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Sorrow Knows No Limitations
umm stuff will be in it
1. "Isn't it lovely, darling?" Angel's mother asked, holding up a wedding dress.
Angel rested her elbow on the arm of her throne, resting her cheek in her hand. "Yes mother, it is."
"Dear, why are you so glum? You're getting married tomorrow!"
"But not to whom I wish. It was all arranged just so our kingdom will have another ally." She said, sighing softly.
"Angel, sweetie, when you are royalty, you must never think of yourself, but what is the best decision for your kingdom."
"My kingdom..." she said softly.

2. Lilly leans against a wall in my school listening to music on my i-pod.

3. Lilly walks through the forest covered in blood swaying side to side. I was breathing heavy and I collapse. I try to get up but fell. I sigh and pulls myself to a tree. "I can't survive." I cough up blood and pass out.

4. I run through the forest with hunters behind me. "Hurry up men! She's getting away!" the first man calls. I continue running till I get to a rock. I look around for away out but the men surround me. "Come on. Be a good little girly-girl and come with us." the leader said. "Never." i say and I take out two fans. "And also, i'm not a girly-girl." I wave the fans and fire shoots at them. Runs up to them and cut there hearts. Then three arrows are shot in my back. "Damn...them!" falls to the ground unconscious.

5. A young girl runs through the forest chasing after a toy ball. I laugh and come to a lake when I get it. "Huh?" Looks at it and carefully walks forward. Gets to the edge and kneels down. "Fun." plays in the water.

6. Ashley, Krissy and I were walking through the forest when a couple of men show up. "Well well. If it isn't the royal sisters." The leader of them said. My sisters and I get ready to fight. "What do you want with us?" I ask them. The man walks around us and says, "Oh nothing much. We are just taking you as brides for our oldest sons!" Then men grabbed our arms and dragged us to their camp.

7. Aly and AJ were walking through the forest then they saw two swings on a tree. "Cool want to?"AJ asks "Ok!" We run to the swings and each got on one.

8. Maria sits in her room reading a book listening to some jazz. She yawns and looks at the clock. 10:30 AM. "CRAP!" She jump out of bed and quickly gets dressed. "I'm late! I'm late!" Maria runs out of her room running to the auditorium.

9. A girl lays asleep above a lake. She wakes up hearing someone walking toward her. "Who's there?" she asks.

10. A young angel lay asleep by a lake and a man walks away putting something in his coat. "Sleep well." He said chuckling. The angle lays there in a dream.

11. Was walking through the forest when three men attack me. Two men grab my arms and holds them against a tree. I struggle to get free when the other man comes up to me and holds up my chin. "Well well. Looky here. It's Princess Allison." He says. He smirks a little. "Well men, what do you think we should do to her?" One man says, "I say we kidnap her and ask the king for gold." The other says, "No, lets kill her." "Exelant ideas but I think we could do better." He says letting go of my chin and backing away. He looks at me up and down. "Take her to the buyers cabin." he says. The other two men nod and tie me up in chains then drags me off to the persons cabin. ((you can save me or be the buyer))

12. I walk onto the lake staring at the sky when water wraps around me and changes my appearance. It lifts me up into the air and hold me there. I try to move but can't. I close my eyes getting sleepy and I hang there while the water wraps around me.

13. A young girl sat by a tree reading a book and singing to herself. She smiles to herself and continues to sing. While reading someone came up from behind and grabbed me. "HEY!!" The person put tape on my mouth and tied me up. "Quiet brat! The boss has been wanting you." The person was a man. He threw me on his horse that was hidden in the trees and rode off to a cave.

14. I sit by a waterfall listening to music and sketching the senery.

15. I sit by the lake playing my guitar and singing. After I was done I sigh and look at the sky.

16. A young girl and her puppy walked through the forest in the pouring rain. "Lucky, I believe we're lost." The little girl said looking around. Lucky barks and stays close to her. The girl suddenly stopped and held her neck crying in pain. "Lucky, go get help." Lucky
barks and runs off. The girl collapses to the ground and passes out. In her head she heard a voice. "June." It said. How do you know me? She thought. The pain worsened.

17. I walk through the forest well aware of my surroundings being very cousious. "Hm..." Why am I here? I continue to look around when this sorserer jumped infront of me. "Azerath metrion..." The man cast a spell on me and I couldn't move then he knocked me out. He grabbed me and chained me to a tree.

18. Dakota James walked through the forest steaming mad. "How could they?! My own family!" Her eyes are the color of fire and she now has streaks of red in her hair. "I'm their daughter for Pete's sake!" She punches a tree and it breaks in pieces. Dakota keeps walking. Why did they reject me? She thought. I'm their own flesh and blood. Am I different? Dakota keeps walking till she got to a huge tree. She leaned against it and stares at the ground. WHY DID THEY REJECT ME?! She thought to herself punching the ground.

19. A young angel stood in a clearing, play her violin for the animals. She smiles as the animals listen to the melody. As the angel played her violin flowers bloomed and her music filled the forest.

20. Crystal walked through the forest humming a small song. Ceci my playmate come out and play with me. Slide down my rainbow, onto my apple tree. And we'll be jolly friends, until the rainbow sings. We'll be forever friends until the end. She sang in her head smiling. Crystal continued to walk around in the forest. "I wonder where I am." She said opening her hand so she can see her palm. A blue light shines up and a module of the forest appears. "Ok. I'm here." She points to a tall oak tree. "And The lake is here." Crystal moves her finger 30 degrees north. "Ok." She closes her hand and the map disappears. She heads north and soon comes to the lake. When she gets to the lake she finds a swing and runs to it. "Yay." She gets on and swings herself singing. "Ceci my playmate come out and play with me. Slide down my rainbow, onto my apple tree. And we'll be jolly friends, until the rainbow sings. We'll be forever friends until the end."

21. Stephony was walking through the forest singing to herself. She pulls out her sword and pretends to battle. She thrusts forward and yells, "Take that you demon!" she laughs and runs up a tree and pushes off the trunk doing a back flip. She cuts the tree. "Die!" She giggles and cuts off a branch of the tree. She climbs up and sits on a branch saying, "Fear no more villagers. I have killed the demon." She bursts out laughing. Stephony jumps down from the branch and takes off running. She smiles and puts away her sword. Stephony kept on running until she got to the lake. She stood behind a tree not sure whether or not she should go near it.She put her hand on her sword ready to draw it if necessary. Stephony looked at the lake to see if anything has changed. Nothing. She thought. She looked at the forest floor. Maybe I should just go home. She sighs and sits down.

22. A young mage named Kilala skipped through the forest singing. She ran up to a hill and layed down at the top smiling. "I hope this day will never end." She said to herself. She watched the clouds go by and soon fell asleep. When Kilala woke up she was tied up inside a tent. What the? Where am I? She thought. She looked around the tent. Inside there were ropes,chains, and cloths. Kilala tried to stand but fell. She looked at her legs and saw that chains were wrapped around her ankels and pinned to the ground. Great. Kilala tried to scream but a cloth was over her mouth. Outside she heard men talking. "We have the mage, so now what?" One man said. "I say we keep her as our slave and make her use her magic on others." Hearing this she looked around for a way out. This day can't get any worse. She thought sighing. She tried to use her magic but her magic didn't work. She closed her eyes and layed down. Kilala soon fell asleep. The men came in shook her awake. "Wake up brat." One said. Kilala opened her eyes. The men throw Kilala to the ground. "Alright listen up mage. Your going to work for us. Your going to use your power to kidnap others. Kilala stared at them and shook her head. "You have no choice!" The man slapped her across the face. The mage stared at the ground. "Just leave ehr with no food or water for a few days. She'll cave in." Another man said as they walked out of the tent.

23. A small demon fox named Kilala walked through the forest sniffing the ground. She scratches behind her ear and mews. Kilala yawns and continues walking. She jumps up onto a branch. Kilala looks down and watches the people pass by. "Mew." She lays down still watching the people. Kilala yawns and paws at a hanging leaf.

24. Lisa walked throught the forest staring at the ground. She sighs. Lisa sings softly to herself. She sits down and hugs her knees. "It's so cold out." she said shivering. She rests her head on her knees and closes her eyes. I'm not welcome anywhere. She thought before falling asleep.

25. Lizzy sat in the darker part of the forest reading her poetry book. One poem she read aloud. "Each afternoon as the temperature
climbs into the hundreds,
I bloom, rich and fragrant, deep colors,
vibrant against the parched earth.
My life undulates like meringue on a pie I once baked for a man
who had no sweet tooth.

Dusty memories stir as I stand alone
against the darkening sky,
anticipating the rain." She smiled and continued to read. As time went by she sang. She sighed and closed her book. Lizzy stood up and looked around. She saw no one. Where is everyone? She thought. She put her book in her bookbag and began walking. She stopped in a clearing and looked through her bag. "Where is it?" She asked herself. Lizzy sighed and looked around. She closed her bag and looked around for a river. She took out a notepad and sat down by a tree. She got out a math book and did some homework. In almost 8 minutes she stood up and put her books away. "Now where to?" She looked around. Nothing. Lizzy shivered as the air got cooler.

26. A little girl ran through the forest with some men behind her. "Get back here!" A man yelled. The girl was now crying. "Leave me alone!" She ran to the darker part of the forest hoping to lose them. While running she tripped on a root of a tree and fell forward, hitting her head hard. The men suround her. "What now? She's out cold." One man said poking her with a stick. "Just grab her. She won't be a handfull like this." A man picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. The men walked to their camp and tied her to a tree. She stayed knocked out for a couple hours then when she woke up is was almost sunrise. Her head was bleeding and she had a headache. She looked around. Where am I? She thought.

27. Ashleia wandered through the forest writing poetry. She smiled and said a poem, "A friend is a treasure that everyone has
Sometimes they come, sometimes they pass
Your friends will stay if you don't betray or lie
Or leave them behind
Just put this on your mind
A friend is what you need
To succeed in this life
In this world were you can't live you can't breath
Life will be unfair but your friend will be there
To give you hope, and faith
And a path that is right to take
This will lead you to your dreams
That you never thought would come true
That is being friends forever with you.
Sometimes you forget
What your friend has done
You just stab them in the back
And leave them behind
But when it comes to them
And they don't do the same
You just turn your back
And do it again
But one sunny day
You will be alone
Then you will realize
that all you once had is gone." Ashleia continued walking and put her note pad away in her backpack.

28. Katie ran throught the forest quickly. She looked behind her and still saw the demons. She grabbed a branch and flipped over a river. When she hit the ground she continued running. A twig got tangled in her ribbon and pulled it out. "I've got to find a place to hide." She said to herself throwing knock out daggers at the demons. Four dropped to the ground asleep. Katie kept running. She jumped over a root but fell to the ground. "Crap." She hurried to get up. She sighed and looked behind her. She saw no demons. "No more demons." She smiled and leaned against the tree. She looked in her backpack and got a cookie. Katie smiled and started to eat when she heard a strange sound. She put her snack away and looked around. "Hmm....."

29. Akuti walked through the forest with her friend, a baby fox. "hiya tsa-lu-yi is u-li-si-gi." She said looking around. Akuti walked to the edge of a cliff and sat down on a boulder. She took out an old flute and played a native american lullaby. She closed her eyes and the wind blew through her hair softly. The baby fox fell asleep by the rock that Akuti was sitting on. The lullaby ended and she looked at the sky. She smiled and stood up. Akuti was the Hindi chief's daughter. Her name meant princess. When she was a little girl her tribe was burned down and she lost her memory. Akuti sat down and hugger knees. She tried to remember her past but everything was blank. She sighs and lays down, watching the clouds.

Zoey ran through the forest in pouring rain and lighting. She ran into the darker section of the forest. Lightning hit a tree and Zoey tried to dive under it but got one of her legs stuck under it. She started to cry as the pain in her leg worsened. The rain poured harder. She looked around for anyone to help her but her vision blurred and she fell unconscious, due to loss of blood. She laid in the rain. The rain soon stopped. When Zoey woke up, she was in a tent and her arms were chained to the ground. Her leg was broken and covered in blood. She looked around and saw men sleeping around her. She saw a fire in the middle.Zoey pulls on the chains and they come out of the ground. She sat up and grabbed a stick. She stood up and got out of the tent. Once outside she tried to run but only got to the tree where she was knock out. Zoey fell to the ground, losing her strength to go on. She laid there clenching her necklace.

31. Ashlee and her kitten Nemo wandered through the forest. Ashlee saw a river and walked over to it and knelt down beside it. She smiled as Nemo meowed seeing his reflection in the water. Ashlee cupped her hands and scooped up some water and washed her face. Ashlee sits down and dipped her feet in the water. She laid back and Nemo laid down on top of her. Ashlee closed her eyes and sighed happily.

32. A young mermaid swam around in a lake. She laughs a little. The mermaid's name was Aquela. She was sixteen and very pretty to the other mermen. Aquela sat on a rock under the waterfall and looked at the shore. She looked at the night sky and sighed. When will the sun rise? She thought to herself. She looked around for anyone to talk to. Aquela dove into the water and swam to the edge. She sat on land and looked for anything to add to her collection. She found a spoon, a brush, and a bracelet. Aquela dived back into the water and swam behind the waterfall where her collection was. She put her items where they would fit in and swam out, back to shore.

33. A young fairy named Rose flew around the forest looking for a special flower. She found it and pulled on it. As she pulled some men came and captured her in a bottle. "LET ME OUT!" Rose yelled. "Not a chance." One man said shaking the bottle. Rose got dizzy and fell. The men started to walk toward a cabin where they kept other fairies. "this is the last fairy we need to open our shop boys." A man said shaking the bottle Rose was in before putting her on a shelf with other earth fairies.

34. A small fairy sat under a tree crying. "Mommy? Daddy?" The fairy was only 5 years old and she was separated from her parents. The truth was, they died protecting her from a demon. "Mommy,Daddy? Where are you?" She continued to cry, looking around. She was scared and lonely. She hugged her knees and buried her head into them.

35. A young demon named Max sat at the edge of a cliff watching all the girls panic. "Wow the girls here are weak." She said to herself. Max kicked her feet back and forth. She closed her eyes and tilted her head up. While she had her eyes closed a boy walked up behind her crying. He grabbed Max's wrists and held her over the cliff. "Forgive me." He said looking at her. The boy kissed her cheek then let go of her. She screamed as she fell. Max tried to open her wings but she couldn't. She looked at the ground and screamed higher. Max extended her arm and got hold of a rock on the side of the cliff. She breathed heavy catching her breath. Her heart beats fast. She looks up and starts climbing. She gets to a small ledge and sat down. She caught her breath and looked around. The ledge started to crumble and she started falling again. Max extended her wings and caught herself before she hit the ground. She flew back up to where she was dropped and looked around for the boy. She stood at the cliff looking down at the forest. I lost him. She thought. Her eyes turn blood red. She extended her arms in front of her and darkness started to form over the forest. "Darkness, seek out the men that try to kill for no reason or for the wrong reason and put them in a dream of sorrow and loneliness." The wind shifted and blew around her. Max looked at the darkening sky.

36. Matt laid on the ground in a pool of blood, slowly breathing. She had her eyes closed. She remembered seeing the man that did this with a knife and running at her. Matt did not believe in fighting so she tried to dodge. The knife put a deep cut in her left arm. Matt was a half demon so she should have expected someone to try and kill her. Now Matt just lays there, thinking about how life would have been if she wasn't half demon. She has lost over half her blood now and she new if she did not get help soon she would die. She tried to yell but no words came out. Matt slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

37. A young girl named Emma sat under a tree reading a school book. She was in the forest studying for an up-coming exam. Emma sighed and rested her head against the tree. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep to the sound of the river flowing that was close by.

38. Sarah skipped through the forest holding a twig full for beautiful flowers. "Mommy is going to love these flowers." She told herself. She smiles and starts to walk. She looks around. "Where am I? I don't recognize this part." She stops walking. Sarah points forward a little and a small ball of light appears. "This forest keeps moving." She sighed. The little girl looked around. Sarah started walking again.She bit the bottom of her lip a little. She was scared now.

39. Ashlee(the older one) and Kristen(the younger one) waved good bye to their parents and walked into the forest. "Ashee,where we going?" Kristen asked. "We're going to the castle to ask the king to help mommy and daddy." Ashlee said picking her up. "Why we do dat? We no need help." Kristen said sternly. "Why do you think that Kris?" Ashlee asked her walking forward. "Because we're fine. I think mommy and daddy just wanted time alone." Ashlee giggled. "Maybe they did. And if so we should let them." "Ok Ashee." They continued walking. Ashlee looked around the forest for a guess at which way the ox-tiger was(aka northeast). "Kristen do you have the compass mom gave you?" She asked her younger sister. "No. I weft it at home." "Okay then." Ashlee sighed. They walked for a couple hours and Kristen fell asleep. Ashlee moved Kristen onto her back and continued walking, looking for a river or clearing.

40. Adriana walked across the beach of a deserted island with her animal friends. She smiles. "What do you want to do today Rodger?" She asked a beaver. "I'm not sure how about you Lizzy?" Rodger asked a pecan. "How about we go swing from the vines?" Lizzy said doing a flip. Adriana laughed and continued to walk. "Alright and I love the dress you made for me Lizzy." The pecan smiled and said, "No problem." The trio continued to walk along the beach when Adriana stopped and stared at the ocean. "Something wrong ma'am?" Rodger asked. "There's something in the ocean. It's big and it's coming our way." Rodger looked at Lizzy. Lizzy nodded and said to Adriana, "We have to tell you something Adriana. Come with us." Lizzy flew toward the trees and to their home. Adriana race after her. "Wait Lizzy! What is that thing?" Adriana finally gets to the house and sat down. "Now what was it you wanted to tell me Lizzy?" Rodger walked over to her and sat down. "That thing in the ocean is a boat. You weren't born here. You were born somewhere else. You were on a boat when it crashed on this island when you were a baby. We raised you here." Adriana listened to them for a while. "Well then lets go greet the people on the boat." She said happily even though she was really depressed. She raced to the beach and started waving to the ship. She smiled and waited for the boat to arrive.

41. Savanna Lancaster was outside in her front yard playing with her puppy when her father came home from work drunk. "Dad are you ok?" She asked standing up. "Get away from me, you spoiled rotten brat." He yelled slapping her across the face. Savanna watched her father enter the house. There was a huge mark on her cheek from the slap. Savanna bit her lower lip then walked inside. As soon as she entered the house her father had a knife and a gun out. He looked at her and used the knife to make a deep cut in her arm. Savanna ran away crying. "GET BACK HERE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING WITCH!" She heard her father yell. Savanna stopped running then looked back at the house. She lifted her hand and made vines cover the house and crush it. No one knew but Savanna and her father that Savanna had this ability and more. Savanna turned from the house and ran into town.

User Comments: [3]
Katu Khan
Community Member

Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 01:11am

Very Very Cute Journal entry you got there.; I say that you are challanging the reader to write you a few of the pictures I think. Is that so? I am willing to take up that challange if you don't mind. Of course I'll mail you about this for a quicker response.

Community Member

Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 08:59pm

cool pictures

Katu Khan
Community Member

Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 11:40pm

I still like it but you changed it up I see I wonder why the change. was it too confusing for the readers to understand? I liked it and I request that you challange me with one of your little responses. I think that it would be a cute adventure.

User Comments: [3]
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