There's blood running down your face
It covers my back
All over the place
The crowd roars around us
Lights all around
There's so much sound
Splinterig glass
Is suddenly everywhere
I pull it out of my skin
Without a care
Pain's unbearable
As you beat me to the ground
And I believe
Death is finally found
I don't know how I'll make it
Sometimes I just gotta fake it
It's all about the act
This fight may be my last
I'm beaten
And thrown
And stabbed
But I don't quit
I keep going
Even though
The blood is flowing
I know I can do it
The ring is overwhelming
Small and lit
Just the two of us
Alone and helpless
We have only the other
I know I'm a mess
Cuts everywhere
Blood in my hair
Staples in my hands
But all the screaming fans
Urge me to go on
So I do
I throw and bash
Mirrors land on his head
With a deafening crash
He raises a chair
Ready to kill me
Thinks this is his lair
But it's mine
So I keep at it
Finally we're nearing
The last final hurls
The more we were hurt
The more the crowd was endearing
But I know I'll be the one
Who will wear that winning crown
I'll get the pride
And I do
I get 'im good
I don't give up
'Til he can move no more
Laying in a pool of blood on the floor
And the win is mine
All mine for today
Though the pain great
It's worth it
For the honor
And respect
The pride
And the win
I am the wrestler
The Wrestler
I wrote this while watching The Wrestler.
It is a sick and violent movie...
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