YAY!!!!!!!!!!I finally got to do my journal!!!!!
rofl rofl rofl I'm sooo proud of myself!!!!!!!
*Does the happy dance*
For the first topic that I'm going to do is....
FUN FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!GO Fun Facts!!!!!!
mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen For our first Fun Fact we are going to discuss Akatsuki!!!!!!
Yay Akatsuki!!!!!!!!!!
(I love to say 'Yay') Fact #1: Did you know that there are soooo many ways to annoy the Akatskui members!!! For example.....
-Take Itachi's nail polish and change it to pink with sparkles* that's permanent. Dare him to see if he can put it on blind-folded. If he refuses, tell him that you will tell everyone that he got all of his sharingon tricks from the
~Great Houdini!!!!~While he's putting on the nail polish, take away his nail polis remover!!
-For a celebration, take everyone to a restaurant. (Accidentally forget to mention that it's a Sushi restaurant *wink wink*). Tell the waiter to give Kisame a different menu. Once the food arrives, it turned out to be the
'Super Fish Feast'. Video-tape Kisame fainting like a little girl and sell thousands of copies in E-Bay.
-Get a bag of fertilizer and *accidentally* pour it on Zetsu. Once you have done that, say,
'Don't worry, it'll just make you grow into a bigger stronger man!!!' -Switch Deidara's exploding-doh to
stink-doh..... When Deidara's mouth on his hand reaches in the bag, well lets just say you don't want to be near them for the next 3 monthes...
-Make a wanted dead/alive poster for Hidan worth
one million dollars. Watch as Kakuzu kills Hidan and when he appears to obtain his bounty, never show up.
-Take Tobi's mask and throw it as a frisbee as far as you can. Yell to Tobi,
'Go fetch boy!!!!!' As he runs after it, go back into the headquarters and put a total lockdown. When Tobi gets back, put on the Super Defence System.
Now it's time for the:
Cute-Chibi-Penguin-of-DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry kurrikoe280..... I stole your 'DOOM')Welcome to the process of turning a penguin like so:
to the complete opposite........
twisted We are experimenting on the cute, adorable penguin that
let's begin:
Stage one: Cute, loving, and heart giving penguin
rofl Stage two: Still cute, loving, a little less love
4laugh Stage three: Less cute and happy
whee Stage four: Still agreeable and cute *i guess*
3nodding and our last stage.... *Big Flash!!* Wait.... What's going on..... the scales are going off the charts!!!!!!
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is what we feared..... we have a:
Dun Dun Dun......AN EMO PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That means that it hates to be Poked!!) The n00by tries to examine the speciman....
haha n00by... haha
Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Bizu (aka- Jessica)
Psst...... Don't forget to comment on this!!!!! thanks!!!!!!
Community Member
I luvvs your Akatsuki funfacts!!!!!
They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funnny rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
and the chibi penguin experimenting was soooooooo
funny biggrin and don't worry we can share the 'DOOM!!"
and the emo penguin is the awesomest thing eva!!!!!
I seriously can't wait for the next entry! U rock!
Talk to you later, kay!