• Disclaimer:I don't own Inuyasha!You don't Inuyasha either!
    Note:This taken from a scean In chappy 5 of Music will bring us together!!

    "Ok kags it's now or never!"Kira said.Kagome nodded then took a deep breath.

    When I close my eyes
    I see you in my dreams...
    When I'm in my dream
    Your always there right beside me...


    "We'll get the door,Kagome keep singing,and one of you keep recording!"Mika ordered.

    When I'm Dreamin' Of you
    Your always my knight and shining aromor!
    My dreams are tellin' me your not the one
    But I know you are...


    "Ok tell us why your here Inu!"Aika asked.

    "Well I wasgoing to get my clothing back!"Inuyasha screamed.Then heared someone singing.


    When the moon shines up
    It's like a shining star like the stars and the moon
    Like you...

    When I'm in dessress your always there for me
    When your hiding from darkness I'll be there for you
    There won't be anything that will break our friend ship


    "Ok who's singing?"Inuyasha asked.

    "None of your concern"Mika said while blocking the door.


    And when you act like someone you don't know
    You know I know who you are
    there's no new or old you

    And when the bridge
    of our friend ship ends
    I know I'll find you again...!

    When I close my eyes
    I see you in my dreams...
    When I'm in my dream
    Your always there right beside me...

    When I'm Dreamin' Of you
    Your always my knight and shining aromor!
    My dreams are tellin' me your not the one
    But I know you are...


    "Ok songs over TELL ME!Inuyasha demaded.

    "Thats for us to know and you to never find out!"Aika said.