• I'm sorry if I ever made you cry.

    I'm sorry if I never really understood you.

    I'm sorry for all the times I ignored you.

    I'm sorry for all the times you felt you were responsible for me.

    Cause you know it's just too bad that in this world you need to look a certain way. Too bad that people feel ashamed because of their race, face shape, or hair color. Unfortunate that as a society, money is our only priority. Horrible that so many people have lost all emotion but jealousy.

    I'm sorry if you feel I failed you.

    I'm sorry you couldn't accept me.

    I'm sorry you didnt value our realtionship.

    I'm sorry that you, quite obviously, don't care.

    I'm sorry you couldn't look past my image and see the real me.

    I'm sorry.