• i can not go on
    living in this world
    as a wounded little girl
    lying on the floor
    in your arms
    when he did me harm
    causing so much pain
    nothing is the same
    i can not go on
    not like this
    not for the others on his list
    making my love cry
    holding me on the floor asking ~why~
    tears can not clean up the blood
    no matter how much they flood
    you hold me tight
    you hold me all through the night
    you ask yourself how you could let this happen
    but i was the one who called him firend
    i was the one who let him in
    i was the one who commited that sin
    and now you sit here at the end
    not moving anymore
    just staring at the floor
    you find my fathers gun
    you say that it will be you who has won
    you kiss me good night
    then you finish my fight