Animal Symbolism
Adder- Transformation, Healing, Life Energy, Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Cunning, Reincarnation
Alligator, Crocodile- Maternal Protection, Connection to the Earth Mother, Protection from Manipulation, Understanding Deceit, Revenge Through Patience, Initiation, Understanding Weather, Access to Ancient Knowledge, Aggression, Survival, Adaptability
Ant- Patience, Stamina, Planning, Energy, Communal Living, Storing for the Future, Group Minded, Perseverance, Step by Step, Teamwork, Industriousness, Order and Discipline
Badger- Keeper of Stories, Bold Self-Expresssion, Aggressiveness, Single-Mindedness, Passion, Cunning, Revenge, Perseverance, Control, Antidote to Passivity or Victimization, Persistence in the Service of a Mission, Groundedness, Knowledge of the Earth, Earth Magick and Wisdom, Creative Action in a Crisis, Protection of Rights and Spiritual Ideas
Bat- Death and Rebirth, Guardian of the Night, Cleaner
Bear- Introspection, Healing, Solitude, Change, Communication with Spirit, Death and Rebirth, Transformation, Astral Travel, Creature of Dreams, Shamans and Mystics, Visionaries, Defense and Revenge, Wisdom, Thoughtfulness, Need for Retreat, Rest, Natural Strength, Primal Power, Sovereignty, Intuitions Married with Instinct, Awakening the Power of the Unconscious, Introspection, Mother, Cunning, Healer, Dreaming, Direction, Connection to Creator, Nature's Pharmacist
Beaver- Doer, Builder, Gatherer
Bee- Connection to the Goddess Diana, Understanding Female Warrior Energy, Reincarnation, Communication with the Dead, Helping Earth-Bound Spirits Move on to Their Proper Place, Concentration, Prosperity, Community, Celebration, Organization, Fertility and the Honey of Life, Sweetness of Truth
Blackbird- Enchantment, The Gateway, The Inner Call, Understanding of the Energies of Mother Nature
Boar- The Warrior Spirit, Leadership, Direction
Bobcat- Clear Vision in Dark Places, Vigilance, Suspicion, Seeking Ancient Mystical Mysteries, Ability to Live in Solitude, Ability to See Through Masks
Buffalo- Earth Creativity, Feminine Courage, Abundance, Knowledge, Generosity, Hospitality, Sharing Work, Courage, Strength, Challenge, Survival, Giving for the Greater Good, Formulating Beneficial Plans, Prayer, Sacredness, Life Builder.
Bull- Wealth, Potency, Beneficence, Fertility
Cat- Independence, Protection, Love, Allows us to Dream its Dreams, Assists in Meditation, Ability to Fight when Cornered, Mystery, Magic, Guardianship, Detachment, Sensuality, Aloofness, Balance, Wisdom, Recuperative Power, Reincarnation, Strong Protector, Self-Assured, Searching for Hidden Information, Seeing Spirits
Chameleon- Use of Color as Camouflage, Survival, Patience, Ability to Climb to Attain Ones Goals, Using the Sun as a Source of Power
Cheetah- Ability to Focus Intently on Something for a Short Period of Time, Swiftness, Self-Esteem, Accelerating Time, Keenness of Sight, Speed, Making Events Occur Quicker
Cobra- Soul Guide, Memory of the Soul World, Transmutation of the Soul, Past Life Memories, Wisdom of the Goddess, Freedom from Religious Persecution
Cougar- Using Leadership Power Wisely and Without Ego, Balancing Power, Intention, Strength, Gaining Self-Confidence, Freedom from Guilt, Cunning, Savagery, Fury, Remorseless, Hunting, Seeking of Freedom, Balancing Intention, Power, Coming into Your Own Power, Courage, Swiftness, Balance
Cow- Being Alert to Danger, Contentment, Great Mother Goddess, Love, Connection to the Grasses, Sharing through Community, Vitality, Health, Prosperity, Life of the Land, Nourishment, Motherhood
Coyote- Understanding That All Things are Sacred--Yet Nothing is Sacred, Intelligence, Ability to Laugh at One’s Own Mistakes, Shape-Shifting, Teaching Balance Between Risk and Safety, Illumination, Stealth, Clowning and Humor, Wisdom of Folly, Prankster, Insight, Playful.
Crab- Ability to Escape by Moving Sidewise, Understanding the Power of Dance, Ability to Move Through Water (Emotions), Male Aspects of Community, Protection of Home Space
Crow- Guardian of the Place Before Existence, Carrier of Souls from Darkness into Light, Working Without Fear in Darkness, Guidance While Working in Shadow, Moves Freely in the Void, Understands all Things Related to Ethics, Shapeshifter, Secret Magic of Creation, Thief, Trickery, Boldness, Skill, Cunning, Single-Mindedness, A Bringer of Knowledge, Swiftness, Eloquence
Deer, Stag- Gentleness, Healing, Connection to the Earth and the Forest, Keen Scent, Grace, Swiftness, Being Alert for Any Danger, Psychic Powers, Innocence, Love, Kindness, Sensitivity, Pride, Independence, Purification, Strength, Nobility.
Dog- Guidance, Protection, Loyalty, Faithfullness, Devotion, Trust
Dolphin- Change, Wisdom, Balance, Harmony, Communication Skills, Freedom, Trust, Water Element Magick, Life, Breath, Communion with Nature, Protection, Psychic Awareness, Eloquence, Freedom, Magick, Discovery, Truth, Kindness, Play.
Dove- Peace, Love, Spirit messenger, Feminine Energies, Maternity, Prophesy
Dragon- Ancient Powers, Intelligence, Ferocity, Elemental Magick, Extra Power, Protection, Intruction in the Spiritual
Dragonfly- Dreams, Illusions, Understanding Dreams, Truth, Power of Light (Luminescence of Colors), Flighty, Carefree.
Eagle, Golden Eagle, Sea Eagle- Swiftness, Strength, Courage, Wisdom, Keen Sight, Illumination of Spirit, Healing, Creation, Knowledge of Magick, Ability to See Hidden Spiritual Truths, Connection to Spirit Guides and Teachers, Power, Intelligence, Renewal, Clear Vision, The Solar Bird, Spiritual Power, Carries Souls Back to the Dreamtime, Soul World Memory, Retrieves Lost Soul Parts.
Elk- Strength, Agility, Freedom, Power, Nobility
Elephant- Memory, Strength, Ancient Wisdom, Power
Falcon- Soul Healing, Accompanying the Soul Back to the Soul World, Teaching Swiftness, Controlling Speed and Movement, Understanding Magick, Astral Travelling, Healing
Fox- Shapeshifting, Cleverness, Observational Skills, Cunning, Stealth, Camouflage, Feminine Courage, Invisibility, Ability to Observe Unseen, Persistence, Gentleness, Swiftness, Diplomacy, Wildness, Adaptation, Slyness, Wisdom, Protection, Provider, Intelligence.
Frogs, Toads- Sensitivity, Medicine, Hidden Beauty and Power, Cleansing, Healing Magicks, Faith, Miracles
Goat- Sure Footedness, Seeking New Heights
Goose- Viligance, Parenthood, Productive Power, The Call of the Quest, Travels to Legendary Places, Luck, Innocence, Story Telling, Fertility, Fidelity, Symbol of 8 and Infinity
Hawk- Clear-Sightedness, Being Observant, Far-Memory, Messages from Spirit, Guardianship, Recalling Past Lives, Courage, Wisdom, Illumination, Seeing the Larger Picture, Creativity, Truth, Experience, Wise Use of Opportunities, Overcoming Problems, Nobility, Recollection, Cleansing, Visionary Power, Defense, New Life, Primal Life Force, Fulfillment, Messenger
Hornet, Wasp, Yellowjacket- Use of Female Warrior Energy, Sisterhood, Understanding Female Societies, Communal Living
Horse- The Goddess, the Land, Travel, Power, Freedom, Strength, Movement, Grace, Dignity, Stamina, Endurance, Faithfulness, Journey, Swiftness, Friends, Loyalty, Astral Traveling.
Hummingbird- Messenger, Stopper of Time.
Jaguar- Seeing the Roads Within Chaos, Understanding the Patterns of Chaos, Moving Without Fear in the otherworld realms, Facilitating Soul Work, Empowering Oneself, Moving in Unknown Places, Shapeshifter, Psychic Sight, Releasing Fear
Leopard, Snow Leopard- Sensitivity to Touch, Stalking, Approaching Someone Unseen, Movement in Shadow Worlds, Communication with Plant Kingdom, Understanding One’s Shadow Side, Trusting One’s Inner Self, Agility, Strength
Lion- Letting Go of Stress, Strong Family Ties, Strength, Courage, Energy, Ferocity, Assertion of the Feminine and the Power of the Female Sun
Lizard- Detachment from Ego, Power to Regenerate That Which is Lost, Facing Fear, Controlling Dreams, Moving in the Otherworld, Conservation, Agility.
Lynx- Keenness of Sight, Divination, Developing Psychic Senses, Keeper of all Secrets and Mysteries, Movement Through Time and Space, Secrets and Vision of the Hidden and Unseen
Moose- Headstrong, Unstoppable Longevity.
Mountain Lion- Using Leadership Power Wisely and WithoutEego, Balancing Power, Intention, Strength, Gaining Self-Confidence, Freedom from Guilt, Cunning
Mouse- Shyness, Quiet, Attention to Detail, Sneakiness
Otter- Joy, Playfulness, Sharing, Feminine Power, Helpfulness, Sharing, Adventure, the Magick of Joy, Youthful Exuberance, Zeal, Laughter, Curiosity, Mischievous.
Owl- Silent and Swift Movement, Seeing Behind Masks, Keen Sight, Messenger of Secrets and Omens, Shape-Shifting, Link Between the Dark, Unseen World and the World of Light, Comfort with Shadow Self, Moon Magick, Freedom, Silent Wisdom, Nocturnal Vision, Healing Powers, Magical, Detachment, Change, the Mystery of Magic, Omens, the Arts, Watchfulness, Night Magicks, Truth, Patience.
Panther- Astral Travel, Guardian Energy, Symbol of the Feminine, Understanding of Death, Reclaiming Ones Power, Ability to Know the Dark, Death, Rebirth, Swiftness, Cunning, Strength, Perseverance, Boldness, Beauty,. Gaining Confidence
Phoenix- Overcoming Impossible Odds, Reincarnation, New Life/Cycles, Cleansing Energy of Fire, Rebirth, Renewal, Growth Spiritually, Strength, Energy
Pig, Sow- Crone Goddess, Rooting out the Truth, Deep Earth Magick, Past Life Knowledge, Intelligence, Cunning, Generosity, Nourishment, Discovery
Rabbit, Hare- Guile, Quick-Thinking, Humility, Strengthening Intuition, Releasing Fear, Overcoming the Past, Resolution to Change, Fertility, New Life, Alertness, Nurturing, Rebirth, Balance
Raccoon- Curiosity,Creativity, Dexterity, Disguise
Raven- Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation, Help with Divination, Wisdom, Eloquence, Magick of the Crone, Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder.
Salamander- Connects Earth and Water, Connection to Soul Memories, Change, Comfort in Darkness, Ability to Cloak in the Face of Adversity
Salmon- Understanding Divination Messages, Rebirth of Spiritual Knowledge, Instinct, Persistence, Determination, Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation
Scorpion- Death, Rebirth, Transmutation, Repelling Negativity
Seal- Protection, Lucid dreaming, Creativity, Love, Longing, Dilemma, Active Imagination
Shark- Ability to Move Constantly, Remorselessness, Never Being Caught Off Guard, Ability to Defend Oneself, Hunter, Survival, Adaptability
Sheep, Ram- Confidence in Ones Abilities, Fertility, Courage, New beginnings, Abundance, Assurance in New Areas, Sacrifice, Breakthrough, Achievement
Skunk- Sensuality, Respect, Self Esteem, Shrewdness, Transformation, Life, Death, Rebirth, Rain, Fertility, Transmutation
Snake- Elusiveness, Transmutation, Exploration of the Mysteries of Life, Primitive or Elemental Energy, Protection from Religious Persecution, Goddess Energy, Psychic Energy, Creative Power, Immortality, Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, Wisdom, Healing, Transformation.
Sphinx- Initiation, End of a Cycle, Element Magick, Meeting the Dark Mother
Spider- Master Weaver, Weaver of the Web of Fate, Wisdom, Creativity, Divine Inspiration, Shapeshifting, Understanding the Patterns of Illusion, Female Energy for the Creative Force of Life, Creative, Connecting the Past with the Future, Creating Possibilities, Weaver of the Primordial Alphabet.
Squirrel- Conservation, Storage, Activity, Preparedness
Swan- Sensitive, Emotional, Dreamer, Mystic, Longevity, Awakening the True Beauty of the Power of the Self, Soul, Love, Beauty, Self-Transformation, Self-Images, Intuition, Empathy, Moon Magicks, Grace, Balance, Innocence
Tarantula- Ability to Shed the Outer Skin (Masks) and Transform, Creativity, Spinning a Web to Entrap Enemies, Defense of Territory, Intimidation by Size, Use of Environment to Conceal Oneself
Tasmanian Devil- Self-Defense, Protection of Territory, Ability to Use Perseverance When Necessary, Understanding of How and When to Fight
Tiger- Power, Energy, Strength and Will-Power in the Face of Adversity, Acting in a Timely Manner, Action Without Analysis, Passion, Devotion, Sensuality
Turtle- Symbol of the Earth, Connection with the Center, Navigation Skills, Patience, Self-Boundaries, Associated with the Feminine, Power to Heal Female Diseases, Respecting the Boundaries of Others, Developing New Ideas, Self-Reliance, Tenacity, Nonviolent Defense, Motherhood, Linking Heaven to Earth, Awakening to Opportunities, Creative Source, Informed Decisions, Planning, Adaptability, Slow Progress, Retreat, Grounding, Chasity, Conservation, Mother Earth, Longevity
Unicorn- Spirit of Purity, Innocence, Childhood
Whale- Record Keeper for all Eternity, All Knowledge Associated with Voice, Psychic and Telepathic Abilities, All Aspects of the Sea, Beauty of Movement, Creation, Power of Song, Awakening Inner Depths, Ancient Knowledge, Sound Awareness
Wolf- Facing the End of One's Cycle with Dignity and Courage, Death and Rebirth, Spirit Teaching, Instinct Linked with Intelligence, Social and Family Values, Outwitting Enemies, Steadfastness, Skill in Protection of Self and Family, Taking Advantage of Change, Intuition, Learning, the Shadow, Guardinaship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, a Pathfinder, Psychic Energy, Inner Divinity, Teaching, Careful Study, Cunning, Escaping Hunters, Ability to Pass by Dangers Invisibly, An Astral Wolf Could Lead You to a Spiritual Teacher, Strong Protection, Spiritual Guidance in Dreams and Meditations, the Teacher, Success, Perseverance, Stability, Thought
Wolverine- Revenge, Understanding Aggression, Protection Against Attackers, Multilevel Protection, Standing your Ground, Fierceness
Wyvern- Revenge, Retribution, Creating Protective Barriers of Fear as a Defense
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