love is not understanding
love is not understanding
they dont care about your past only the future they want with you
they think they can own a person but they just dot see
they think they can fix your problems but they dont know how
if this is the way they are why do people feel love
if this is the way they are why do you want love
what is love I dont understand
when it breaks can you fix it
why do I want such a thing
who would give their heart to me
how would I live with such a burden
I dont believe in posession but that is what they want
I give them free will and they walk all over
I can fix anything but what happens after they are fixed
I fixed her heart and then it ended
I fixed her life and then it ended
now hears the truth
I never had a heart to give just a black hole
just wanted to fix her life so she wouldnt end up dead
I got what I wanted
why do I now feel like I have been missing something this whole time
oh thats right no heart to give
is it so important to have a heart
or maybe I just lack love cause it went to someone else
someone that is lost to me
where do I go
where do I go
love is not understanding
a poem that i randomly wrote that has more meaning now then it did when i wrote it
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just some random poem that ...
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