• it wasn't easy
    i just stared at him..
    his blue face..
    his wide gaze to the ceiling..open mouthed..
    his cold hand..

    he's a healthy 40 year old...
    no wait..he was..
    did he see it coming?
    then again..does any1 of us see it coming..

    how did he spend his last day..
    and if he could come back..would he thank those who cared about him..helped him..loved him..
    or just leave them unappreciated..

    we get a million chance..
    a day passes after another..
    but we won't care enough to see past our ego ..
    we won't care enough to forgive
    to say "thank you"
    or "I love you"
    ..or just.."take care..make me proud.."

    we won't care enough..until we're looking down from heavens..
    wishing for that one minute..[/si