• "As long as some hope survives darkness will always be there to push it back."

    By Black H2o8


    You can’t ignore it
    You can’t run from it
    But many try

    Although you know it will happen
    You pretend you’ll live forever
    You’re naïve
    You’re frightened

    No matter what you do you can’t push the feeling away
    It swallows you
    Constantly reminding you about what must happen

    You get lost
    Lost in the vast idea of non-existence
    Lost in the feeling
    Lost in the darkness

    You’re soul wanders
    Longing to exist
    Longing to be a voice in the world

    But nothing can fight it
    The darkness always wins

    It waits
    Waits until you’ve done you’re part in the world
    And takes you away
    Stealing you’re essence

    It’s a concept we all consider
    We all take part in it
    Whether we like it or not

    You can’t run
    You can’t hide
    So what must you do
    You must embrace it
    Willing to take part in the process that many fear

    If you don’t
    You turn your back on the natural process that keeps time in place
    The process we all must follow
    The process we call life