Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- In memorandum by DeCrazySheep
- A finnal appology to bird or two. I was deaf cries, and only heard the echos. I'll mut myself after this, appologies help no one after all.
- Truth In All People by Princess Cecilia Love
- something that happen to me a couple of months i have been having a hard times couple of months now
- Cutting and Writing by Schevesaur
- My youthful days as a high school freshmen trying to be in a band writing lyrics, thinking I knew what love was and what love should be. It's based off of life experience however when being Emo was a popular trend, along with c...
- Staircases. by Latula_Knight Of Mind
- A Short Poem About A Loved One I Lost So Long Ago.
- Rain,Rain. by Stellzie
- I literally wrote this on a rainy day. Let's just say I wasn't feeling well. At first,I thought of making it a very long poem but then I decided to leave it as it is. It came out just right.
- Never Ending by MelTur
- About Pain that never heals, always going on.
- Shadow in the Dark by -PrettyBandGirl-
- This is just a little poem that I wrote one day.It was inspired by a shadow and my own feelings.I hope you can enjoy it.
- LOVE is the question by ladylumikio
- what i mean in the poem is that love is not always going to be fun but it's worth it. It was originally a school asignment but it's kinda sweet and it gets to the point sooo give it a try and i know you'll LOVE it.!.
- Facing the Rain by true2trust26
- A poetic poem just about nature. About a girl facing the rain and you get to go inside her head and hear what she's thinking. Did you ever wonder why she was facing the rain?
- Who am I? by Fallen Angel Nephillim
- The one and only poem I've ever written and am likely to ever write. It's a long answer to a simple question. I hope you like it.
- I lost you by Petite Rougee
- =( what i fell now.
- What is Love, the Color Brown by Mirokanna
- This is a poem a wrote for my boyfriend. IT's based off of my feelings for him.
- Let The Blood Drip Down by KrazyKatMecha
- I was borawred so I thought this up very quickly. Mah freind KaeroKitsune is waaaay better.
- The Ox by flauterfli
- So many words so many problems so much weight on his shoulders.
- ASD by xbatmanxjosh
- gut wrench feelings
- obsession by taja_luv16
- This is a response to the movie "obsession"
- See you again... by critic-the-homeless
- Ill see you again under a tree of love. I wrote this because i wanted to make a new poem. I know not my best work. (probably the 2nd worst, i was thinking very well that day. I should of rhymed better)