• Letter from the King of Frost.
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    If your beauty was gold, I’m sure it’d set the gold standard.
    It shines like a lantern, sparkling in the darkness..
    ..Coruscating with a steady beam of light..
    ..A beacon of breathtaking golden glory, for all of sight.
    A magnetic field emits from your tantalizing soul,
    Influencing the positivity of others, not as a part but whole
    The purity of your gold, to sell it I couldn't
    It is valuable but forever I would treasure it
    Keeping constant surveillance, I would selfishly hold it
    Forever glorified with a lust of a thousand butterflies
    Shimmering with beauty, by now you should realize,
    You are my gold and I’ll always find you precious. I announce,
    You are my Queen, I shall love every ounce.

    The Queen of OZ