessary to survive, so I do most of the chores and cooking in the house.
I cracked some eggs into the frying pan and put some bread in the toaster. In minutes I made a delicious meal for me and my mom. I set the plates down on the table and began chomping down on my meal. My mom walks in and takes her seat across from me.
"Westren meal today?" She questions.
"Yeah, I figured it would be easy." And it was.
After breaky we made our good byes and departed to our usual daily routines. Mom works in town at the bank with my father, but dad has to go in early because hes the CFO. And for me, I go to high school, like any normal 15 year old would.
I ran along the path barley making it to school on time. I threw my bag on my desk, then plopped in my seat, getting out my homework from over the weekend.
When revising my homework, someone thumped me from behind, causing me to turn around. Of course, its Yumi.
"Uhh may I help you?" I ask, already know what she's gonna ask.
"Of course you can! I was wondering if I coul-"
"Wait! You didn't hear my question!?"
"Okay fine, whats your question?"
"I was WONDERING if I could borrow your homework, just this once! I won't ever ask again!"
"Hmm. Let me think about it." I put my hand on my chin ad stared at the ceiling for a moment, then I looked back at her.
"I thought about it."
She frowned at me. "Aww come on! I never ask you! This is like my first time I forgot to do my homework!"
"Actually, its your 46th time," I held up a sheet with tally marks on it, "See those tallies? Each one represents one time you have asked me to give you my homework to copy, because you forgot." I smirked at her.
"Geesh Ichigo! You're a big meanie!"
The bell rings interrupting our daily squabble about homework. When koki sensi comes into the room every one got up and bowed. She then signaled us to take our seats so that the lecture would start.
"Okay students, have out your homework. Were gonna go over it first thing this morning," she said cheery.
Every one grunted and pulled out their work. Most students papers were empty, not a single equation done. School really isn't that hard for me. Actually I'm probably the smartest one here. Although, I may be good at school, I don't really like it, so its a let down to the teachers. They say I'm wasting away my potential and crap like that.
Koki sensi went though her lesson pretty fast, well maybe it was fast because I fell asleep in the middle of it. And now, I'm paying for it.
"Ms. Ichigo, you won't have to worry about eating lunch in the cafeteria today, because you will be accompanying me in my class for lunch detention!" She says in a polite but harsh tone.
The class giggles around me.
"Uhh, yes mam."
The bell ran and every one left except for me. I walked up to koki sensi, deciding maybe I could get out of this situation.
"Sensi I'm sorry for taking a nap, I promise it won't happen again." I looked at her with my innocent eyes.
"Yeah I know it won't happen again, thats why you're in here with me for the next 40 minutes!" She says happily.
Does this teacher get a kick out of other kids misery or something?
"Go get your lunch and hurry back, I'm only giving you 5 minutes, so no side conversations! Now hop to it!"
She shooed me out of the class room and closed the door. I led my way through the crowd and got my bento out of my locker. By then the hallway was even more crowded. The stair case leading up to my class was jam packed full of students trying to get to their friends. I started up the stairs, avoiding other students feet. But obviously that didn't work. Some sophomore extended their leg to far, cutting me off from my next step. With no time to react I fell back. Every one moved out of the way, not realizing what was happening, and before I knew it I was on the ground out cold.
I was floating in nothingness. All that was there was white. Then my head started to pound. The whiteness around me turned red. When the white was completely gone I began to fall. My head was pounding, it was going to explode. But before I crashed it all turned blue.
I blinked my eyes open.
What was that? What a strange dream, wait, why was I sleeping?!
I leaned forward and found my self in the infirmary.
"Nurse! She's up!," said taylor in a relived tone.
The nurse scurried over to my side.
Oh finally, I thought she would never come around. She's made me do so much work, kids these days.
"Um excuse me?"
What a rude nurse!
"Yes hunny? Do you need any thing? You see Ichigo, you've hit your head and had a concussion."
"WHAT!?! How long have I been out for?!?"
To long.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it if I I'm knocked out."
She gives me a confused look. "Um, I didn't say any thing. You have been out for a couple of hours. I contacted your parents, they are on their way."
Whats taking them so long, I contacted them like over an hour ago![/i]
"Thats rude! My parents are very busy people!"
Wait a minute. I didn't see her lips move when she said that.
Whoa.. Thats creepy, its like she read my mind.
"I didn't read your mind, you said it aloud!"
She looked at me strangely. Yumi placed her hand to my forehead.
"Ichigo, are you sure you're alright? You are acting very strange."
"Yeah.. I'm just a bit confused."
A bit confused? Geesh this is the strangest kid ever. I just want her parents to get her already so I can end my shift and go home!
Again I heard that nurse saying rude things but her mouth wasn't moving when she said them.
Whats going on here? Am I just hearing things? Am I crazy? Or is it something else?
- by Shameful Baby-Sama |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/26/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Ichigo's Saga! (Chapt 1)
- Artist: Shameful Baby-Sama
- Description: This story starts out like any other 'normal' story would, but its not normal at all. The main character Ichigo Falls and hits her head pretty hard at school, and wakes up to find out that she can read peoples minds!? What is this new power of hers and what problems will she face with it?!? (Btw this is just chapt one, there will be more to come if I get some readers!)
- Date: 10/26/2011
- Tags: psychic mindreading highshcool
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