• The reason why I love to write is something so simple and yet so difficult to convey. I write because words are the only way I can get a point across. The fact of the matter is that I hate to talk; I rather be silent and spill what is on my mind on a page of paper than speak it. If I can make this more easier to understand then I would, but thus I can not!

    To me words are like water, they are constantly flowing and changing. I know this may difficult to understand, but let me explain why here. Words can be something sweet or they can be harsh. If you can picture a pen being a faucet and the words coming from it to be droplets of water, and the paper they are forming on to be a pitcher that captures every little word. Then you would see the reason why words are so much like water.

    When I write, I do it with feeling and emotion, I really do not care about the grammatical parts although those are important. I write to portray myself. Every story, song, or poem, has a little piece of me within them! I do however love to write because I feel that is the only way I am heard! I do not care if anyone likes my work or not, because I am writer, and I always will be no matter what!

    I know writing this may seem like a bunch rambling, and nonsense. I wrote this to try to explain myself, and why I love to write so much! I am a writer! So if you hate my work that is fine, but that won't stop me from writing! I am a writer I am person who lets my words flow my from my pen and form on the page in front of me to create! So like I said above, "I do not care if anyone cares for my work because that is their problem." I am going to write and even if I don't become famous for my writings I will still love to write!

    Well thanks to all who came and read this, and I am sorry if I sounded harsh. I am just speaking the truth about myself! If this seems confusing I am sorry again. I just wanted to make a point and nothing more!