Well, here they are, in no particular order...:

Yeah, I was out fishing, attempting to catch that one that snapped my line the last time... And I wasn't getting anything, no bites, nothing, and so I was staring at the sunset and I decided it'd make a nice pic. The first pic I took the one steering the boat suddenly started turning it on me so it went off center, but I got it the second try!

And here's what happens when I have nothing better to do, I'm tired, I have a camera, and there's a campfire...

I had some fun with the coloration settings on the camera and I sorta like how this one turned out...

Yes, that is two frying pans on a grate over the fire... That was breakfast on Saturday morning... It was too windy to cook on our stove, so we had to resort to the fire which really never went out the whole time we were there...