• I just want the pain to go away
    Just leave me forever
    I just want things to be the same
    But they won't ever.

    I laugh and I cry
    I smile and frown
    And now I wonder why
    Should I even be around?

    Depression hurts I know that
    But nothing can help anymore
    No one has my back
    They never had

    I've always made them happy
    When they were sad
    I made them smile
    Even when they were mad.

    They try to help me
    But it never works
    They just don't see
    They just don't care.

    I told him that I liked him
    He liked me too
    But I didnt see her
    'Cause she was dating you

    You lead me on
    And made me feel special
    But that doesn't matter now
    I just want the pain gone.

    If I just tried it one time
    Maybe I won't have any pain
    But really it would
    But there'd be no gain.

    Oh course she gets him
    Because shes her.
    But I get nothing
    Besides the pain

    She asked for forgiveness
    I didn't answer
    She didn't deserve it
    Because she lied.

    She never told me
    That she was with him
    After I asked
    Over 20 times.

    I'm sick of this lie
    That I've been living
    It's time for me
    To end the lie for good.

    I hope you're happy
    Because I will never
    You guys are good together
    Now and forever.

    Let the rest know
    That it wasn't their fault
    But it was the one
    Who lost her life.

    She is happier
    That she doesn't have to
    Live the lie
    That she always knew.

    So stop your tears
    She's gone now.
    Because she wanted
    To feel better.

    That she is me...
    He and I will never be
    I know that he tries to help
    But it never works

    He's busy talking to her
    I hope she's happy
    Because I hate her.
    I don't want her dead

    I want her to suffer
    Through all the pain
    That I've had to deal with
    So what if she has problems?

    I've had to deal with them
    For way to long
    When I have my own
    That need to be solved.

    Everyone has their issues
    But mine haven't been seen
    Mine have been hidding
    Without looking for the key.

    Unlock the secret and let
    It go free
    And soon enough
    You will see

    I've never been happy
    So I will say
    I want to be happy
    Starting today.

    I know that won't happen
    So I'll just pretend
    Just like always
    It will never mend.

    I hope that they get
    The message
    I'm trying to send
    Before my life is about to end
