[E] Cyrb. profile
I just want to keep it here.... Well, go figure. xp
Name: Cyrbitress (A.k.a. Anala Terosse [Ah-na-la Te-rose-say])
Age: Undetermined
Race (Human, elf, demon, etc.): Demi-goddess shapeshifter
Appearance: Varies, but regardless of chosen form, her eyes are always a pale blue gray, and her hair/fur silver with an occasional black streak. Her skin (if bare) is well tanned.
In her favorite form, she takes the appearance of a dragon/human hybrid girl. Two sharp black horns protrude from her head, just above her pointed ears. Two locks of black hair that she playfully calls her "antennae" are always constantly waving before her face, while the rest of her hair is silver and normally tied back. The brown long sleeved shirt she wears comes with its own bit of fluff around the collar to match her fur-trimmed boots. The short sleeved mini-jacket she wears originally came with no pockets, so she added them on her own. Her left hand is covered with a glove while the other is always bare. When she's bored she likes to shift the matter of her right hand into something not quite human.
She wears a collar, waist band, and thick bracelets, all of which match and none of which she remembers the background story on. Attached to the waistband are strips of fabric in several shades of gray. Her pants are almost if not always stuffed into her boots. Her scaled tail tends to be active and can be a key to figuring out her moods at times. Three spheres ((purpose and origin unknown)) revolve around her at all times It is assumed that they are a symbol of her office.
Weapons: She carries no weapons on her person, finding it easier to shapeshift into a suitable creature for battle.
Abilities/Magic: Shapeshifting and assorted abilities, most of which are restricted in order to keep her from unleashing chaos if she goes ballistic. When she is in the shape of a certain creature she assumes its abilities, though she is never as powerful as the real thing. ((Say, she becomes a fire-breathing dragon, her fire breath will be powerful, but not as much as that of a real dragon, so if she were to go against one, it would win unless she chose another shape to exploit its weakness))
Brief History (not required): The daughter of a goddess and something unrelated and mortal. She has never been told just who or what her father was. Because of her rank and status she was chosen to look after the third of the nine worlds. When the fourth world and guardian of disappeared she assigned herself the task of seeking them out, secretly leaving her world in the care of her adopted brother.