• Of the Artistic

    Her body is wrapped in vines
    And her heart is pierced by a thorn
    It’s questionable how one comes to this

    Now her limbs graceful and delicate
    Follow the pattern of stars
    Not swaying to the wind’s dance
    Or even aware of its tune

    Oh how she dreams to be
    Apart of the infinity
    The lights admits the sky
    They are calling to be heard

    And there she stares in wonder
    While the moon smiles upon her
    Whispers from up high
    Speak to her and ask her why

    Oh why must we be
    Apart of this infinity
    And not beautiful like you?

    Merely a trick it seemed to be…
    Yet she leans in closer
    Finding and collecting only the truth

    And so they speak:

    How magnificent!
    Such a sight!
    We would watch forever
    If not for the day

    You long to shine in our sky
    And light the world like no other
    But you have yet to realize
    That you are already the brightest of all

    It’s Artistic