• She weres her heart safety pinned to her backpack...
    her backpack is all that she knows...
    shacked down by strangers who glances...
    can cripple the heart and deveor the soul...
    she used to talk your head off...
    none stop laughter...
    now shes quiet...
    quiet as a mouse...
    what has happened...
    her friends wonder...
    but they know...
    they can hear the fights...
    they listen from the outside...
    they watch...
    why dont they so something...
    she is crying...
    as her own father shakes her and yells in her face...
    she walks to the bus stop...
    they ask what has happened...
    only to see her stone face does not give a response...
    what is her next move they think...
    give her one split second and she'll end her life...
    when her friend trys to get in her access is granted...
    as she walks in her friends tunnel of pain...
    she sees ever grusome thing shes gone through...
    she has told nobody...
    she talks to her friend...
    but not dry unmeaningfull words...
    they were from the heart...
    listen to me oh quiet one! she says...
    look at me oh quiet one... and understand this...
    you are not alone in your tunnel of pain...
    my dad does the same...
    but i have put up a thick wall oh quiet one...
    dont not let your life go just yet...
    come to me oh quiet one...