Gunners #1 The Secret War
Sorrows of War
My name is Hakuru Sakura, they use to call me Bio #01, a bio weapon, a soldier and a clone. A lot of them call us soldiers of war, because we fought the secret war. I was created to be used to stop a project that could wipe out the entire world and rule all of the planet resources; I was put into a platoon squad, a squad who are put into the frontlines of death. Our squad was known as Bio7 Squad. And this is our secret war
Chapter 01: The Secret War
Soldier: damn it! We’re getting pin down here! Where the hell is our back up?!
2nd Soldier: this is Squad A! We need back up on the frontlines! We’re getting pin down here where the hell is our back up?!
Radio: back up is on the way!
Soldier: it’s been two hours now! There should have been here by now!
2nd Soldier: damn it!
2nd Soldier: somebody take care of that tank!
3rd Soldier: sir we ran out of ammunition! At this rate we’ll all be dead!
Soldier: damn it! I don’t wanna die here! I have a family back home!
Suddenly someone blew a tank
2nd Soldier: what the?!
Soldier: what the..?
In the smoke a girl who has long blue hair with dark blue eyes came walking out of the smothering smoke with her right armored shoulder pad and her armored gauntlets, she had half metal and leather boots, leather battle suit with an armored chest plate, she holds an M16, a heavy armored gun, with ten shells loaded
The Heavy Armored Gun known as the H.A.G, is a weapon that weights more than a human being, its shells can demolish any human vehicle and can pierce through any armored metal
2nd Soldier: is that….
3rd Soldier: that’s the Bio #01 they were all talking about!
Soldier: no way!
Bio #01: initiating right armored arm, firing H.A.G at 12 o’clock
Soldier: wait why is she aiming at us?!
2nd Soldier: everybody r-
3rd Soldier: huh…?
Soldier: a Heavy Assault Suit was behind us?!
Bio #01: mission completed all soldiers all green.
Soldier: ah man, thanks for saving our hide there!
2nd Soldier: did the B.W.F sent you?
Bio #01: yes sir, I was ordered to give you back up on the front lines sir!
3rd Soldier: that’s a lot of high tech gear she’s wearing, a normal human can’t even lift all this stuff all the way here
Soldier: even that gun, isn’t that the H.A.G they were all talking about too?
2nd Soldier: that model is suppose to be the main prototype for the Heavy Artillery Weapon that the company is working on, this is just an early built model
Soldier: hey what’s that she’s carrying?
Bio #01: I was ordered to carry some ammo here
She drops the crate and opens it
3rd Soldier: look! Rocket ammunition!
2nd Soldier: the B.W.F is sure generous huh?
Soldier: I’m pretty sure this bio weapon knows our mission is right?
2nd Soldier: you, answer my question do you know the mission?
Bio #01: yes, to give you back up and support and to help you eliminate Park Tronski
3rd Soldier: yep that’s correct; this Park Tronski guy has been trying to take over half of this land
I can’t believe they actually hired us to do this, man don’t they know a 4 man squad can’t take on an army?
2nd Soldier: can it Jocks, we came here to assassinate Park, if we don’t well this b*****d is going to take over half of the land, and after that
His going to take over America
Soldier: well then, who’s got a sniper? It would be much easier if-
She gets out a sniper rifle from the crate
2nd Soldier: you were saying?
Soldier: whatever
3rd Soldier: come on we should get going
They began walking to their destination point and sees Park Tronski
Soldier: there’s that b*****d!
2nd Soldier: you got the explosives ready
3rd Soldier: got it
Soldier: this should destroy their supplies
2nd Soldier: do it!
Park: what?!
Soldier: attack!
Park: hmph
His men came in with shields attached
Soldier: shields?!
Park: you think you could just come in and attack?
You already fallen into my trap already
Activate, Code Zero
The Violet Weapon
A large cannon came and aimed it at the three soldiers
Soldier: oh crap we’re done for!
2nd Soldier: huh?!
Soldier: phew…. Our sniper got it
3rd Soldier: it’s a good thing we got her using the sniper huh sir?
2nd Soldier: you’re done for Park Tronski!
Park: you think a lousy sniper can take me out?
Fools, you have no idea what I’m actually capable of
Park got shot in the head
Soldier: wow, is that all Park? Haha what an idiot
Park: hahaha….
2nd Soldier: what the?!
Park got up as his head began to heal, veins began popping out of his whole body as his hands had a mass destructive power
3rd Soldier: what the ********?!
2nd Soldier: open fire!
3rd Soldier: eat this!
He fires out a rocket launcher but no affect got him
Soldier: no no no! We’re screwed! Let’s get out of here!
2nd Soldier: I guess… we’re done for
Park: behold of my power!
Park fires out a large huge beam from his hand but suddenly Bio #01 jumps in with her huge armored gun and began pushing back against Park
Park: what?!!!!
Soldier: look! It’s that bio girl!
2nd Soldier: she’s…. she’s pushing him back?!
Bio #01: initiating…..
Maximum power….
Bio #01: ah….
The Gun began melting away but her whole body began pushing and pushing
Bio #01: RAAAHHHH!!!!!!
Park: what no?!!!!
This is impossible!
Bio #01 vanquished his power as she jumps up and slams the H.A.G weapon upon him
Bio #01: ….
Mission Accomplish
Bio #01: Park Tronski, has been eliminated, returning to base
Soldier: hey
Bio #01: ?
Soldier: let’s all take a picture!
2nd Soldier: seriously? Why?
Soldier: come on man, this is my last mission anyway, I thought I could take a picture of all four of us, come whaddya say?
2nd Soldier: guess it can’t be helped, alright come on! Hurdle in!
Bio #01 was in the middle standing as the rest was sitting down
3rd Soldier: heh, this would make a great photo album
Soldier: well I got a bunch in the album, well Bio-
2nd Soldier: she’s not a Bio girl Lieutenant
She’s our comrade
Bio #01: Comrade?
2nd Soldier: it means you’re our friend now
I’m glad they sent you to back us up
Bio #01: I was only ordered to-
3rd Soldier: come on! We should all celebrate!
Soldier: huh? Hey look that’s our chopper!
2nd Soldier: well looks like we all get to go home, coming comrade?
Bio #01: understood
After the mission, Bio #01 was finally dropped off to the B.W.F Head Quarters
Scientist: alright! Careful with her! try not to break her! jeez, well now Bio #01, how are you feeling today?
Bio #01: no damage has been sustained sir, the mission was a success
Scientist: glad to hear it, I see you’ve already tested out the early model of the H.A.G, so?
How was it? Was it fun?
Bio #01: the H.A.G managed to destroy multiple targets, however it sustained incredible damage against Park Tronski
Scientist: hm well, we’ll just have to repair it, you’ve fought Park Tronski correct?
You used the H.A.G as a shield; you’re the most clever bio weapon of them all
And you even killed him with the weapon, is there anything else you “can’t” do?
Scientist: oh well, let’s just get you to rest; we’ll call you when we need you
Bio #01: understood
As Bio #01 walks to her resting station, Onimaru the head of the directors of the B.W.F stands on inside of a tower with the rest of his scientists
Onimaru: give me a full report on Bio #01
2nd Scientist: yes sir, she was the one that escaped from our trucks when one of the two tubes fell from Mt Fuji sir
Onimaru: what else?
2nd Scientist: well her growing process has exceeded at an enormous rate, she began to grow at an age of 9 in just five months
Onimaru: five months?
2nd Scientist: her and the other bio weapon was being taken care of by Rukina Sakura and Tomoka Fujiwara
Onimaru: them two? Didn’t them two disappeared when they stopped the ancient rocket?
2nd Scientist: well actually, we found them dead a few years ago
Onimaru: ……
2nd Scientist: we believed they’ve been attacked by an unknown murderer, the only one that survived was Bio #01, but the other bio died
Onimaru: I see, how were the missions that were given to Bio #01?
3rd Scientist: most likely none of them had failed, she’s been working alone every time they sent her on missions and such
Onimaru: I must’ve missed out a lot
Keep an eye on her, this one is special for a normal bio weapon
3rd Scientist: yes sir
Onimaru: also, that H.A.G, when was it tested?
2nd Scientist: just today sir, we just given it to her to test it out on the fields to back up Squad A when they were assigned to eliminate Park Tronski
Onimaru: you mean the one that has been trying to take over America?
2nd Scientist: yes
Onimaru: hm…..
This one is indeed special; I may have a team for her
3rd Scientist: you mean like the Elite Bios?
Onimaru: yes, there are a lot of special brilliant bios
A few of them can think with their own minds
Onimaru: someday this one might think with her own mind too, or either way she might someday go berserk on the company, prepare a team
I want a team that can think of strategy, work together like one, have leadership
Onimaru: mix it up with humans too, I don’t want all of the bio weapons to be in one team, I want you all to go around the world and find the best soldiers you can find, and also I want one of you to assign some bio weapons in one as well
2nd Scientist: yes sir
Onimaru: I just hope that this time doesn’t run into….
Meanwhile later
Afghanistan U.S Bunkers
Hello I’m looking for a…. Rachael Clark?
Rachael: yep that’s me alright, you need something?
I hear you’re the best of the best; I came here to recruit you in a special team
Rachael: special team huh? What kind?
A one of a kind with the best of the best in the whole world, teams that can take on anything in the front lines and can work together like one, how about it?
It will make worth your while, not to mention we’re paying good money
Rachael: heh, money huh? I don’t care about money; all I care about is protecting what’s dear to me but…..
If you say so
Rachael: besides I’m sick of sitting out here in the desert, fine I’ll join you
United Kingdom Air Force
I’m looking for Leon Davidson?
Leon: that’s me mate, what you want?
I hear you’re the best pilot Leon; you could also pilot a helicopter
Leon: bloody hell, of course I can I can pilot anything, heck if I had time to get off this bloody ship I could pilot a ******** tank
Well then, would you like to join a special team then?
Leon: a special team? What’s the catch?
Join and you’ll get a lot of money in your bank account, each mission you complete we’ll put in the extra pay, besides the B.W.F can provide anything you need
Leon: the B.W.F huh? Isn’t that where they develop new weapons and stuff?
Yes, we could even give you better machines to pilot with
Leon: well I’ll be….
Alright chap! You got yourself a bloody pilot, let’s go
Russia Soviet Union Army
Open the cell
Guard: but she is still-
Just open it will be fine
The door was opened as he walked in
Hello, you must be Valentina correct?
No last name I see
Valentina: what is it…. That you want?
I have to recruit you in a special team
Valentina: special team?
I belong here, in my cell
If I join this…. Special team, they would just end up dead because of me
What you did out there wasn’t you’re fault, it was too late anyway
Well Valentina, this special team doesn’t intend to die that easily
Once you get out of this cell, you can change everything; this special team might save the world as well
Do this and you might also serve your mother Russia well
We can even give you a proper normal life once you are done in the military and with the Special Team
I’m here to give you a chance Valentina
Or should I say The Burning Wolf?
Valentina: …..
That name is no more
I am Captain Valentina, my squad was known as The Burning Wolf
Now…. Lead me to my helicopter
I want to join this…. Special Team
Very well, as you do know too that you will be leading this squad because you have a mind of a true general
Not to mention you have won over fifty operations and have done many suicidal missions
It was all just for your squad
What do you want to do after you have retired the military?
Valentina: do not ask me that meaningless question I want to get out of here, now
Very well Cpt. Valentina
Bio #015 you are assigned to a new team
Bio #015: new…. team?
Yes a very special team, a squad that can work with humans and bios all together
Are you up for it Bio #015?
Bio #015: yes sir
That goes with you too Bio #01
Bio #01: yes sir
And also with Bio #010
Bio #010: yes sir
You three will be joining in on a special squad with three soldiers
There will be more
Now hurry up and gear up and head down to the briefing station
Bio #01/Bio #015/ Bio #10: understood sir!
He heads outside as they all prepare their gear
Bio #015: Bio #01
Bio #01: what is it Bio #015?
Bio #015: what is this…. Team they talk about?
Bio #01: I don’t know
I really don’t know
Onimaru: hm….
Onimaru sees a helicopter as it lands, but Valentina just jumps off the helicopter and lands on her feet
Valentina: Cpt. Valentina reporting for duty sir!
Onimaru: at ease, you must be Valentina correct?
Valentina: yes sir, I heard about this special squad you wanted me to be in
Onimaru: yes, we have recruited people around the world, the best of the best, however you’ll need to start off with only the six of you, the others you will meet will join you once you meet them in your missions
Valentina: what about weapons?
Onimaru: we have every weapon you need
Valentina: equipment?
Onimaru: that too
Valentina: good
Please come in
Valentina opens the door and meets up with the rest of the squad
Rachael: yo cap! You must be our new squad leader! What’s up?!
Valentina: I’d advise you to address me as Captain
Rachael: woops, sorry Captain!
Valentina: who are you soldier?
Rachael: oh, the names Sergeant Rachael Clark, reporting for duty!
Valentina: I see what about him?
Leon: oh sorry didn’t notice you there too busy sleeping
The names Leon Davidson, I’ll be you’re pilot from now on
Valentina: what can you pilot?
Leon: nearly about everything
Valentina: a master of vehicles I see, I may need of that, and what about them?
Rachael: heh, their kinda the silent type Cap
Valentina: hm…..
You there tell me your name
Bio #01: my name is Bio #01, I will be working under you from now on
Valentina: so they only talk if I tell them to
Mr. Onimaru
Valentina: what are they?
Onimaru: their known as bio weapons, their handmade engineered
Rachael: you mean like robots?
Onimaru: you could say it like that, they act like real machines but under their body they have the same organs like us, but they function differently than us
Leon: wait hang on are you saying their humans?!
Onimaru: not humans Mr. Davidson, their experiments
Experimental bio weapons created by one of our top scientist
You could say….
Leon: damn, I never knew these guys have this kind of technology!
Valentina: clones….?
Does your government even allow such thing?
Onimaru: this was actually secretly built from the government, it has not been ordered by the government nor will the government know, this is our secret organization, we get supplies from other companies we work with except one
Valentina: and who’s that?
Onimaru: The Hurisha Company
Valentina: The Hurisha Company?
Onimaru: that company has been our enemy for years now, not to mention in the end of WW2 they tried to steal our first bio weapon
But this bio weapon was a human
Rachael: human experiments? But how come?
Onimaru: it is so that we could make something to change the world, this drug we injected her is different from one of our productions, this one could expand her mind even further, predict what her enemy will do, and strike without mercy
Though she rejected us and managed to escape with one of our top scientist who went missing
Now enough with the chit chat
You’re first mission will start tomorrow I want you all to rest
Valentina: what’s our mission though?
Onimaru: you are to cut off The Hurisha’s supply route
Valentina: and what about this station?
Onimaru: I think you’ll have to split up in two teams
The Bio’s will handle the airport supplies
While you handle the truck supplies
Valentina: so I see, we’ll need explosives then, do we need to capture any supplies then?
Onimaru: no, there is nothing useful in the trucks, just normal parts, you just need to destroy the route and destroy the trucks
Valentina: got it
You’ll deploy next morning, now all of you get some rest, that’s goes the same with you Bio’s
Valentina: wait, I want that one
Onimaru: you mean Bio #01?
Valentina: yes, I need to examine her, may i?
Onimaru: of course
Valentina: Bio #01, step forward please
Bio #01: understood
Valentina: hm…. This equipment looks heavy, though to her she can still move like a normal human, can she fight bare handed?
Onimaru: every bio weapon can, she knows tae kwon do and ninjutsu
Valentina: what’s this?
Onimaru: that’s known as the H.A.G
Valentina: a new weapon?
Onimaru: yes, it is hers now; she knows how to use it than other bio weapons
Valentina: this one is different, I can smell it, I want her in my room, I’ll need to study
Onimaru: well as you like
Valentina: also, put the other bios to bed and I mean an actual bed
Bio #015 and Bio #010 I order you to sleep on a bed
Bio #015.Bio#010: understood
Rachael: what’s gotten into you Cap?
Valentina: you could say I can see some humanity in these bios, now come along Bio #01; I need to take a look at you
Leon: well whatever, I’m going back to sleep
Rachael: me too, just had a rough night on the ride here
Meanwhile in Valentina’s room
Valentina: this equipment looks too advance for a normal soldier, radio communications, grenades, not to mention this H.A.G and this new modified SMG
What are you anyway Bio #01?
A super soldier? A clone?
A human?
Valentina: all of you are very strange; do any of you have a purpose fighting here?
Of course not, because you are all being controlled by them
You see me?
I’m just a human being with no potential
Back then I led a group to death, a group that would might win the war, though we did succeeded I made many sacrifices
Those men trusted me, and I trusted them
They would risk their lives for me, but I did not risk for them, I was selfish, and I made a heavy price
Bio #01, do not forget, because you are a soldier, you have a purpose to fight
Every soldier has a purpose to fight, never forget that
Valentina: well that’s all for now I’ve already examine you, all that’s left is to see you in combat, there’s only room for two for one bed I guess you could sleep next to me
Come on then comrade
The next morning
They were all on a helicopter
Valentina: you all know the mission, flank them with the rocket
They have a few tanks with them to protect them all, there’s only around three or four so we must take out one by one, first off attack the front with a mine, and then flank the back
The Bio’s should know what to do with the air supplies
Valentina: Leon you’ll give us air support with the F-14 right?
Radio: yeah, besides I can pilot anything
Valentina: good, then all is planned
Let’s make this count!
As they all landed the other helicopter lands to the nearest airport
Bio #01 begins hand signs for Bio #015 and 10 to go through first to secure the place
They all take out the guards and began firing
Bio #01: maximum input to right arm
She blasted a huge wave with her fist against the guards
Bio #01: area is secured, moving on
Bio #015: …..
A guard shows and begins shooting at Bio #015 but her armor protected her
Bio #015: ….
She aims her SMG and began firing at the guard as he is shot down
Bio #015: more enemies ahead
Bio #010: initiating phase 2 then….
She takes out her grenade launcher and holds out as Bio #01 and Bio #015 goes on ahead
Suddenly more guards came in
Guard: don’t let them get through!
Bio #01 grabs out her combat knife as she runs in and slices all of their necks
Bio #015 begins to take out both of her SMG’s and began firing at all of the guards
Bio #015: continue on the mission
Bio #01: understood
Bio #01 runs outside and sees the plane outside
Bio #01: time to eliminate target
Suddenly another bio weapon showed up but she was one of the Hurisha’s
Bio #01: initiating combat mode
She takes out her SMG and fires it at the bio weapon but suddenly her enemy took out a string and destroys her SMG
Bio #01: firing H.A.G
The bio weapon jumps up in the sky and kicks Bio #01 in the face, but Bio #01 grabs her leg and breaks it as she turns her hip around and back handed her
She then takes out her 9mm pistol and fires it at her stomach and kicks her in the head
She sees a motor bike and jumps on it as she grabs out her H.A.G
She rides it and goes as fast as she catch up to the plane, she fires the plane with a H.A.G as it crashes down
Bio #01: mission complete, phase 01 completed
Radio: good work Bio #01, kill the rest, we’ll handle the truck route
Bio #01: understood
As Valentina grabs out her rocket launcher she and the rest of the squad mates hide in the bushes
Valentina: wait till my order
Rachael: roger boss
Leon: I’ll be dropping in ten minutes, let’s make this count
Valentina: copy that
The tanks begin to move in closer and closer
Valentina: in 3….
Valentina: fire!
Rachael fires her rocket behind the enemy as Valentina fires her rocket in the front
Leon: five minuites!
Valentina: got it! We’ll hold out as long as we can!
Valentina grabs out her grenade and throws it at the trucks
Men: send out the bio weapons!
Valentina: Rachael!
Rachael: I got it
She takes out her sniper rifle and shoots at the bio weapons heads
Rachael: hehe, piece of cake
Valentina: Leon!
Leon: yep, gotcha
He fires down missiles and began firing round shells
Leon: grounds clear, looks like it’s a mission complete
Valentina: good then we’ll be on our w-
A portal suddenly opened
Valentina: what the?!
Leon: huh what’s going on down there?
Valentina: something just came up! This mass energy or some sort!
Rachael: what the ******** is that?!
Valentina: could this be one of Hurisha’s technologies?! No!
They couldn’t have built this technology! How can anyone build a technology like this?!
This is impossible!
A man and his group appeared from the portal as they went through
Valentina: it’s a…. portal?!
Leon: seriously! What in the hell is going on down there?!
Rachael: some guy just walk out of that…. Thing!
Leon: that’s it you want me to shoot it down for ya?
Valentina: you! Who are you?!
Seth: I am Seth…. And we are The Gunners
Do not try to resist human, or we will use force
Valentina: what is your purpose?!
Seth: our purpose?
Is to consume the world
Valentina: consume the world?! Where are you from?!
Seth: heaven of course
Now die…..
Bullet Crusa-
Valentina: what the?!
Seth: hm?
Bio #01 came out of nowhere with her motor bike as she crashes it down against Seth
Seth: insolent bug….
Crusader Star…
Bio #01 jumps up and lands on the ground with both hands and feet
Bio #01: Bio #01 reporting for duty the mission was a success, initiating combat mode now
Valentina: all squads! Surround them!
Let’s take them down! Give em all you got!
Leon: firing missiles!
2nd Member: Crusader Barrier!
Leon: it didn’t work?! Who the hell are they?!
Seth: Lutz! Take that plane down!
Lutz: as you command my lord!
Seth: now…. All members destroy them!
Bio #01 jumps in and fires her bullets at Seth then fires her H.A.G
But Seth cast a shield and destroys her weapons
Bio #01: ?!
Seth kicks her in the face as she begins flying to a tree
Bio #01: damage sustained 31 percent…. Carrying on combat mode
Bio #015 and Bio #010 appeared to give Bio #01 back up
Bio #01: initiating full combat mode to maximum percent, all units forward in
Seth: you think man kind’s creations can take me on?!
Fine then! CRUSADER!!!!!
They all dodged it as they jumped up and flies down a kick but Seth blocks them all as he launches his blades up against them
Bio #01: !
They all dodged it but suddenly
3rd member: BLADE CRUSADER!
Bio #01 takes out her knife as she tries to block the attack but Bio #015 came in and pushes her away
Valentina: damn our weapons aren’t affective enough! Rachael!
Rachael: okay boss!
I bet you can’t dodge this
She fires her sniper rifle but Seth still had his shield on
Rachael: what the?!
4th member: found ya!
Rachael: s**t!
Damn it!
Leon: damn get off my tail!
Lutz: stay still!
Leon: huh?!
Lasers of seekers begin to follow Leon
Leon: damn!
But no affect did it!
Leon: come on Leon focus! Focus!
Don’t let em hit ya!
Bio #01: all units spread out, get them one by one
Bio #015/Bio#010: understood
Bio #01 faces Seth as Seth had an interest in her
Seth: so you would face me alone?
Hmph, and letting you’re squad spread out? Wise choice but still all of you would still die
Bio #01: ……
Seth: I see… creation of mankind cannot speak is it?
Bio #01: initiating strength boost to right arm….
She steps in and punches Seth’s shield
Seth: ha! You think a lousy punch will disrupt my shield?!
Bio #01: RAAAHHH!!!!!
Maximum percent to the right boost!
Initiating code zero red!
Seth: what?!
Seth’s shield begins to crack
Seth: why you! AAHH!
Bio #01 begins to dodge and doge, as she fires Seth hand to hand combat, she flips and kicks as she kept on hitting his shield
Blades begin to pop out of the ground as Bio #01 runs towards Seth, she flips forward up high to dodge the blades as she launches a full scale attack
Bio #01: launching full scale attack to the right leg!
Code zero red!
Seth: WHY YOU!!!!
The shield begins to crack even more
Valentina: that’s it…
The more force we put into it, the more the shield weakens….
But it will have to take more time and time…
Unless I destroy the crack parts!
Valentina got out her pistol
Valentina: keep at comrade!
This shot better count!
Seth: what the?!
5th member: oh no you don’t!
Valentina: ah!
Bio #015 came in and saved Valentina as she pushes her back
5th member: damn she’s got some good muscle, try this for size!
Wazabara: see if you can taste my claws!
Cross slash!
Bio #015 tries to block it with her right arm armor but the armor got destroyed as her body took serious damage
Valentina: Bio #015!
Wazabara: hehe…
Bio #01: no……
She see’s Bio #015 with serious wounds as she falls down to the ground
Bio #01: NO! NO!
Seth: hm?!
She destroys the shield immediately with all her strength as she pushes Seth to the ground and gave it all her got to destroy Seth
Seth: Crusader Star!
She was still hanging onto Seth
Seth: what?!
Bio #01: AAHH!!!!
She grabs Seth’s face and begins to push him to the walls one by one
Seth: ah!
You think I will take pain that easily?!
He shoots Bio #01 to the gut but still she hanged on
Bio #01: AAHH!!!!!!!!!!
While she pushes Seth she begins to keep hitting his rib and gut
Seth: why you!!!!!
Rachael: AH!
4th member: now die where you belong!
Rachael grabs a pack of dirt and throws it to his face
4th member: ah!
Rachael begins her escape
Rachael: “huff” “huff” Cap!
Valentina: Rachael!
Rachael: yo sir, their everywhere!
Valentina: I know, help me treat her wounds
Rachael: woah what happened to her?!
Valentina: no time to explain! Put pressure on this wound will you?
Rachael: yeah sure
Valentina: comrade…
She destroyed his shield and began a full scale attack on him….
How long can she keep this up?
Bio #01: I….
I… do… Not…
Intend to… die…
Seth: AHH!!!
Members of the Gunners! Destroy this worm!
Wazabara: SLASH CROSS!
It made serious wounds on Hakuru’s back but she still hanged on
Wazabara: what?! It should of killed her by now!
She was going at a full speed at maximum percent her bio cells were rapidly speeding through her veins as she carries Seth and slams him to trees and forests
Seth: AAHHH!!!!
Seth: why don’t you let go?!
This is meaningless!
Bio #01 takes out her combat blade and stabs it to Seth
Seth: GRRR!!!!
She keeps stabbing against Seth more times than she did to her other enemies as she kept stabbing it deep in there
Seth: fine then!
Try this!
He transforms into an angel and stops Bio #01 pushing against him
Seth: die!
Bio #01: Ah… ahh….
Seth: heh…
Seth: what?!
Bio #10: activating code zero, unleashing “Berserker”
She goes berserker as she runs in with full speed as her body is at maximum capacity she then begins to fire all of her weapons such as grenades, rockets, bullets, everything she had in her hand
Seth: stop her!
Wazabara: CLAW UNLEA-
Bio #010 appears behind him as she grabs him behind and throws him against Seth
Seth: ah!
Bio #010: Bio #01, can you stand?
Bio #01: affirmative….
Bio #010: it’s time to fall back, our mission is complete
Bio #01: not yet
Bio #010: Bio #01 that is an order
Bio #01: …..
Seth: hmph, you are quite strong, we’ll meet again
He turns on the portal as everyone walks in
Bio #01: …..
Body… sustained…. Multiple damage… going offline….
She falls down as she shuts her eyes
Meanwhile back at the B.W.F base
Bio #01: ….
She opens her eyes as she finds herself in a regeneration tube tank
Valentina: Doc, how is she?
Doctor: she’ll be alright but…. A normal Bio weapon couldn’t survive that long I mean, the way she sustained damage was….. Un-imaginable
Valentina: what do you mean?
Doctor: I mean that, no normal human can damage a bio weapon like this
Valentina: so you’re saying the people we encountered weren’t human?
Doctor: exactly, and base on her memory data, it all makes sense
That’s because they are called Gunners
Valentina: Onimaru?
Onimaru: in Japan we call them Ganazu
The ones you’ve encountered were The Gunner Masters
I can tell by their rank
Valentina: what do you mean? This doesn’t make sense at all!
Rachael: yeah, I was here because we were like going to save the world, but I really didn’t know we HAD to fight some aliens from another world!
Onimaru: Rachael, they are not aliens, they are in the same world as us
Rachael: same world? So what? Different beings then?
Onimaru: their angels, they just take form of a human
You only encountered their human form
But once they unleashed their wings and full power, they all get serious
Leon: phew…..
Valentina: Leon!
Leon: hey
Valentina: what happened to you?
Leon: well luckily I got fished out by some fishermen, my F-14 just got shot down by one of “them”
Rachael: man these guys are scary as ********! Our weapons are useless!
Valentina: not really Rachael, doctor can you rewind Bio #01’s memory?
Doctor: certainly
He rewinds her memory
Valentina: stop!
There look!
Valentina: Bio #01 managed to crack his shield
Onimaru: the Crusader Barrier, yes, the only way to break it is to use full maximum force, even humans can’t do that, but with Bio #01 she had to use her hands and feet with the code zero level
Valentina: Not only those once that crack shows up I just have to fire at it
Onimaru: though it’s a bit odd, why did they come here?
Valentina: they said something about consuming the planet
Onimaru: consuming the planet? And I thought that was the Dark Gunners plot
Valentina: Dark Gunners?
Rachael: oh come on! There are more of them?! Come on dude seriously! How many do we have to kill these guys?!
Leon: we never really did “kill” any of them Rachael
Rachael: oh…. Good point
Valentina: Onimaru, can you brief us about Gunners
Onimaru: I can brief to you right now
A long time ago, there was a legend and this is a real legend. She was known as the Demon Knight
Rachael: yay fairy tales
Onimaru: this is a true fact Rachael, its better if you listen
It’s quite a good story
Rachael: yeah well I had my sniper rifle torn apart by one of those “Gunners” anyways my ears are listening go on
Onimaru: The Demon Knight was thought to be justice, and protected the humans from the demons. She was hunted by angels and the devil Satan. Though Satan wanted Earth so that he could rule this planet and land and begin his invasion on the gates of heaven itself by however, The Demon Knight couldn’t allow that to happen, so she entered through hell and battled the devil himself, though she managed to defeat Satan, she was immediately turned to Statue, but thanks to her efforts she managed not to let Satan himself hold Earth
But before she turned to statue she used her power to create
For the humans to use their power for good and keep the balance right
When the Demon Knight was turned to statue the heavens and devils knew about this power that she had created and used the power to train the humans to fight against one another
This power was passed down many generations
Rachael: are you saying that heaven and hell exist now?
Great… I can’t wait to ******** die! Don’t know where I’ll end up! Geez…
Valentina: that’s one heck of a story, but still none of it makes any sense
Why do they want to consume our planet? Their angels, their job are to keep the balance of evil and good isn’t it?
Onimaru: most people aren’t good in heaven Valentina
Look at the Gods of Greece, there’s a lot of history in them
Sometimes the humans would battle the Gods
Many lives were lost
Onimaru: The Hurisha Company also knows about this as well
Leon: why not a peace treaty? Work together and fight this menace
Onimaru: it isn’t that easy Leon, we’ve both been enemies and were fighting a long time
Leon: for what? Money? Resources? What is it?
Onimaru: it is to see who has the most power, which side is worth to live
We have a cruel past since our war first started
Leon: I’d say this is the most meaningless war I’ve ever got myself dragged into
Valentina: whoever these Gunners we will stop them, if they come over to take over our world then so be it, I never really believed in Hell or Heaven
But if heaven is our enemy
Valentina: then this squad is ready
Rachael: heh, I promised to someone that I would protect them as my dearest ones
I’m with ya then, I’m not going to let them take over the world and hurt people how are dearest to me
Leon: damn it….. oh well fine, as long as the skies are clear people can keep on flying
I joined the air force to clear the skies of evil, but since a new reign of evil has come, looks I’ll need to go full throttle
Valentina: Bio #01?!
She was talking inside the tube
Bio #01: family…. Love… happiness……
I must understand…. Everything…..
I must know…. Everything…..
The answer lies in the darkness…..
To be continued
Next Chapter: #2 First Step to War
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/21/2012 |
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- Title: Gunners Sorrows of War #1
- Artist: Hakuru-san
Chapter 1: The Secret War
Before the events of the First Gunners Series, there were soldiers known as Bio weapons, clones of someones beloved daughter who died in an accident. these clones were enchants with super speed, strength and beyond what humans are capable of. they have access to any weapons, armor and vehicle, before "she" was Hakuru she was known as Bio #01, and she and her squad is involved of a secret war that the world does not know of. - Date: 04/21/2012
- Tags: gunners sorrows
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