Gunners #19 Saya vs Hakuru The Ultimate Match!
The Ten Evil Blades
Feather feather, let it fall. Its so light but when it lands its so heavy.
The light doesn’t mean its just a very light thing to hold. Its also a very heavy thing to hold onto. And quite a very burden to take care of.
The feather is always a burden.
Kikio: Saya if you keep pushing yourself too hard your ognna lose your angel again!
Saya: my angels too weak! I have to make it stronger! Powerful!
Damn. I don’t know what Hakuru is doing! She thinks she can do whatever she wants with that power huh?!
Kikio: …
Yukio: Kikio we have to talk.
Kikio: yeah…
Yukio: Saya’s body, I don’t think her angel and her is going to take it a bit longer.
Kikio: you mean the Evil Energy is-
Yukio: yes. Its over taking her heart and soul. If she keeps this up. She won’t make it any longer.
Kikio: so what now?! Let her die?!
Yukio: no, I don’t want that to happen, and certainly you don’t want that too. Whatever is Hakuru is doing its keeping her alive.
Kikio: so what now?
Yukio: go over to the Skull Gunners place and see whats Hakuru is doing. She whats keeping Hakuru alive. I don’t know much about the Evil Energy. The only ones that know this very well are the shinobi gunners intelligence corp.
Kikio: ah those guys. Haven’t heard from them for awhile I heard one shinobi is with the Skull Gunners now.
Yukio: hm. If it weren’t for that shinobi I don’t think Hakuru would survive any longer. It could be it. Go now.
See what you can find. Come back with a lot of information okay?
Kikio: yeah sure.
She reloaded her colts.
Kikio: hey Yukio. Take care of Saya if you can will you? I promise I’ll bring back a lot of inofrmation as I can. Then after that…
We can all play as band again.
Yukio: yeah…
She closes the door and heads out and gets in her car. She laid her head onto the wheel.
Kikio: Saya…..
Fu ck!
She drives away as Yukio cries.
Kikio please. Bring back as much information as you can…
Hakuru flips back.
It clears out all of the poison flame.
Rizumi: very good!
Hakuru: I don’t feel like I’m tired anymore, must be my bio cells again.
Rizumi: hmph as figures.
You feel anyhting?
Hakuru: no. I feel ten times better as before again!
Rizumi: guess like the trainings being paid off huh?
Hakuru: yeah!
Rizumi: alright. Then theres no need to worry. Just hold onto your life and you’ll be fine. Just try not to over do it you hear?
Hakuru: sweet thanks!
Rizumi: if something goes wrong you tell me.
Hakuru: you worry too much.
Rizumi: guess your right. I do worry a lot about you ever since I first joined your group, I realise your not much of a threat Hakuru.
Hakuru: well everyone always says that. Even the heavens and hell.
Why am I a threat? Do you know Rizumi?
Rizumi: no not exactly, all I hear was jibberish from those councils.
But the Gunners, and the Dark Gunners. Dark Gunners serve only to Satan himself. While the Light serves God. But…
That’s a bunch of bullshit.
You see.
Gunners were actually mercenaries. The Demon Knight herself create the Gunners to make the balance of humans and this world right. To keep the balance correct. And also to keep any evil away.
Hakuru: you sure have a lot of intel huh?
Rizumi: yeah and check this out. The history about The Demon Knight that gave both God and Satan the Gunner beings. That was a lie.
The councils were all lying about that.
The Demon Knight create all Gunners. Not both Light And Dark. That comes later after a few years later.
After the Gunners were created. The first ranks of the Gunners rose to power. And began to recruit members for they’re own ranks to become heir. There are bloodlines to bloodlines through generations to generations in the 16th century.
But hatred begin to come in.
The Evil Energy came by. It was a plague. It a few ranking members. And began to change thye’re own ranks.
There were clans, names, legends.
That was the day when The Ten Evil Blades came in.
That was the century when the first ten became The Ten Evil Blades.
However the tenth member was oddly strange.
The first member though got kickced out. Thought she was useless.
And replaced her with a demon with Evil Energy as well.
The tenth member was a powerful member. A powerful being just like the first. However she was sick. Badly. She could control time, space and the whole world. But her duty was to serve the group and obey her leaders. Her intention was not the world. She only followed orders. The more she uses the Evil Energy, the more her life shortens. She died then while protecting the first.
Hakuru: protecting the first? You mean Shion?
Rizumi: yeah. The first one was weak at the time. So she had to be protected at all cost because she was very useful. She was smart and also half powerful. But her power was still growing ten times like you Hakuru.
The tenth member was very precious to Shion’s life. So what happened was that two sides begin to rage war.
They never liked demons, they never liked the Ten Evil Blades or hell.
So they try to side with god even when god never answers they’re prayers or rituals. So the council was created.
There was an unknown ruin. It was like magic. Magic that could float that ruin up in the sky. They call it. “The Ark of God”
Hakuru: what a crazy name.
Rizumi: yeah. But they found a dimensional sub-space tunnel.
That’s when they begin to use they’re powers to travel to other dimensions. They begin to construct other bases. Such as the five dimensions.
The first was Ryul.
The 2nd was Phonal.
3rd Kruelz.
4th Huez.
And the 5th was Zemus.
Hakuru: those are the five bases? s**t we should of destroyed them earlier.
Rizumi: indeed we should of. But still.
They’re base is so large that no one could ever invade them. But if they keep fighting like this, dimensions would keep on shattering. As the two sides kept fighting the Ten Evil Blades went into hiding and begin to wait for this century. They tried to find a worthy tenth member.
Now they found you. You’re the one that is chosen now Hakuru.
Are you prepared to face whatver hits you?
Hakuru: I was always prepared even before I was captured by Onimaru!
Rizumi: ka!!! KAWAI!!!!
Hakuru: ah what the hell?!
Rizumi begins to hug Hakuru with pure excitement!
Hakuru: ah Rizumi! Come on! hey not breast! Whats your head doing there?!
Come on! they’re just normal! Why do you have to tuck your head there!
Hakuru: okay okay let me go already Rizumi!
Kikio: …
Is that the history behind the Gunners series?
Is that why the Demon Knight create the series?
If a few blood lines were infected then who are the other non-infected?
Well anyways I’m gonna go rest up,
See ya!
Rizumi: yeah sure!
She closes the door as Rizumi go and gets a water bottle.
Kikio: freeze!
Rizumi: ?
Kikio: I don’t wanna pull the triggur, but!
Tell me.
How do you do it?
Rizumi: do what?
Kikio: how does Hakuru survive from the Evil Energy? Tell me?!
I don’t wanna kill you!
How does Hakuru with stand the Evil Energy?
Rizumi: easy, by controlling all two energies of Light and Dark.
Kikio: light and dark…?
Rizumi: let me guess, Saya is dying isn’t she?
Kikio: yeah…
Rizumi: she has never mastered the blue energy before huh?
Kikio: ah… yeah.
Rizumi: well now, since lal of you are all “Dark Gunners” Saya must learn how to control blue energy.
Kikio: but what does this has to do with anything? Does that even help with the Evil Energy?
Rizumi: listen to me Kikio.
She has an angel inside of her correct?
Kikio: yeah?
Saya: then that means there is hope.
Try to communicate with Saya’s angel.
The angel will know what to do.
Kikio: are you sure?
Rizumi: I’m pretty sure, angels helps the host to survive. If the host cannot prove its worth to a demon or angel. Then the angel and demon must leave to another host and leaves the previous host dying.
Kikio: …..
Go. I don’t think Saya has much time left.
Kikio: I thought you’d be taking me down after I barged in.
Rizumi: don’t be foolish, why would a shinobi like myself try to waste her own energy against a Revolver?
Kikio: hey not nice!
Yamota: hm? Kikio?
Kikio: Yamota?
Kikio: whats with the outfit?
Yamota: oh, this hat belongs to my dad, I made this outfit myself.
Pretty cool huh?
Kikio: looks more cow boyish.
Yamota: its suppose to be.
Like the gun?
Kikio: woah!
Yamota: my dads rifle.
Still need to clean it inside though.
Kikio: you’re a real cow girl!
Yamota: heh.
From now I’m a not a revolver anymore Kikio
Kikio: huh?
Yamota: I’m a ranger!
Kikio: a ranger?
Yamota: they call it rangers back in the old in the 19th century.
The old westerners were so cool back then.
So now..
Kikio: okay….
Rizumi: now do you have all the information you have?
Kikio: ah yeah. I do.
Rizumi: then go.
Kikio: ..
Thank you!
She went off as she drove off with her car.
Yamota: whats that about?
Rizumi: I don’t really know.
I’m gonna go and drink some green tea, would you like to join?
Yamota: nah I’m stinking with beer, I hate green tea.
Rizumi: you know if you don’t drink green tea, you might get cancer, or either way your body won’t help you against diseases or dangerous painful things. It might not help your digestive system. It would be wise enough if you drink tea.
Yamota: ah… okay just one.
Kikio: Saya!
Saya: what is it now Kikio?!
Kikio: your dying Saya! Your dying!
Saya: who says I’m dying?!
Kikio: look, I know you want to fight Hakuru, and I know theres a chance to win!
Saya: a cahcne to win?
Kikio: the more you use your Evil Energy the more your life shortens! You have to master the blue neergy!
Saya: you mean, I have to master the Light Gunners skill?
Kikio: yes! You have to! I don’t know anything about Light Gunners abilities, but Kasumi should know!
Saya grabs Kikio.
Saya: damn it Kikio, tell me!
Saya grabs her own head and grasps it.
Saya: AH!
Kikio: Saya!
A look inside of Saya’s mind went through.
Saya: “huff” “huff” “huff”
She was in a world full of mystery.
A world with floating rocks and explosions.
Kasumi: Saya…
Saya; Ka.. Kasumi?!
Kasumi: Kikio is right, you must master the Evil Energy.
Saya: what is happening?! Kasumi answer me!
Kasumi: do not rush child. Please. Let me help you. I have lived much longer than you have Saya.
I’ve seen most people die from this Evil Energy. You must master the blue energy. The Evil Energy is mixed with two both energies. Light Energy (Blue) and Dark Energy (Black)
And those two energies must be mastered in order to maintain control of the Evil Energy.
Are you ready to take on your first step into your blue energy training Saya?
Saya: ….
Lets do it.
Kasumi: alright then.
Your first step is to try and maintain good inside you.
Saya: good?
Kasumi: your not always on being good. So try and forget about bad things.
Your not really good at saving anyone, nor are you good on being nice.
Saya: hmph.
Kasumi: lets make this challenging, rescue a girl who is in the middle of a gun fight.
She raises her left hand makes a field like WW2.
Kasumi: there, see that girl? You only have five minutes left.
Saya: but what does this has to do with my training?!
Kasumi:four minutes and 30 seconds.
Saya: damn!
Saya jumps onto each floating rock and heads into the field as she tries to rescue the girl.
Saya flips forward and fires her two desert eagles.
She finally reachs to the girl.
Saya: there stop crying!
Kasumi: good, you have the girl, but you only have a minute till a bomb drops on your head.
Better get moving Saya, or your dead.
Saya: damn it!
Kasumi has never pushed me this far before!
She never even taught how to train with blue energy!
Damn it!
Hakuru already mastered both two already.
Then I must master the blue energy!
Saya: good, think of something good!
She fired a blue gun bullet.
Saya hurries and jumps onto the floating rocks as the whole field explodes.
Saya: “huff” “huff” “huff”
The girl vanishs.
Kasumi: nice work, you’ve managed to save the girl, fired a blue bullet and got your a** and the girl out of there alive. Just as what I expect from my host. Saya Hurisha the Blood Shed.
Saya: I’ve never pushed myself this far before in training!
This is really getting interesting….
Saya: well!
Next step!
Kasumi: the 2nd step.
you must face yourself.
Saya: face myself?
Kasumi: this is all about time Saya.
You only have an hour to defeat her.
Saya: and what if the hour runs out?
Kasumi: then you die.
Saya: …..
Kasumi: but I have my highly hopes that you’ll actually defeat the other you.
I will be making the arena now.
She raises up an arena which rose up from the ground. Its barrier shielded all around it. Saya walked through.
Kasumi: good luck.
Saya stood there as she saw gates opened.
She saw herself but had a Dark Gunners Academy uniform.
2nd Saya: heh…
Saya: ….
2nd Saya: well then. Come!
Saya: *I knew she would say that, that use to be my line!*
2nd Saya: well…?
Come on then!
Saya: ….
I know myself, I know what I’m doing. I cannot be tricked….
For now I’ll have to be fighting from a distance.
Saya: Dark Soul!
She raises out her right hand and raises out a dark night which a blade with guns firing out like crazy. But then the 2nd Saya used her two eyes and destroyed it.
Saya: she vanished it with only her two eyes?!
What the?!
I see…..
So not only that she can use my moves but she has different powers and moves more differently than me!
2nd Saya appeared from behind as she strike down her blade against Saya’s back.
Saya: AH!
Saya: ah… I never knew Blue Energy would be this hard to keep up!
2nd Saya grabs hold of the bullet with her own hand.
2nd Saya: what is this? Some kind of idiotic play?
Whats wrong Saya? Aren’t you the Blood Shed? Well come on, are you?
Saya: keh!
Damn you!
Fine take this then!
Saya increased the power of her hand.
Saya: what?!
Saya: DAMN IT!
Fine then.
She uses her evil energy and summoned a huge barrier.
The smoking bombs were gone as Saya fell down to her knees. But she tries and struggles to get up.
2nd Saya: hahaha…. Evil Energy huh? I don’t think it’s a good idea to be using it now Saya.
Gives me one hell of a turn on whhen you fight. Ha. I would ******** you. Pretty much seduce your body. Or maybe devour your whole soul.
But still atleast you survived.
But not for any longer. You just shortened your life time.
Saya: hmph.
Blue Angel Valkyrie Blade.
2nd Saya: WHAT?!
She summoned a floating blade and stabs straight through the heart of the 2nd Saya.
Saya: game over.
2nd Saya: but how?!
Saya: I pretended to lay down as if I was dying. However while you were jibbering about raping me. I was too busy quietly saying out the words for the valkyrie summoning sword. Then bang. I got you at your six.
2nd Saya: haha…. just as always Saya. You “are” The Blood Shed.
Saya: …..
She goes close up to 2nd Saya’s lip.
Saya: you wanted to try to do those dirty things to me right?
2nd Saya: heh yeah why..?
Saya licks 2nd Saya’s neck up to her cheek.
Saya: better now? Sometimes its hard to listen to peopels squirms while they want to beg to screw with people.
Have that as a present.
2nd Saya: hahaha.
I really do like you… now hurry up and kill me already. I gotta get back into Kasumi’s heart.
All these living things. It all comes from her heart.
Saya: …I see.
Then be gone.
She snaps her fingers as the sword explodes in her chest.
Saya: ….. done.
Kasumi: ah, you mastered the valkyrie sword.
Saya: you wanted me to summon that didn’t you?
At first I didn’t know what it is, I had this strange blue feeling in my mind and heart.
But then I realised a shape of form.
Saya: so then I had to summon a sword. Besides I’m nearly out of ammo anyway.
Kasumi throws her some ammo.
Saya: thanks.
Kasumi: you know. You could atleast wear a mask.
Saya: why’s that/
I’m some super hero you know?
Saya: hm?
Kasumi: you’re a kunoichi, you don’t want anyone to see Saya as The Demon Kunoichi right?
Saya: great, I got two names I just named.
She grabs Kasumi’s mask.
She puts it on her face.
Saya: heh.
Saya: say, this would look good for the Dark Gunners…. Heh.
Kasumi: yes it would.
So are you ready for your final test?
Saya: lets go.
I got no time left anyway so I need to fight Hakuru!
Kasumi: your final test. Will be.
Growing your blue energy to its limits.
Saya: and how do I do that?
Kasumi: focus. Focus on how you maintain it. And how you try to hold it in your body.
Like catching your breath to save up for more stamina.
Kasumi: the main thing in this final step is to make the best possible huge blue energy that you can.
Like a nuclear bomb.
Saya: so I need to grow a big bomb huh?
Guess I can do it.
She closes her eyes and raises her hands out.
Kasumi: focus, think about your enemy. Think on how the enemy fights. Shoots. Tactics.
Saya: AH!
Saya wakes up.
Saya: ah….
Kasumi: again!
Saya: damn….
Wait a minute.
Kasumi: huh?
Saya: while I’m focusing.
Get Lilly to send a message to Hakuru.
Kasumi: a message?
Saya: tell her that.
Our final ultimate match begins.
Kasumi: ….
Saya: tell her, that we’re gonna settle it in Tokyo. Around the Tokyo Tower.
We’re gonna fight in the rain, we’re gonna make the skies cry as they watch us fight. Make them shiver to death. Let those damn heavens watch us. Like I care about God watching me do this awful crap.
I’ll make every sin in my life. Even if it costs my life!
Lets make some hell!
If I shoot a human by mistake then so be it.
This human body. This human body that Hakuru wished for, for me!
Its magnificent.
Even so I have you. I don’t get to age like a normal human. But at least your with me to fight Hakuru at our limits.
Saya: This Is gonna be our final ultimate match!
Ding dong!
Yamota: yeah yeah I’m coming…
Lilly: Yamota. Its time.
Yamota: time for what?
Lilly: Saya sends a message to Hakuru.
Hakuru: AHHH!
Rizumi: GAH!
Rizumi: good. You’ve mastered all of your energies.
I doubt you won’t die.
Yamota: Hakuru!
Hakuru: huh?
Yamota: a message from Saya.
She wants to fight you.
And this is her only final fight.
Against you Hakuru.
Hakuru: ……
Its about damn fuc king time!
Hakuru’s left skull eye was glowing red.
Hakuru: what location?
Yamota: Tokyo Tower.
It will be raining soon so yeah…
Hakuru: the rain. It always makes the sky cry. I like that… I really do.
The rain is always a perfect battle.
Hakuru: guess like I need to equip myself….
Rizumi: Hakuru your sword.
She throws Hakuru her blade.
Hakuru: oh, its not dark black anymore.
Rizumi: don’t worry its still in its original form, but I changed the colour. Its sharp as steel like a lions tooth.
Oh and you might want this.
Rizumi throws Hakuru a mask. With two holes which were for her eyes. on her left hole of the mask as black lining to it. And some flames on the mask.
Hakuru wears it on.
Hakuru: heh…
This is pretty cool.
Hakuru: maybe all Skull Gunners should wear masks.
Yamota: sounds alright to me, I already got mine thank you very much.
Hakuru: Rizumi you got anymore masks?
Rizumi: got one for everone, Asuka probably needs another mask.
V already has one, you already have one and Yamota.
Nows for the rest.
Hakuru: well then I guess I need to be heading off.
Yamota: oh Hakuru.
Don’t forget your Mk lV artillery gun.
The gun that transforms into three.
Hakuru: ah, my lucky long shot.
I think I’ll be calling it Lucky Long Shot Mk lV
Yamota: hey I wonder who has the other series?
Hakuru: don’t know, probably taken, stolen, missing.
Whatever they are, they could be sold for about 17 billion yen.
Hakuru: yeah, this one is around 30 billion.
Yamota: Hakuru are these guns really that valuable?!
Hakuru: well yeah I mean. These guns can shoot and pierce through any armor. It can also pierce through Gunners armor as well and shield armor. This gun is the ultimate weapon in the line of defense and warfare
Yamota: I must sell that-
Hakuru: don’t even think about it.
Hakuru: well then I’m off. See ya guys.
Yamota: good luck!
Hakuru: right!
She jumps off.
Rizumi: …..
Shes the ultimate girl alright.
Hakuru jumps building to building as she teleports to Tokyo.
As she lands on a building she sees Saya up on top of Tokyo Tower.
Saya’s blue energy was finally mastered.
Hakuru: Saya…
Saya: Hakuru…
Nice mask.
Hakuru: you too.
Saya: hmph.
Now since the Evil Energy won’t shorten our lives since we’ve already mastered both dark and blue energy.
We can finally fight.
Our last and final match.
This is the perfect place huh Hakuru?
a place where we could fight up the skies and destroy whatever comes in our way.
Saya: I promise you I won’t lose.
This won’t be a draw this time.
I’m gonna kill you.
Even if I have to kill myself to do so. But I won’t be the one that has to fall on my own two feet this time. You’ll be one that will fall!
Hakuru:we’ll see Saya….
Cause unfortunately.
You just made my bio cells boiling!
Saya: heh.
I thank you for making me human! It feels great! Even with an angel!
Hakuru: wow your finally being grateful to me huh?!
Well atleast I’m a half human and a half biological clone!
Saya: heh!
The sky began to pour rain.
Saya raises her right hand and fires a dark energy spear. Hakuru dodges it and runs up onto a building and grabs out one of her two 9mm pistols.
She jumps straight to the sky and heads straight to Saya’s direction.
Saya jumps up and grabs out one of her Kunai’s. she throws them at Hakuru as Hakuru shoots both of them down.
They slashed, kick and look both each others eyes.
Both of they’re eyes fired huge beams at each other as they both colided. They went into each other as a powerful force shaped the sky into they’re own battle field.
Hakuru kicks Saya in the face with her tae kwon do martial arts as Saya uses her ninjutsu style and judo style.
Saya grabs hold of Hakuru and kicks her legs down and slams her in the wall.
Hakuru’s face was bleeding as Hakuru tastes her own blood for the first time.
Hakuru: so this is what my own blood taste like….
Your really starting to tick me off Saya!
Saya: aw you losing your own cool?
Hakuru: AHHH!
Her bio cells starts to run through her veins as Evil Energy occurs.
Hakuru: damn it Saya!!!!
Saya: heh, you think I’m afraid of your power?!
She maintains the blue energy at its very full limits. Its beyond limits than any other Gunner can do.
Saya: AHHH!
Her angel wings spreaded from her back as they were covered with light blue energy.
Her dark red eyes were dark. With dark energy.
Saya: haha… your not the only ultimate Gunner Hakuru Sakura!
Hakuru: I’m gonna clip your ******** wings Saya!
The two of them flew into each other. Hakuru didn’t want to unleash her wings yet. So she used her Lucky Long Shot Artillery gun.
She changes it to a sniper rifle.
Hakuru: EAT ******** LEAD b***h!
Saya: huh?
It shoots through Saya.
Saya: yeah like that will do anything to me. you see since I’ve mastered both blue and dark. My healing regeneration powers are unstoppable.
No one will match me. ever again.
No one!
Not even you Hakuru!
Hakuru puts her Lucky Long Shot on her back again. she takes out two of her pistols.
Hakuru: then I’m just ognna do it the old fashion way.
Hakuru style!
Hakuru: no more going soft on you Saya!
Saya: heh!
Spikes were coming out from the ground. Hakuru was flipping back wards on and back.
She aims Saya’s face.
Saya catchs it as if it was like a fly.
Saya: oh come on, the old fashion way sucks Hakuru. You can do better than that!
Hakuru: heh…
The bullet was actually a bomb.
Hakuru: idiot…
Saya: whos the idiot?
Hakuru: ah?!
Hakuru: so your fast on your feet and hands huh?!
Saya: I’m faster than anyone on Earth Hakuru. Try and blink all you want. Cause I’ll be gone before time even starts.
Hakuru: this is really getting interesting Saya, your really trying to turn me on or somethin?
Saya: hm?
What the hell you talking about?
Hakuru: what are you waiting for? Take a hit? Hurt me? let me feel pain.
Saya: you crazy?
Hakuru: face it Saya, we’re both from the same DNA from different daughters of companies. The Hurisha and The Sakura.
Why the hell were we created for? To kill?
Hakuru: but were we really created to kill each other?!
Saya: that’s sort of my choice. What about you?
Hakuru: I chose my own choice because I have half of my mothers blood. If I was just a mere clone I would of just kept on following orders from Onimaru!
But how the hell did you huh? How the hell did you disobeyed orders?
Saya: now why the hell would you ask such a ******** thing?!
She kicks Hakuru to the wall as Hakuru presses her own legs against the wall and flys right back at Saya and punchs her in the face.
Saya: AH!
Saya dodges them all. She was fast but she realises shes running out of energy. She tries to maintain more in her body.
She grabs out a sharp knife from legs and shoots it at Hakuru.
Hakuru grabs out her lucky old combat knife and slices it down.
Saya: aw your pretty a** knife!
That s**t always saves you! But not from me!
Hakuru: what?!
Saya presses down with her left hand and kicks with her right leg doing a side kick then uses her left leg kicking to her liver with another side kick.
Saya’s final blow as she spins with her own hand on the ground and kicks both of her legs at Hakuru’s liver again.
Hakuru: GAH!
She vomits on the ground.
Saya: ******** bulls eye!
Your not the only one that can do the SENFU style!
Saya: huh like that will-
Triple air kick.
Saya: AH!
My arms!
Hakuru then does an air kick back to her face.
Saya: GAH!
Hakuru takes out two of her pistols and starts shooting and shooting non-stop. Her reloads her guns again but then suddenly Saya kicks Hakuru’s gun which was on her left. Her gun flew away off from the building as she only has the 9mm pistol on her right hand.
Hakuru: why you Saya!!!!
She grabs Saya’s face and slams it on the ground. They were falling down 12 stories straight to the ground.
Hakuru: AHHH!!!!
Saya unleashed her wings again and fires a huge mega beam from her two eyes.
She flew up in the air and grabs Hakuru. She then kicks her to a sight and and grabs to crack her neck.
Hakuru: HEH!
She grabs Saya’s left arm and kicks it with her elbow.
She then slams two of her wrists on Saya’s ribs and knees her straight to the stomache. Which caused stomache bleeding.
Saya: ******** THAT HURT!
Hakuru: break!
She destroys the spears.
Hakuru: wow, really? Spears? Is that all y’can summon?
Saya: game over.
Hakuru: huh?!
It was stabbed straight through her body.
Hakuru: ah…. Damn you! “huff”
Saya: that’s no ordinary blade Hakuru. Be careful now….
It stings…
Hakuru: AHH!!!
Saya: oh it will melt the skin off you. Also… it might burn your internal organs.
I think I win Hakuru…
Hakuru: you think?
Hakuru: oh my god really!
You and I really need to learn how to use words really!
You think your gonna win?!
You got me handed Saya!
You think?!
Hakuru: man your dumb words piss me off!
She grabs the sword and breaks it in half and pulls it out forcefully.
Saya: how can you-
Hakuru: I don’t die that easily Saya-chan!
Saya: don’t call me chan you b***h!
Hakuru slices Saya’s right arm.
Saya: AWWW!!!!!
MY ARM!!!!
Hakuru stabs through her chest and head butts her on the ground.
Hakuru: ******** FEEL PAIN b***h!
Saya grabs out one of her desert eagles and shoots Hakuru in the eye. Then kicks her to the ear and slams her own guns onto her thick skull.
Saya was able to regrow her arm and was able to heal her own wounds.
Damn… this time I have the up[per hand now.
Because of my super technique!
This ultimate final blow!
She mixes both 3 energies into one.
Saya: this thing could destroy all of Tokyo all at once!
Come on Hakuru!
What are ya going to do?!
Hakuru: ….
She unleashs her body into a blooded animal.
That thing you just summoned. THAT’S YOUR KURAI SHI ISN’T IT?!
Saya: yes it is…
The the climax katana blade…
We will determine both two Gunners.
Lets see whos strongest!
Hakuru: SAYA!
Saya: HAKURU!!!!!!!!
They both shot one of they’re Kurai Shi’s at each other as Hakuru and Saya went full blast against each other.
Hakuru: AHHHHHH!
Yamota: holy s**t. That’s a big atomic blast.
Rizumi: ….
Kikio: damn… I can’t see s**t!
Yukio: Saya….
Rev: …
Ritz: who do you think is gonna win?
Rev: can’t tell really…
Those two guys are monsters…
The explosion stopped.
Five minutes later as the smoke cleared. Saya was the only one left standing but her whole bodywas corrupted. Being shred. And also being almost consumed by Evil Energy. Hakuru was on the ground bleeding to death.
Her Skull Eye was bleeding like crazy as if it was gonna pop out.
Her whole body had scars. It was like she just gotten out from a slaughter machine.
Saya: …..
Saya didn’t had enough energy to kill Hakuru. All she could do was stand.
Saya: …
She starts to smile and laughs
Saya: I did it…
“huff” “huff”
I did it!
But yet I haven’t killed her!
I can’t even move my own body haha…
Hakuru: …
Hakuru couldn’t move either. Nor did she had enough energy to blink. Her whole body was covered in blood.
Saya: guess like I’m graeter than you…
This last match is over….
Saya: damn I don’t even have enough energy to use your body and s**t.
Oh well…
The rain began to spill again.
Saya’s left side of her body exploded as it gashs out blood. Her shoulder as well. Hakuru’s leg was torned into pieces.
Saya coughed out blood and was really feeling sick.
Damn I’m losing so much blood….
But still this is… my victory…. So the victor gets to live..
To be continued.
Next Chapter: #20 Boss needs a wife
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/29/2011 |
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- Title: Gunners The Ten Evil Blades#19
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Chapter 19: Saya vs Hakuru The Ultimate Match!
- Date: 11/29/2011
- Tags: gunners evil blades19
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