In the world, most people want to become succesfull. They want to earn money, a nice car, a nice home, ect.. But thats not really what life is about.
When I was born, my mother was a druggie. No one even knew I was born. No one knew of my existance. Until one day, my mom went out for a drink. I was three years old, and all alone in a house. That day, all hell broke out. Acctualy, a fire did. Whe the fire trucks department came, they found me
hding in a closet. They asked who I was, and even I didnt know. My mother didnt even name me. I was an It child..
Since the neighbors couldnt identify me, the police had to take me to the hospital alone. When my mother finnaly got hom, heavily drunk, she freaked. The police asked her to come to the hospital to identify me, and when she saw me, she said "Yeah, it's mine." I was automaticaly taken away.
My First foster home was miserable. The man of the house was abusive and angry. Two weeks into my stay there, he hit me. It was a horrible time, especially since I was only three. I spent two years there untill someone noticed my scars and bruises. I was taken to another home. In my second home, things were not much better. In this home, the father figure would touch the kids innapropriatly. I was abused AND raped in this house. I spent a year here. So when I was 6, I finnaly went to a home where the parents werent abusing. I spent five years here. Then, fights broke out. The mother filed a divorce against the father because he was cheating. It was off to a new home. I was eleven and not knowing why I was moving, I went with it. In my new home, another five years were spent here. Once again, something bad happened and it was off to another home. I am in my last home.
Life isnt about money or cars. It isn't about who has the biggest home or who has the best clothes. It's about sharing good times with your friends and sharing memories. In all of my foster homes, my life was literaly hell. But I had friends to help me get through it. Friends will light your life with a never ending sunshine! They will help you make good life choices, and you for them. Life isnt about boasting about what you have.. It's about being thankful for the things you own.
Comments (1 Comments)
- Lazareth VonBastardhammer - 08/21/2010
- I call a fake, I cannot comprehend someone suffering this trauma and then gleefully writing about it on the internet
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