• I can feel my throat closing
    My head is spinning out of controll
    I am getting light headed
    Falling forever
    A never ever ending hurt
    I stabbed too many people too many times
    I am paying for my crimes
    I must die
    I have no choice
    I must leave.
    With a final heave
    There I go
    Down a hill
    Over a cliff
    Off a bridge
    No one cares
    They all laugh
    I fall forever
    Never ever ending fall
    I never hit the bottom
    My prison is a bottomless pit
    Deeper than Hell
    12 times worse
    I see all the people I hurt
    Everyhing I did to them
    I see the blood coming from the wounds from their backs
    I stabbed them
    Over and over
    Never even gave it a second thought
    Now I see
    Al I ever did was hurt me
    I sealed my fate
    I get wat I gave
    I will die
    I have no choice
    I will leave
    With a final heave
    There I go
    Down a hill
    Over a cliff
    Off a bridge

    No one cares
    They all laugh
    I fall forever
    Never ever to hit the bottom
    My bottomless pit of despair and heartbreak
    Never to see my “friends” again
    Never to know the joy of love
    Only the despair of hatred
    I do not deserve to love you
    You are too good to even spit on me
    I will disappear forever
    Never to be seen again
    Like a ghost I will alsways see you
    Never to feel the warmth of your touch
    The taste of your kiss
    Or hear you call my name ever again
    I must die
    I have no choice
    I must leave.
    With a final heave
    There I go
    Down a hill
    Over a cliff
    Off a bridge
    No one cares
    They all laugh
    I fall forever
    crying cry crying