by UC Poika

    I love it when you watch me
    fill the screen as I unzip
    and save the document
    when downloading the messages
    I want to show
    when you access my hard drive
    or web page.

    I love it when you watch me
    cook green beans or as I fix you
    hot dogs complete with condiments
    and I love it when you watch me
    as I go to work a little
    job and earn a wage.

    I love to watch you
    when you leer at me
    because I said some thing
    that bothered you.

    I love to watch you
    help me learn to see
    the way things really are
    but I thought untrue.

    I love it when you watch me
    watch you back
    but then I love you
    for so many reasons
    I lose track.