• Aug 17, 2009
    Mind wondering

    Sorrow is over

    Tomorrow is a new day

    How do we get their, do we just run to it?

    Or do our minds transport us through time and

    Space just to get us to the next time or place

    This so called tomorrow.

    Or is tomorrow just another yesterday just

    Being repeated and recycled in our minds

    Stuck in an everlasting eternity doomed to recycle

    Their minds and show no further progress

    Still to be figured out like an old rubrics cube

    As I ponder these thoughts while

    Looking out unto the world I stare into to my

    Hour glass watching as each grain fall gracefully

    Into place until it all has stopped

    Waiting to be tilted back over

    Body caught in a daze it thinks I’m crazy

    Like the sun but I am not I am just nocturnal

    Up all night dream all day like a river my mind is always at play

    And yet I really have to say I don’t sleep I slip

    Into these coded messages or so called dreams that need to be interpreted

    But reveal nothing more then just a little more about you

    Yet we take it for granted that our body has figured something out

    We think we know it all but we do not

    We live I a society that does not sleep much or does not sleep

    Long enough to be able to understand these dreams…



    , LIVE


    , DRINK

    , DO DRUGS


    ……. All these are just distractions in this world to

    Keep you from finding yourself, to keep you from finding

    Your hour glass to stare into and think about the wonders of this world
    Painfully True,