• To be human To be a friend To be alone
    Emotions are an interesting thing, no?
    They're not always black and white
    And there is no switch to turn them on and off
    They can be confusing
    They can hurt
    Emotions are something that make us human
    But we cannot always act on them
    We cannot always control them
    We do not always make the best choices using them
    But we have them
    A bond formed through emotions?
    A bond strengthened by emotions?
    A bond strengthened by memories created together?
    A bond shared
    A bond cherished
    If one friend leaves
    Do they begin to fade?
    Does the one become little more than a memory?
    If the bond of friendship is strong
    Does the absence even matter?
    If one friend cares for another but the other cares for another
    Is standing back and supporting the one a mark of a friend?
    Does putting your friend before yourself
    Make you a good friend?
    Even when it hurts?
    Even when you feel like crying?
    Even when you watch your friend with another person
    And your heart feels like breaking?
    Even when you feel alone?
    Is that the mark of a true friend?
    Being supportive
    Regardless of your own feelings
    No matter what?
    I don’t have an answer
    Do you?
    Friends are important
    Cherish them