• I look forward, yet I see nothing
    I look around me, yet I still see nothing
    I look up in hopes of the blue sky
    But what I see is not the light of the blue sky
    No, what I see is darkness
    My mind is unstable and my body weak
    I am lost and I wander this lonely road
    The lies run through my mind like running water
    The truth runs through my mind like running water
    But how am I too determine the lies from the truth
    How am I to find out what is real or fake
    I am lost and I wander this lonely road
    Each step I take and each person I see
    They all seem similar yet different
    Everything seem familiar
    One must look deep inside of themselves
    To Find, not the truth or the lies
    But to find out what is real to them
    To find the road that they walk
    So that they can someday not be
    Lost on a lonely road