• Innocent, so sweet
    Your eyes tell your story
    A long, hard road out of hell
    You're happy, yet scared
    Afraid of losing what you have
    Love, happiness, you take
    Nothing for granted
    And live each day to its most
    So softly your eyes reflect
    The light burning in your heart
    You, I envy and love
    You, so perfectly innocent
    Me, so completely tainted
    Without your innocence
    You would understand
    And love me no more
    So carefree, yet not
    You value everything
    Yet are able to smile
    Sleeping lightly
    So fragile
    So gentle
    I would give my life
    To touch your face
    But I would have
    To kill myself were
    I to ruin your
    Porcelain beauty
    By awakening you
    So I, corrupt and
    Dirty, watch silently from afar.