Look at the pics ov my avi.....

now answer the following questions((some r stuped but just go with it))....
1.) On a scale from 1 to 10 what do u give the "Light" one?
2.) On a scale from 1 to 10 what do u give the "Dark" one?
3.) Which one do u like better?
4.) If u could be close to one, Which one would it be?
5.) If they got into a fight, Which one would u want to win?
6.) If two trains left Boston, one going 50 mhr and the other 55 mhr, which one would have the most people riding?
7.) Whats ur faverite color?
8.) Who r u?
9.) R u geting tired of this?
10.) Do u perfer light or dark? ((not refuring to my avi))
Community Member
2. um...8
3. dark
4.um...i dunno...the dark one i guess
5. definately the dark one
6.the one goin 50...thats why its going so slow.
7. black...or purple...or lime green
9. kinda feel like i'm taking one of those quizes in the chatterbox
10. dark...light burns
that was kinda fun...lol