Due to my schedule, limited transportation and the location of places I need to be, I've been very low on sleep and find myself actively seeking places to nap...its been an interesting and educational experience. So the stray has hunted successfully and sometimes not so successfully for little nooks to cat nap in. ^_^ Lucky for me I won't have to keep this up much longer. I've submitted a request for a change of schedule at work and hopefully it will take affect soon so I can get more sleep at night.
Update on the house hunting: My dad got a "good" lead on an apartment and he'll be checking that out today after work; so I'm looking forward to his call. I've been diligently pouring over newspapers and websites for a place too, so no even though I'm napping I haven't been slacking. sweatdrop
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"Nosce te ipsum" (Know thy self) --Latin Proverb
I tend to get distracted by shiny objects and wander away, so please quote me if you'd like to get my attention.[/color:ba176895f2]
yum_strawberry yum_tea yum_strawberry