• I was on a fence,
    a fence of life.
    On one side, God
    on the other, the Devil

    Some chose to go
    to God, other,
    they went with
    the cursed one.

    For myself,
    I chose to stay
    on that fence

    One day,
    The Devil spoke
    to me and said
    to follow him

    I told him I
    didn't chose
    him, nor did
    I chose God

    He agreed, I
    did not choose
    to go, I chose to
    stay on the fence

    What I did not
    know, and what
    he then told me,
    "The fence is mine"

    I am now a
    child of Satan
    forever to burn
    in Hell's pits

    I wish I could
    go back to that
    fence and choose
    to go with God

    for Hell is
    a horid place
    and forver hot
    and humid

    I can not leave
    Satan's side,
    can not save
    my soul

    It is too late
    for me, I
    cry out for
    God, but,

    in this place,
    no one hears
    me, not a
    cry is answered

    So, here I am,
    in Hell
    with the one

    Forever his,
    forever alone,
    forever forsaken,
    and all because

    I chose to saty
    on that one fence
    that forsaken fence
    owned by him