• Ecstacy; the act of hanging out with friends for too long, AND OR eating too much Taco time.

    Procrastination; I'll find a definition for it later.

    Murder; Someone being killed by another someone who either randomly picked them, Or had some beef with them, save vegetarians, where they just had problems.

    The apocolypse; Barney takes over the world.

    Narcolepsy; The act of...zZzZzZ (Falling asleep randomly)

    Mate and Flush; A dirty sounding term used on the program "Inventor". It means to align the object (Flush) And to glue them together (Mate). It sounds REALLY dirty, Doesnt it?

    ablutophobia; If you have it, You're a very dirty child indeed. (A fear of washing or bathing yourself)

    Nightmare; See "Apocolypse"

    Vice; Evil Wicked degrading actions. (Last president much?)

    Bipolar; Being really happy one minute and Angry out of your mind the next.

    Amnesia; The act of forgetting- Wait, What was I saying again?

    Autophagia; Cannibalism

    Anxiety disorder; The act of getting sudden and intense feelings of fear and trouble breathing. Oh my god...Where am I? O_O' *Hyperventilates*

    Capgras delusion; A feeling that aclose friend, Spouse or aquaintance is replaced with an Identical looking imposter. *Stares suspiciously at you*

    ululate; AHHHHHHHH! (To howl, Wail)


    Genuphobia; Wait...Are those knees on your legs? AAAH!! DX

    Hobophobia; A quite distinct fear of hobos.

    Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia; A fear of long words. (The irony, Eh?)

    Aurophobia; A fear of god (Hope no christians have this...)

    Catapedaphobia; Fear of jumping from high and low places. (Medium places?)

    Cypridophobia; Fear of whores and sluts (It says prostitues, So I improvised)

    Avi; Bird (It's greek...I think...)

    Death; To take a never ending nap while wearing a bullet proof sweater.

    Roadkill; Whatever the road murdered.

    Bad movie; To have little or no plotline AND OR baising a movie off a book and cutting out the best parts.

    Bad video game; See "bad movie"

    Nintendo; Not Intentionaly Named To Entertain Non Dorks Obviously.

    Hell; See "Nightmare"