• Breaking down
    Lyrics thoughts-BaineEizoFlareTheHedgehog

    Burn it down to flames(burn it down to flames)
    Stare me down,nothing say now
    (burn it down to flames)
    you seem to take it all,and throw it down to be left to nothing
    (burn it down to flames...)
    The whole world turn black,everything seem to slow down...
    It's nighttime now,and there i lay,down in the dirt...
    You left a long time ago,i grow to hating you more...
    many seem to love you,but sooner or later,they'll see..
    no stars tonight,i stand in the same room as you
    a glass cup sits on the table between us
    leaning to one side of the edge,that edge would be mine
    We watch that glass swing on that edge of mine
    you seem to be ready to laugh,but hate burn in my eyes
    i stare down on the glass,i had made that devil's bet
    That bet the devil ask,was for this glass to break without touch
    suddenly,it falls,yes,that glass falls,all the way down to that ground
    at my feet,it breaks,shatter to pieces,you seem tenses,as i spoken...
    These words of honor...
    Burn it all,all of it down
    it doesn't matter(matter)what you have done
    Burn it down,as that glass falls
    It shatters,like my broken~ heart
    (burn it down,as that glass falls...)
    All these lies,they don't burn
    all i see,is the lies that you have brought...
    All these lies,they don't burn
    all i see,is the lies that you have brought...
    That have been
    (burn it all)
    giving in hate...
    (as that glass fall)
    i had once wish...
    That one day i was love...
    And yet...
    You have been the one...
    That destroy that dream...