• Hey lady, who do you think you are?
    You’re not my mother, don’t touch me.
    Why are you trying to take me away?
    Mom! Mom! Why are you telling her take me away?
    Why don’t you take me back?
    Why don’t you shed a tear? Your baby’s being taken away.

    16 years later.. When I’m about to turn 16 in a week,
    you still haven’t shown up to reclaim, take, or retrieve what is yours.
    16 years later and I haven’t gotten over the fact that you gave me up.
    This year, 2008, is the year.
    The first year ever that I have shed tears because of you.

    Over those 16 years, I’ve realized, that you weren’t there to hear my 1st words
    to see my 1st steps
    to see me off on the 1st day of school
    to see me at my 1st graduation.
    The point is, you weren’t there.

    And over those 16 years, I’ve gave a new mother.
    Someone to catch me as I was falling
    to help me understand
    To make me see that you never wanted me.

    You should’ve saved me the trouble and got an abortion
    Just let me die before I lived.
    So I wouldn’t have to experience this type of pain
    You didn’t even give me a chance to be with you

    2 weeks.
    2 weeks old and I never knew who you were.
    Who cares? Life goes on even if I don’t want it to.
    But I’ll live as long as I have this person here with me.
    And you know who that person is? That’s my mother.
    She’s more of a mother than you could ever be.

    And if you try to step up in my life
    To try and pull me away from my mother
    I will hit you
    Know why?
    Because you aren’t suppose to touch me
    I’ll walk away without a second glance
    Because I’m not suppose to talk to strangers.