• Teenagers
    Aren't given
    Enough credit
    For their
    Frantic lives

    They're stereotyped,
    They just want
    To be loved
    To be appreciated
    To be respected
    To be wanted
    To blend in

    But everything
    Feels so hard,
    Parents are busy
    Some teenagers just don't care
    And friends have problems too
    Sometimes, it's all too easy
    To give up,
    To cry, break down
    To stop everything
    To procrastinate
    To temporarily disappear
    To get high
    To dig a hole and hide in it

    But that won't get you anywhere
    You have to keep going;
    Everything else does

    You just can't see the ones
    Who love you
    Appreciate you
    Respect you
    Want you...
    You can't see it
    Behind your curtain of tears

    Wipe them away
    So that you can see
    What life holds for you
    Wake up from your nightmare
    And greet each day
    With a smile

    Prove everyone wrong
    Make them
    Give you the credit
    The love,
    You deserve heart