Well, as you all know I've started a new study life in Perth. Been pretty rough for the past few days but its smoothed out. Today was pretty much satisfying in a way. Here's how it goes...
Well, i volunteered myself to go and help out my college's booth at a Career expo 3 days ago which was in Burswood dome and the reason(s)?
I was convinced by the idea of getting to meet high school graduates and talking to em. Erhmm...you know the jig mad , hahah but i didn't know how to get there cause I'm not that cool with this place yet so another reason why i volunteered for this was because my so-called friend Ali knows the place and plus he volunteered as well, for the same reason I'm going but he's the creep. hah!! like I'm not. third reason was we get to skip a day of class for being present at the expo. Cool aye?
Well, it was confirmed and then yesterday after thinking it's all alright and when i just came out from watching "Shrek 3"(oh my gad! hilarious!) with my sis and house mate, it kinda layed me back and took away that "scared to get lost feeling" till a phone call came in....Ali....that cheeky b*****d came up with excuses saying has some so-called errands to do....catching more girls i suppose stare
Yeah, deep shiz i was in burning_eyes , i got to miss a day of class and went to watch shrek and grocery shopping so i cannot miss the expo or i'd be marked absent for a day which is a really bad mark and i might not be marked "satisfactory" for my advance to term 2 sad
But i got a hand drawn map from my sis, but i still got confuzzled. Well, when today came...phew. Took two buses and i took a wrong train, hahaha.
Ok, i wasn't sure of it but what the heck! xp took the first train that came, hehe i was like woot woot and then.... first at oat street i thought that the train would take me to Burswood but it went all the way to perth city instead -_- which I was not expecting...then it went back again....back to where i started... and on the way back i noticed the Dome!!!! OMG gonk right after an announcement which was made earlier saying "going back to oat street...*heart stopping* non-stop" eek ...got off with 3 dollars deducted for that friggin joyride and finally decided to ask a bystander.
"Train T mate"
Oh my, oh yessums! It was like automatic, i knew the whole system and stopping patterns just by a simple "Train T mate" ....gawsh i was so dumb! -_- ( oh sarcastic me)
Well, reassuring myself, I looked up the information stand next to the seats instead of the rough mapping which was left at home...
studied the map on there and sorted it out myself. Well, what came next made me feel so truly dumb! (not sarcastic this time) and made a note to self:
~ next time read carefully and try doing it yourself...duiii
This time took the right train, got to the dome finally *sigh of relief* and my worry didn't stop there, oh no...Burswood dome was Big almost went in thru the wrong doors (emergency exit doors-pressurized) so yeah got in and pwoah!!
TAFE, Murdoch University, Australian acedemy of hospitality management, careers in racing all those booths, how flashy...got lost in an instant.
well according to sensei, "look for the college which is far far behind the expo..."
Which is true, far far against the wall was my college's commercial cookery and pattisserie booth which had some of the students which i recognized from other classes were busy doin...chocolate piping? I thought we were doing cooking! like a hardcore gourmets or lots of chopping up stuff with perfect precision cuts and shiz like that to woo the crowd but...chocolate? i loooove chocolate but then...
Well i can't do anything cause even my lecturer wasn't there accept the ones for other classes...i felt so alone but then it was fine so I was lead to the toilet and i changed into my chef's uniform. Came out to see them still busy teaching the students with their onlooking parents how to hold a piping bag or try drawing patterns on greaseproof paper with chocolate....mmm...but then i didn't know what to do so yeah one of the lecturers told me to catch the gist quick, so i did. Made friends with my booth mates and YES!!!! hot girls!! haha!!! in your face Ali! Victory is mine! They liiiiike me, i know they liiiiiike me, cus they liiiiike me. Well had to teach em how to draw with the piping bag only with my 3 hours of experienced piping. xd I sucked but my uniform showed power muahahaha. Until some girl schooled me back to kindy with a "happy birthday" cursive which was so good i was actually enjoying watching her instead of her to me..... xp
Oh well, today ended quite well, the people loved the chocolate piping...but i can tell it's the chocolate but still it must've been meh wink ......What?
and oh! pigged out at a bbq down at my sister's ex-housemates house and got to meet some more girls but I was pretty much more interested to these German nurses instead of the Chinese accountants. There's like this repel and attraction thing, hahah. Oh well, being a Chinese i should be ashamed but then, i'm human and that's what we all are. Oh my god, if you read all the way here, i gotta thank you and send a kiss over to you. Haha well, I'll end this journal with this.
~I'm sleepy, good night to you and come back again 4laugh
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