today was... odd.
My friend and I got into an argument because he thinks I'm homosexual and I think he's homosexual (it was more of a joke than anything else; we aren't offended at all by gays but I still think he is one) so we started this odd argument and there was a lot of head- swivvling on both sides and a few "o no you di- in't sistah"'s exchanged. And then our other friends saw us and gawked and they were like "what the hell are you two doing?"
But one of them screams, "OMFG, IGTGSSOYWMB!"
So we automatically shut up and stared at him.
"Oh my friggin god," he explained, "I'm Going To Go Snip- Snap On You With My Bulbasaur...?"
It made no sense whatsoever, but I fell out of my seat laughing anyway.
I don't know why I decided to tell you this, but I did.