• Soup Can

    People walking everywhere.

    Friends, enemies, and strangers.

    But there is one place,

    Where you can meet them all.


    It's a combination of different people.

    Nobody's the same.

    If everyone was the same,

    Man, it would be so boring.

    But there are other people,

    Who think everyone should be just like them.

    Those people think they are popular,

    They diss everyone,

    Because they aren't

    "Stylish" or "Cool."

    Maybe, we don't want to be cool.

    But they label us anyway rolleyes .

    No one likes being labeled.

    They judge us by what we do.

    Judge us by our clothing,

    And everything else on the outside.

    Calling us, emo, prep, punk, and goth.

    The outside is all they see.

    But you know what?

    Who cares?

    Have fun labeling.

    But people,

    No one likes being a soup can. wink