I wish I could do that! I would have a BLAST at school!!! xp Ya Know, school is only made to make kids suffer!! We could probably deal just fine on our own without it!!! I think.. stare ....hehehe never mind sweatdrop
I was thinking last night, and I have begun to question the theory of Human kinds' EVOLUTIN. Ok...so if the whole thing about us being related to monkeys is true, then, after the monkey came a primate life from called " The Neanderthals (sp?)" The Ne- uhhh.."primate life forms" were considered to be brutal, stupid, anmd hostile. Well, to ME that sounds a lot like man TODAY! So, in question, did we really EVOLVE. Sure, we evolved physically, but how about mentally??? We may be able to speak and do things THEY couldn't, but really, did we really evolve any futher than that at all?????? question We may never know. <.<..>.>..Or will we?? stare
I am now reading " A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS"! YEEEEEEEESS!! twisted I have been wanting to read the books ever since I saw the movie! mrgreen The movie was Kick - a** by the way, hehehe..Next on my reading list is : THE HITCH HIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY!"