• I'm writing myself a note
    so I'll never forget, what a smile is

    I know no one can read my mind
    and thats the only answer I find

    everything you taught me
    I'll use it so I'll be free

    In my note I am more than words
    In my note my words change the world

    I will change, the way I am seen
    If you could read minds
    you would see my smile has a mean
    My note to self, just smile

    I'm writing myself a note
    so I'll never forget,who I am

    what ever you see here
    is different in a mirror

    my mind is more than mere words
    my mind is filled with words of thought

    I will change, the meaning of memory
    If you could read minds,
    you would see a soul hidden inside of me
    My note to self, just breath

    I'm writing you a note
    so you'll never forget, any moment

    my words are more than lines on papers
    my words are my very own savers

    I can't change, the way people have felt
    No one can read minds,
    so instead I write it out and the words melt...
    My note for you,read me again